Monday, August 22, 2011

Cold Weather Tips for Pets | Insurance Internet Leads

During the cold weather months, veterinarians and animal hospitals around the country see an increasing number of pet emergencies brought on by the harsh weather. However, these emergencies could have been prevented if pet owners were aware of preventive measures that could be taken to protect their dogs and cats from the outdoor elements.

?The winter months bring numerous hazards for your pet,? says Dr. Jeffrey Logan, D.V.M. of Northern Rhode Island Animal Hospitals of Rhode Island. Besides the harm that cold temperatures can cause to dogs and cats, Dr. Logan says he sees a growing number of emergencies related to cold weather related products, such as antifreeze, coolants and ice melts.

?Antifreeze is sweet tasting and a small amount kills,? warns Dr. Logan. ?Any suspected antifreeze ingestion should be tested and treated as an emergency.? He adds that ice melt is also unsafe for pets. ?Ice melt products can be toxic if enough is ingested,? says Dr. Logan.

To minimize pet emergencies from cold weather and cold weather related products, Dr. Logan offers these tips, which are also recommended by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA).

* Keep your cat inside. In the cold outdoors, cats are at risk for freezing to death.

* Cats seek shelter in places that provide protection from the elements, including car engines. Before starting your car, loudly bang on its hood to give any outdoor cat who may be sleeping there a chance to escape. Cats can be injured or killed by the fan belt if they are under the hood of a car.

* Keep your dog leashed on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm, and be sure I.D. tags are on. Dogs can lose their scent and easily become lost.

The Subsequent Story is out of Associated Content and brought to most people by cold laser

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