Saturday, June 25, 2011

How do you know that a pet shop takes care of its animals ...

I wish to buy 2 guinea pigs. Where I live, there is no RSPCA so a pet shop is the only option. I don't want to get sick piggies so, how do I know they are a respectable shop? I know how to tell if the actual guinea pig is healthy, but what about the shop?

There ARE good pet stores in this world, it's just finding them that's the problem.

My suggestion (I don't keep many warm fuzzy critters, but this goes for anything) is to do your needed research before purchasing the animal, and when you go to buy (or adopt) any new pet, ask lots of questions on care? your research on how to care for the animal that you have already done will help you know how well the pet store cares for their animals.

The pet store I go to is a small, family-run affair and everyone knows their place? if you ask Jay about hamsters, bunnies, or guinea pigs, he'll flat out tell you to go ask Jenny, who will then talk your ear off for an hour or more on proper care, diet, expected life-span, etc. ask her about fish, and she'll send you to Jay who will do the same. You want to buy a reptile, they won't sell unless they know that you know what you're getting into? they had someone special order a veiled chameleon that never got picked up, a few times I was in there and people were asking about it who had never been in the shop before? Jay just told them it wasn't for sale? after they left, he turned to me, shook his head, "I don't know them, and I doubt they know how to take care of it, I'd rather lose money giving it the care it needs than sell it to someone who doesn't know what they're doing."

That's the kind of pet store you need to find.

generally if you go to a shop and ask about guinea pigs, and they show great interest and they give plenty of advice, they will probably look after the guinea pigs and keep them in good health. i have had many experiences like this. when i was buying my pet fish, the local pet shop staff showed no interest in selling fish. when i looked in the tank, many of the fish had ick and there were also fish that were dead and being picked at by the other fish. i am sure the fish would have been for sale, because it was a very colorful fish that was in with a tank of many of the same kind of fish. i went to another shop, and all fish were in great health, no floating fish being picked at, and the staff gave me great advice and i have now kept many of the fish from that shop for a long time. i am sorry for going on about my own stories, but what im trying to say is that if you go to a shop that has helpful, and trustworthy staff, then your pets to-be will almost definitely be in good health and will live a fine life, that is, if you look after them properly.

i'M sure there guinea pigs and other animals shelters. RSPCA isn't the only animal shelter.

Also there are registed guinea pig breeders which would be a better option instead of a petshop.

Petshops DO NOT take care of their animals. If your in australia have you heard of Pet rescue? List of guinea pigs up for adoption

Pet Store, Guinea Pig Breeder or Rescue home?
I personally recommend finding a rescue home, my experience of Pet Stores is not very good. I brought my Guinea Pig's from a pet store. I felt I was rescuing the second one as she was far too tiny and I didn't like to think of her in a home with small children pulling her around.

A Pet Store is a business and there to make profit. they hire cheap staff who have no idea how to keep all the different pets, also the conditions they keep these animals in is terrible. (I am not saying ALL Pet Stores work to this rule however experience has taught me a majority do.)

You will find Pet Stores keep Guinea Pigs in with Rabbits. This is totally wrong. Rabbits will try and mate anything and also have strong legs they may kick Guinea Pigs.

Another thing I have found is some Pet Stores, they keep mixed sexes together (I don't know if a lack of animal education is to blame here or just the fact they really do not care about the animals needs).
I have heard many stories of people who have brought a sow only to find out weeks later she's pregnant. So the one or two Guinea Pigs they initially brought can turn out to be 6! Not only does this add to the ever increasing unwanted Guinea Pig population but its dangerous for the sow. If she isn't much more than a baby herself when she get's pregnant, this can cause her extreme stress and possible complications as she is still growing herself.

Guinea Pig rescue sanctuaries will tell you stories of so called breeders who really just end up with lots of unwanted babies due to improper housing. So in my opinion your best move is to contact the rescue centre and ask them where you can get a Guinea Pig from, they will have contact numbers for local responsible breeders.

A lot of people will want to have a baby Guinea Pig for their first Piggy. however if you really don't mind the age then the first place you should consider getting a piggy from is your local rescue. the money you pay them for your piggy will get used to care for further Guinea Pigs they rescue. also you will get the satisfaction of knowing you are giving the poor mistreated piggy a new life in a good home!

Pictured on the right is little Mikey! He is 15 months old and has gone to live with one of my friends after being rescued. I don't understand how somebody could of neglected him. His fur was in a mess and his nails were over grown. look at him now after a good bath!

Where to find your local pet rescue
You can always find these by either looking in your local free paper for animal rescue groups or contacting your local RSPCA.

They could have a piggy there that you will just fall in love with. I have spoken to many Guinea Pig rescue ladies and they have around 30 in at one time.
They would be more than happy for you to go along and take a look through the poor abandoned / previously mistreated piggie's who need somebody to give them the love they deserve. If they don't have what you are looking for, they will be able to put you in contact with somebody the does.

If you choose a breeder
When first speaking to them you should be able to tell about their knowledge of breeding Guinea Pigs. also when you go to pick up your new pet you should insist in viewing the Guinea Pigs with their mum.

You will be able to see the overall fitness of her and the rest of the litter. also you will get an idea on how these pets have been looked after.
Check the parents eyes, ears, nail length and general condition of its fur. If its dull looking then this is a sign the piggy has bad health. You should be welcomed to view all of the other Guinea Pigs. As I am sure this breeder would be proud of all their little Guinea Pig family!

