Friday, September 23, 2011

Cooking up Copyright ? (cookbooks and recipes) ? IP Legal ...

FACT: A recipe is not copyrightable

FACT: A cookbook is copyrightable

What does this mean?? It means that while a recipe itself (ie the mere listing of ingredients) is not protectable by copyright, other original elements embodied in a cookbook can be protected by copyright registration.? For example: the selection of recipes, layout, descriptions, illustrations, cover artwork, explanations and accompanying text are all elements of a cookbook that can be protected by copyright registration.

Most cookbooks contain a substantial amount of content that can be protected by copyright, even though the actual listing of ingredients is not copyrightable.

IN SUMMARY: register cookbooks for copyright protection? and keep secret ingredients?secret.

BY: Vanessa Kaster, Esq.

For more personalized legal services contact me at

for more from the US Copyright Office on recipes and cookbooks ?> ?and for more on how to register your cookbook for copyright registration for $35 ?>?

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Posted by Vanessa Kaster
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