Friday, July 29, 2011

Major Issues for Women in Sports Medicine | Service Gulino

With so many more women participating in sports and exercise it?s no surprise that women?s sports medicine has begun to evolve and grow quickly in importance. Despite all the benefits of physical activity, there are some risks involved, and women have to pay attention to certain issues. Consulting a sports medicine specialist or doctor will sometimes be necessary although there are also times when you can handle these yourself. The following are some health and sports related concerns that affect many women and that are important to be aware of.

A fairly common sports related problem that can occur with both men and women is a sprained ankle. This can occur when running, jumping, cycling or participating in any motion where the foot turns inward and the ankle ligaments become damaged. This frequently happens if you?re running on an uneven surface, or, during team sports, when you trip or collide with another player. While the best option is to avoid such injuries as much as possible by warming up, wearing proper footwear and being careful, in the real world accidents do happen. You should always seek medical attention for sprains, as if you try to ignore them or play through them, you could be delaying recovery.

Body image issues often cause girls and women to work out too hard and avoid eating enough to give their body the nutrients it needs. In the most extreme cases this problem with body image can lead to eating disorders known as anorexia and bulimia which are conditions where the person is so obsessed with losing weight that she will starve herself to achieve weight loss. Participants in sports such as gymnastics and figure skating, where there?s an emphasis on being thin, are especially prone to this. Just as there are health risks associated with being overweight, being too thin, especially when you?re very active, can also be dangerous. While this is at root a psychological issue, it can have serious medical consequences.

Women who engage in regular exercise to improve their health and weight may face special challenges in the lower body. It doesn?t matter if you want to lost weight around the stomach, hips or legs there are several options for exercise that will help in these areas. The best way to achieve great results is to engage in exercise of a strenuous nature such as circuit training where you get both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. These exercises range from comfortable motions to a more intense activity that will increase your heart and breathing rates significantly. The activities described above will force you to push your body to increase your fat burning power and your metabolism.

Where exercise and sports play are concerned there is now a vast knowledge base regarding women?s sports medicine that can help keep you safe and healthy. Although we?ve covered some important concerns in this article, you probably have issues that are particular to you, based on your own body and the type of activities you?re involved with. That?s why it?s important to find a good specialist who?s knowledgeable about women?s sports medicine.

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