Friday, September 23, 2011

WebExercises? will be Exhibiting and Offer Free Web-Based Exercise

WebExercises? will be Exhibiting and Offer Free Web Based Exercise Software at the California Physical Therapy Association 2011 Annual Conference

Greenbrae, CA (PRWEB) September 19, 2011

WebExercises? is a one-of-a-kind exercise prescription program used by health and fitness professionals for prescribing corrective and rehabilitative exercises. WebExercises? is the brain child of Dr. David Cruz, and was developed over 5 years ago. currently, over 1,000 health care and exercise professionals are using WebExercises? for their patients and clients and obtaining successful results. WebExercises? is also a ?green? conscious company that has revolutionized the exercise prescription software industry with their eco-friendly email feature. to date nearly 400,000 print pages have been spared using the green-friendly email solution.

?WebExercises? has been an invaluable tool for our clinic. Doctors and patients alike have marveled at how easy it is to use, how clear the instructions are, and how complete the exercise database is. thanks for creating such a terrific program!? -Lily Huang, MD

WebExercises is committed to improving the quality of people lives through increased participation of exercise. to show their commitment, WebExercises will be giving away Free Basic accounts to health and fitness professionals at the California Physical Therapy Association 2011 Annual Conference giving them the ability to quickly and easily create concise personalized exercise programs. Our hope is to encourage all health and fitness professionals across the globe to create and send exercise programs to their patients and clients inspiring them to stay active and stay healthy.

Visit us in Long Beach September 22-24. stop by booth #502 and sign up for your free subscription to WebExercises?!

WebExercises? will be Exhibiting and Offer Free Web-Based Exercise Software at the California Physical Therapy Association 2011 Annual Conference

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