Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bayer Drontal Cat Worming Tablet Single Xl Cat Tablet

Bayer Drontal Cat Worming Tablet Single Xl Cat Tablet This is the recommended treatment for worming selected by our own vet Drontal kills more varieties of Roundworm and Tapeworm than any other wormer. Contains Praziquantel, Pyrantel and Febantel. Drontal works with a single dose and kills all the common intestinal worms found in pets in the UK. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of pets. There are about 8 different types of intestinal worm that can infect cats in the UK. It is not always easy to spot the symptoms, and as your vet will tell you, that is why it's best to use Drontal at least every three months to prevent any serious worm infection. Drontal is the only wormer to kill every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats ? which is why vets prescribe it more often than all other wormers put together! Drontal XL cat is Suitable for large cats as they are specially formulated for cats of 4-6kg, so that most big cats can be treated with a single tablet. Drontal cat is suitable for average sized cats. One tablet required per 4kg of body weight every 3 months.. Both will tackle every type of intestinal worm your cat is ever likely to get, and both will do so with a single dose, and without having to starve your cat first. Pet-Supermarket provide you with the same medications you buy from your vet without a need for a prescription saving you time and money. Drontal should not be used in kittens less than 6 weeks of age. To avoid worms reaching maturity and affecting your pet's health, and to reduce public health risks, you should worm your pet regularly with Drontal. Worming at least every three months will reduce this risk, but ask your vet who will be able to evaluate your pet's health and your family's requirements and advise you on a specific worming routine for your pet. Don?t forget the flea control! Fleas are often infected with the larvae of the Flea Tapeworm, which can be transferred to your cat by swallowing the flea while grooming. So in order to control worms, you also need to control fleas. A spot-on treatment is the easiest way to protect your cat - but you may also need one that kills flea larvae in your pet's surroundings, to effectively break the flea lifecycle. If you don?t control a flea problem at the same time as worming, your cat is almost certain to be re-infected. Drontal works with a single dose and kills all the common intestinal worms found in pets in the UK. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of pets. Dosage InformationThe recommended dose rates are 57.5 mg/kg pyrantel embonate and 5 mg/kg praziquantel. This is equivalent to one Drontal Cat Tablets per 4 kg bodyweight and 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablets per 6 kg bodyweight.See dosage chart below for examples:Weight of CatNo of Drontal Cat TabletsNo of Drontal Cat XL Film-coated Tablets2kg?-4kg1-6kg1?or18kg210kg1plus1Administration and Duration of Treatment:For single oral administration. The tablets should be given directly to the animal, but if necessary can be disguised in foodUse During Pregnancy and Lactation: Not to be used during pregnancy but may be used during lactation.How often should I use Drontal? It is advised that an adult dog or cat should be treated for worms four times a year. There may be specific instances however where a regime of more frequent worming treatment is desirable. These would include the worming of puppies and kittens, hunting cats which eat mice, and dogs and cats which experience repeated flea problemsUsesControls every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of petsAscarids: Toxocara cati & Toxascaris leoninaTapeworm: Dipylidium caninum & Taenia taeniaeformis Contra-indications, warnings, etc: Not intended for use in kittens less than 6 weeks of age. Do not use simultaneously with piperazine compounds. Until sufficient studies have been performed with this combination, do not use during pregnancy.User Safety: In the interests of good hygiene, persons administering the tablets directly to a pet, or by adding them to the cat?s food, should wash their hands afterwards.For animal treatment only. Keep out of the reach of childrenEnvironmental Safety: Empty containers or part used product should be disposed of with household refuse. Unused product should be disposed of in accordance with any guidance from an appropriate waste regulation authority.Further informationDrontal? Cat Tablets and Drontal? Cat XL Tablets are an anthelmintic active against roundworms and tapeworms. The product contains two active ingredients, pyrantel embonate (pamoate) and praziquantel. Praziquantel is used widely as an anthelmintic for both human and veterinary use.Pyrantel acts as a cholinergic agonist. Its mode of action is to stimulate nicotinic cholinergic receptors of the parasite, induce spastic paralysis and thereby allow expulsion from the gastro-intestinal (GI) system by peristalsis.Praziquantel is very rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the parasite. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that praziquantel causes severe damage to the parasite integument, resulting in contraction and paralysis. There is an almost instantaneous tetanic contraction of the parasite musculature and a rapid vacuolisation of the syncytial tegument. This rapid contraction has been explained by changes in divalent cation fluxes, especially calcium.In this fixed combination product, the pyrantel is active against the following ascarids: Toxocara cati, and Toxascaris leonina; the praziquantel is effective against tapeworms, in particular Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis.The product has been shown to be effective in the control of hookworms Ancylostoma tubaeforme and A. braziliense and the tapeworm Joyeuxiella pasqualei, none of which occur naturally in cats in the UK but may occasionally be found in imported animals.Praziquantel is effective against Echinococcus multilocularis. E. multilocularis does not occur in the UK but is becoming more common in some European countries. As a precautionary measure to prevent establishment of E. multilocularis in the UK, it is recommended that all cats entering the country be treated with praziquantel.Fleas serve as intermediate hosts for one common type of tapeworm - Dipylidium caninum. Tapeworm infestation is certain to re-occur unless control of intermediate hosts such as fleas, mice etc. is undertaken.Drontal WormerYour worming questions answered Here are some of the questions that pet owners often ask about worms and worming. Q: How often should I worm my cat/dog with Drontal? It is advised that an adult dog or cat should be treated for worms four times a year. There may be specific instances however