Monday, May 9, 2011

Bin Laden Is Dead but Is al-Qaeda?

Bin Laden is dead but is Al Qaeda? Certainly, his terror organization could not die without its leader being killed or captured. In the last few months it was fashionable to say that bin Laden was irrelevant. But the fact that he was able to evade justice since 1998, when he authorized the bombings of the two American embassies in East Africa, emboldened terrorists all over the globe.

Al Qaeda will have a difficult time finding a successor. Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden?s chief lieutenant, has few of the qualities that would make for a successful leader. He?s anti-charismatic. He ran his own Egyptian terror organization, al-Jihad, into the ground. Anwar al-Awlaki, the Yemeni-American cleric now underground in Yemen, will continue to cause trouble, but it is unlikely...

Related Topics: Osama bin Laden, islamic radicalism


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