Saturday, August 13, 2011

Humanities ? There is real science behind psychic phenomena? (This ...

Let's take a closer look at the science of mental health for a few minutes ? and see if there is no concrete evidence of the paranormal in the laboratory. The simple truth is that many people who believe they have psychic gifts ?.. or even believe that it is possible to develop them, are held and reluctant to pursue on the road. Why? Stigma simple ..:-) ? socially and academically (if you are in this field) is great, because mind you say, you can explore the traditionalimpossible is just a waste of valuable time.

Filed under: the truth about mental Science Exposed

I know a lot of skeptics out there to cry foul ?. hurry But the simple truth is that psi phenomena in the laboratory environment has been over and over again and even more time proven. From experiments done by the Society for Psychical Research was 100 years ago, the Institute for Exploration RENO repeatable ESP has been done, the cacophony of real research done REALat that time by scientists around the world (Dean Radin, Charles Tart, Rupert Sheldrake and others too numerous to count) proof that the spirit to transcend the physical body actually estimated is as clear as possible to each, one has taken takes courage to look good and the evidence!

Still not convinced? Well! I hope not that would be my word alone ?.:-) go take a look for yourself and simply walk the path less traveled. Here you will find clues and discover the excitementLighting, exciting, and probably find the intellectual effort of transformation, yet! (I know it was for me!)


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