Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Twisted Matrix Laboratories: Evennia: Event-Driven Online Gaming ...

Do you have a hankering to run your own multi-user text-based game server? If you do, and you love Twisted, Evennia is the project for you! Through the power of Twisted, Evennia has built a MUD-server platform that not only provides traditional telnet access but also lets you play via the web! As Evennia maintainer Griatch Art put it:

Whereas traditional MUD servers only speak telnet, Evennia additionally comes with its own browser-based client and allows for expanding with custom game protocols in any combination. ... All of this is straightforward to implement and maintain thanks to Twisted!

Evennia also combines Twisted with Django, providing a comprehensive real-world case study of melding these two popular systems. ?As Griatch puts it, Twisted and Django "work beautifully together".

To find out more about how Twisted was the perfect fit for this massively multi-player platform and why the Evennia team chose Twisted, check out the success story.

Source: http://labs.twistedmatrix.com/2011/05/evennia-event-driven-online-gaming-with.html

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