Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why learn self hypnosis?

Self ? Hypnosis is known to be a good way to make positive changes in personnel -. A great help for those who are serious about self-improvement have been defined, but what exactly hypnosis is a state of suggestibility, in which the motif in? able to act uncritically accept the ideas for improving themselves and act accordingly. When a hypnotist hypnotizes his subject, known as hetero-hypnosis. If an individualputs you in a state of hypnosis is known as self-evident -. In both cases, hypnosis, the subject has reached a state of heightened suggestibility. Even in hetero-hypnosis, the subject, not the hypnotist's control really the answer to suggestions. In reality, all hypnosis is really self ? hypnosis, the subject enters the hypnotic state when he or she is fully ready, to do it .. This is anywhere from one to several attempts before itreached. Although the issue that just wants to be hypnotized, hypnosis can unknowingly resistance.

By car ? the same can be hypnotized, the subject strives to achieve self -. Hypnosis, but somehow escapes the state. What's going on? Maybe you have to resist unconsciously, not enough to achieve the hypnotic state and conditional and not know who in the state. The latterStatement may surprise you, but we will examine in detail a little 'later.

Most experts agree that about 90 percent of the population can be hypnotized. My feeling is that probably 99 percent can be hypnotized. Who among us is not influenced by suggestion? Are not we all, as we have seen, influenced by the suggestions of advertising? Not all have a tendency to believe what we read in the newspaper, listen to the radio or see on television? We are not all convinced that a brandItem is better than the generic equivalent?

My thesis is that we all can be influenced and mesmerized or hypnotized us therefore only a question of increased suggestibility that we already have. Do not start at the hypnotist suggesting relaxation? It is usually not the issue, to begin the topic, fix his attention on a particular object? Later, you can cue the subject that his eyes heavy and tired. As soon as the subject closes hisher eyes suggests she, that he be in a deep hypnotic state. At each step of the hypnotist guiding the subject along the lines will direct them to accept any further questions or suggestions. When the subject reached the final stage in this process was hypnotized.

We set to explore this idea. Suppose I say: "I'm gonna stick with this pin, it will not hurt.." You got me with pen drive? Of course not. Suppose we havebeen hypnotized and I repeat the same suggestion. What happens then? They willingly accepted the proposal as a fact. I'm going to keep using the pen, not even to turn back. In fact, it is not even feel the pain. This is what doctors can use hypno-anesthesia for surgery patients.

The achievement of hypnosis is a question of direct suggestibility that we already get to the hypnotic state.

A question that arises is: "Ifunder hypnosis, how can I make suggestions? "During the hypnotic state, it must be remembered, the subject is always aware of what happened. He hears what is said, and ends the following instructions when he was told to do so. In self-hypnosis, the subject in to control fully. Therefore, we think, to act reason to criticize, suggest or do whatever you want. You may submit suggestions, tips, or perhaps to hear mentally. In both cases hedo not wake up until the hypnotic state is not allowed and has no concrete proposals for it. Many fear that if they hear you make suggestions, they are "awake." In hypno-analysis, and in some types of guided imagery, the subject answered questions during the hypnotic state. After the subject not to interrupt the speech condition. You can keep the subject under hypnosis chatty all the time you want. In addition, the subject sitting upright with eyes open and stillunder hypnosis. Take this further, so the issue can not even aware of the fact that he is under hypnosis. It is a signal can be given if the therapist does not remember a particular move or say a certain word is in the hypnotic state return, but keep your eyes open. Only an expert hypnotist recognizes the change.

Another frequently asked question is: "How do I get back from self-hypnosis" Tell yourself that currentlyfive will open your eyes and wake up well. Many times the subject is asleep while giving post-hypnotic suggestions. This is undesirable because it would penetrate to the suggestions in the subconscious, as it leads out of the consciousness to unconsciousness. However, listening tapes while you sleep, hypnosis is probably not effective, although there is still debate on this issue.

A popular myth about hypnosis is that the person, his desire to leave,Hypnotist in the process of hypnosis. Many believe that once the issue is hypnosis, the hypnotist complete control over the subject and the subject was not able to resist the proposal. Both beliefs are completely wrong. I think the first misconception comes from Hollywood movies to see where the hypnotist asks the subjects to look into his eyes. The hypnotist suggests that while the issue continues to look into the eyes, without speaking, fall into a deephypnotic state. This is a question of who looks to whom. The topic usually starts blinking of his eyes and follows this with the hypnotist quick tips that subject's eyes watery and always difficult, and that the issue falls into a deep hypnotic sleep, as soon as he (the subject) closes his eyes. This method gives the viewer the impression that the motif "wanted" to go under hypnosis. It seems that once the hypnotist and concentratesenough, the person dies. In fact, the hypnotist is not to look into this technology into the eyes. He turned his attention to the nose of the topic.

The concept that the theme of a helpless automaton comes from movies in which the odd "mad scientist" hypnotized subjects behave like zombies. Of course, there is usually a pretty girl in the movie, and she was mesmerized. Even if the public is demandingenough to recognize that this purely fiction drama and entertainment, the theme is repeated enough to make an indelible impression in the subconscious in novels, comics and television. And "the art of telling the" big lie "so many times that it is credible. We are all affected by this procedure.

After the argument, that the subconscious mind can be influenced, you can see that a problem could arise even if the subject wants to be awarehypnotized. Unconsciously, it may be bad relationship with the hypnotist, and this may create an unfavorable climate for hypnosis. If this is the case, the customer does not respond to the hypnotist is a good relationship with the customer. I'm sure sometimes they said: If pressed for an answer, it usually responds, "For some reason I do not like the person." "I can not explain it, but I have a feeling about him." In fact, affect your reactions are your subconsciousand "feel" a certain way to think. The same happens in business. Either you like or dislike the proposal submitted to you. One can say: "I have a bad feeling to deal with it." It can not on the reasons, but your subconscious mind reacts automatically based on previous experience in a similar manner.

Now that you more about what to understand itself ? is hypnosis and how it works, how it improve your life, imagine what changes canYou with this wonderful instrument. Hypnosis is powerful and can be used to create the desired changes. Wait do not start this now, your subconscious mind with positive messages that you plan, rather than the negative messages we are surrounded by daily.


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