where more frequent worming treatment is desirable. These would include: worming of puppies and kittens; cats that hunt and eat mice; dogs and cats experiencing repeated flea problems.Q. What types of worm does Drontal wormers kill? It is important to remember that different wormers kill different types of worm. For example, piperazine is active only against roundworms and hookworms, whereas Drontal Plus Flavour controls all intestinal worms found in dogs in the UK, and Drontal Cat Tablets do a similar job for cats.Q: Will there be side effects, such as diarrhoea or sickness? Certain wormers, eg: those containing nitroscanate, may cause vomiting. In general, Drontal Plus Flavour and Drontal Cat Tablets don't have this effect, although the possibility of occasional vomiting can't be entirely ruled outQ: Do I have to give Drontal with or without food? Some wormers, such as those containing nitroscanate, require you to starve the animal before treatment. This is not necessary when you use Droncit, Drontal Plus Flavour, Drontal Cat Tablets, Drontal Puppy Suspension or Droncit Spot-on.Q: Which wormer should I use? Bayer Animal Health offers a whole range of small animal wormers. Only Drontal Plus (for dogs) and Drontal Cat tablets kill every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK dogs and cats. Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies is available for use in puppies and young dogs, up to 1 year old. This product will control roundworms, whipworms and hookworms, and is available as an easy to use liquid. Most puppies should not need to be treated for tapeworms, making Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies a very suitable choice. Should a puppy need tapeworm treatment however, then Drontal Plus is licensed for use in puppies from 2 weeks old. Should one need to specifically treat for tapeworms, Droncit Injection and Tablets are licensed for use in both dogs and cats. In addition, the new formulation, Droncit Spot-on, is now available as an easy to use spot-on treatment for cats.Q: How do I administer the wormer? Drontal Plus Flavour and Drontal Cat Tablets are both sold as tablets. These may be given whole or may be concealed in food. Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies comes as a pink suspension and is given to the puppy/young dog by means of a syringe which makes oral dosing simple. Droncit is available as an injection which your vet will administer, or as a spot-on liquid which you simply squeeze on to the back of your cat's neck.Q: At what age should I start worming my puppy/kitten? It is quite feasible for puppies to be born with worm larvae already present, having been exposed to them while still in the bitch's womb. It is advisable, therefore, to start a worming programme at 2 weeks of age, and to continue worming once a fortnight until 12 weeks old. It is also advisable to treat the bitch at the same time as the pups. Once a pup reaches 12 weeks of age, it should then be treated at 3 monthly intervals.By contrast, kittens are not born with worm larvae already present, so worming does not need to start until 6 weeks old, with further treatments every 3 weeks, until 4 months old. Thereafter, worming at 3 monthly intervals should be adopted.Q: Can I, or my family, catch worms from the pet? Certain worms are capable of being transmitted from animals to humans; such worms are said to have a 'zoonotic potential'. The dog roundworm, Toxocara canis, is probably the best known of these and human infection may occur if a person swallows the microscopic worm eggs, having picked them up from contaminated soil. Obviously, small children are at the greatest risk.The damage to health is done by the larvae of the roundworm as they migrate through the body from the gut. They can arrive, for example, in the eye, causing permanent damage to the sight. There has also been some speculation that T. cati, the cat roundworm, could pose a similar threat.Q: How long does the effect of a tablet last? Worming preparations do not persist in the body, nor do they remain active against worms. That's why it is important to try to keep your pet away from sources of worm infection, and to implement a policy of strategic worming using an effective product, such as Drontal Plus Flavour or Drontal Cat Tablets.Q: Why do I have to worm my pet? There are several reasons for regular worming: Routine worming helps to ensure the well-being of one's pet. It may be necessary to treat clinical disease arising from the presence of worms. Regular treatment reduces environmental contamination. Public health considerations. Q: How can I tell if my cat or dog has worms? In the early stages of infection, it's very difficult. In dogs, mature tapeworms start shedding egg-filled segments, which irritate the dog's bottom. This causes the classic symptom of tapeworm infection -- 'scooting', or dragging the bottom along the ground. Apart from this, there are few definite signs, but these may include vomiting, diarrhoea, a dull, lifeless coat, a loss of appetite, lack of energy, and, especially in puppies and kittens, a pot bellied appearance.Q: Can my vet give my pet anything to prevent infection? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Drontal will kill every type of intestinal worm normally found in cats and dogs in the UK, but there is nothing available to prevent infection in the first place.Q: Why is it necessary to clear up my dog's mess? A single mature dog roundworm (Toxocara canis) can produce 80,000 eggs a day, which are excreted with the dog's faeces. If you don't clear it up, all of those eggs will remain in the environment, to infect other dogs and possibly children too.Q: What's the connection between fleas and worms? Fleas are often infected with the larval stage of the Flea Tapeworm. If cats or dogs swallow an infected flea, the worm develops in the gut.Q: My pet isn't showing any symptoms - why should I worm him? The point is that by the time symptoms are obvious your pet is already suffering. What's more, it will be spreading infection in the environment. For both reasons, it's much better to worm the animal routinely, at least every three months.Q: My cat often catches mice. Does this make worm infection more likely? Yes it does! Mice and other small rodents are often infected by a very common tapeworm, not surprisingly known as the Mouse Tapeworm.Q: I am going to take my pet abroad. What do I need to do? If you intend to take your cat or dog abroad under the PETS scheme, remember that you must have the animal treated against tapeworm and ticks before your return. The treatment must be carried out not less than 24 and not more than 48 hours before your return journey, and you must get an official certificate of treatment from the vet who carries it out.

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