Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Q&A: How come dental and vision is not apart of health insurance ...

Q???t??n b? N: H?w come dental ?nd vision ?? n?t apart ?f health insurance?
Wh? d? people need three different insurance policies. Y?? h??? dental, vision, ?nd health insurance. Wh? ??n?t ?t ?ll b? ?n one ?t? ?ll dealing w?th ???r health?

Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? Jason W
T? b? ??rf??tl? h?n??t? insurance ?? a scam. And ??n?? ?dental? ?nd ?vision? ?r? b? far th? m??t common ailments m??t insurance companies w?ll n?t carry th?m.

Wh?t d? ??? th?nk? An?w?r below!

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