Saturday, August 20, 2011

Creative Scrapbooking Ideas | House Of Tips

If you are looking for a creative way in which you can preserve all your special memories for years to come, then you should try scrapbooking. All you need to do is capture these special moments using your digital camera, and then arrange then in your specially made scrapbook. Some of the special moments that you can include in your scrapbook are baby memories, wedding memories, courtship memories, and other family or friend memories that you wish to hold on to for a long time.

There are a number of items around your house that would make excellent scrapbook designs for decorating your scrapbook. An album is what a majority of scrapbookers use to create their own scrapbooks. This is primarily due to the fact that an album is bound thickly, and it can last for a very long time. Albums are available in various sizes, and there are quite a number of scrapbooking page ideas that would be able to transform an ordinary album into a scrapbook that holds a lifetime of memories.

Listed below are some great scrapbooking ideas that will aid you in creating a scrapbook that will hold your most cherished memories.

One of the best scrapbook ideas is to write suitable and catchy headings above each photograph. You have the option of creating your own headings, or you can look for some on the Internet. You may even choose the write the first thing that comes to your mind upon seeing these photographs, or you can write simple comments under them.

One of the easiest and most useful ways of decorating your scrapbook is by using felt pens to decorate the individual pages. You can use the pens to draw pictures, various designs and write captions. There are a wide variety of colored felt pens that are available; therefore, you will have a wide range of design options.

Another one of the great scrapbooking page ideas is to use colorful stones or shells to make designs. If your scrapbook contains memories of a beach vacation that you took, then it would be ideal to use shells to decorate the pages. If you wish you can collect the shells from the beach where you took your vacation.

One of the many scrapbooking ideas that are becoming very popular is decorating black and white photographs. You can give a unique look to your black and white photographs by using metal pieces to decorate them or by embossing them. If your scrapbook contains black and white photographs, never use bright colors to decorate it.

Creating embroidery designs is one way in which you can decorate the pages of your scrapbook. If you want, you can get some pieces of lace and glue them to the edges of your photographs, or you can glue buttons or beads of different colors to the pages.

If you are a parent, one of the best scrapbooking ideas would be to create a scrapbook of all your baby?s ?firsts.? If you do not have the time to decorate these pages by yourself, then you can go online and get templates that have already been decorated. Just glue in your baby?s photographs and then write the appropriate caption.

If you are a homemaker or even a chef, it would be great to find scrapbooking ideas for your collection of recipes. You can prepare a dish, take a picture of the completed dish, and then place it in your scrapbook along with the recipe.

There are a wide variety of scrapbooking ideas and these are inclusive of advanced printing, make use of digital photographs, and a number of other designing options that would make decorating the pages of your scrapbook easier and more fun.

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