Friday, June 24, 2011

How Google Chrome Web & Video Conferencing will Battle Skype

A little more than a month after Microsoft acquired Skype, Google has hatched a plan to develop web and video Conferencing directly into its Chrome browser.

Actually, the plan was set in motion last year, when Google purchased Global IP Solutions (GIPS), an Internet telophony and videoconferencing company. but the end for which the search giant was striving didn?t come into focus until it announced a project called WebRTC.

WebRTC is an open-source platform designed to create browser-based peer-to-peer communication tools, like web and video conferencing, via common programming languages like Javascript and HTML 5.

Chrome?s Henrik Andreasson confirmed that the tools built on WebRTC would be used for the Chrome browser, writing on the Chromium-dev blog:

?Our goal is to enable Chrome with Real-Time Communications (RTC)?capabilities via simple Javascript APIs,? wrote Andreasson. ?We are working hard to provide full?RTC support in Chrome all the way from WebKit down to the native audio and?video parts. When we are done, any web developer shall be able to create RTC?applications, like the Google Talk client in Gmail, without using any?plugins but only WebRTC components that run in the sandbox.?

Going beyond Chrome

Google?s future aspirations for WebRTC may go beyond Chrome.

In a WebRTC blog post, Google said it would be working with other browsers like Mozilla and Opera to develop real-time chat applications. Taking that cue, and remembering the WebRTC is open-source and royalty free, one could surmise that Google is making these chat and video conferencing applications so they could be used to create Skype-like services by anyone.

For example, CNET points out that since the application will be supported in multiple browsers,?anyone could build a rival to Skype with just a Web application.

Encouraging web-based peer-to-peer communications helps undermine Microsoft?s Skype while also pushing people toward web-based applications, tools in which Google is heavily invested.





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