From this viewing you should be able to make up your own mind if they are responsible and you will know if you feel comfortable buying from this source

oh pet shopd never care they just want profit adopt=) its better oh sry didnt see that comin oh find a professional breeder who really cares

How do you know that a pet shop takes care of its animals?


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Grybauskaite: dependency on Russia's energy ... - Breaking news

Baltic news, News from Latvia, BNN.LV, BNN-NEWS.COM, BNN-NEWS.RU

The President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite

Lithuania cannot yet fully trust Russia, as it wants to keep the Baltic States dependent on its energy market, announced Dalia Grybauskaite, the President of Lithuania.

We are still almost one hundred percent dependent on Russian energy. People do not feel safe because of this. Although relations with our neighbouring country have become much more open, attaining more in-depth dialogue, it is yet too early to say we can relax and trust it. We know Russia tends to use its energy sources as a tool for exercising political influence, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung cites Grybauskaite.

According to her, Russia?s influence is manifested in the condition Lithuania pays 30 ? 40% more for gas than Germany. This is a political influence and a necessity to dominate. It is possible only because we have no alternative sources of energy, the Lithuanian President points out.

Grybauskaite believes Russia wants the Baltic States to remain dependent on its energy market, not the European one. Yet this will not happen. We want to speed up construction of power connection with Sweden and build our own liquefied gas terminal, the President indicates.


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Commonly Asked Legal Questions: What may lead to a personal injury ...

Commonly Asked Legal Questions: What may lead to a personal injury?

A personal injury can occur at any time and can be the result not just of circumstance, but also, negligence or purposefully harmful actions by others. As a personal injury lawyer an injury can happen in a variety of situations. Here are some scenarios that typify personal injury situations:
Typical situation that result in a personal injury

Molly is headed to work one morning. She?s driving on the highway when she is struck head-on by another car. The driver of the other car had fallen asleep behind the wheel after driving all night to make an 11 a.m. appointment. The driver is taken to a trauma center with moderate injuries, treated and released. Molly sustains spinal cord injuries and requires many difficult months of grueling physical therapy just to be able to walk again. After speaking with a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer Molly?s husband chose to file a personal injury claim against the driver goes for a ride on a Sunday afternoon. While riding, he chooses to pass a minivan that is going 10 mph slower the posted speed limit. After signaling, James moves into the left lane. Without warning without signaling or looking to his blind spot the minivan changes lanes. James is forced off the road and sustains extensive injuries requiring skin grafts, orthopedic surgery and blood transfusions after his surgery. The highway patrol officer who reports to the scene of the accident records all of the details of the crash and the names of three onlookers who report that James was not at fault, that the minivan made James go off the road to avoid being run over. James files a personal injury claim against the driver of the minivan.

Ben, a retiree who is experiencing increasing episodes of shortness of breath, visits his physician for help with his symptoms. Ben is diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and prescribed a new medication designed to relieve the fluid build up in his lungs and feet. After taking the medication for two weeks, Ben has a stroke due to a blood clot in his lower leg. The clot obstructed a major artery and reduced blood flow to Ben?s brain. After the stroke, Ben finds out that the medication he was taking has been recalled because the medication causes blood clots to form in patients. Ben calls his attorney to file a personal injury claim.

Personal injuries can occur as the result of numerous situations, not just the examples presented here. If you have been hurt and believe that you have reason for a personal injury claim, consult with an knowledgeable San Diego personal injury lawyer to review your options.

Tags: injury lawyer, Los Angeles, Los Angeles personal injury lawyer, personal injury lawyer, San Diego, San Diego personal injury lawyer


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Friday, June 24, 2011

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How Exactly To Increase Your ROI

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Make money online Related posts:

  1. The Blog ? How Can You Increase Online Advertising Campaign And Promotion Through It?
  2. Make money writing Keyword-Rich Articles to Increase Site Traffic
  3. How To Increase Targeted Web Traffic With Back Links
  4. Video To Increase Trust
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Amazon Shopping Guide: The Adjustment Bureau [Blu-ray/DVD Combo + ...

There's a scene in "Citizen Kane" where one of the characters mentions seeing a beautiful girl on a trolley and he regrets not sitting next to her, and not one day goes by where he doesn't think of that girl. We all have experiences and memories like that, we wonder what our lives would have been like if we did sit next to that girl, or if we did talk to her, or get her number (undoubtedly, we lay more importance on these experiences than they may deserve. They're giant `what if' moments in our lives, the path not taken). But what if that moment of decision is the intrusion of destiny or fate? And we we're supposed to be with that person? That is the theme of "The Adjustment Bureau."?

Matt Damon is doing things a lot of top movie stars are sometimes scared to do: spreading his image thin among a range of roles, directors, and material. His forays away from the huge successes of, say, the?Bourne?movies or the?Ocean's?series which have highlighted his fully realized strengths as a buff action hero who can also slip effortlessly into natural comic charm aren't exactly risky. His image as a leading-man movie star is pretty much sealed, but in movies like?The Informant,?Invictus,?Hereafter,?True Grit, and others, he's stretching some different muscles that take him closer to character-actor territory. That has largely been a good thing for his fans, if not for his box-office stats.?The Adjustment Bureau?takes him somewhere in between--he's in leading-man territory with the Damon charisma in full bore and giving his all to a story that needs the toned actorly muscle he provides.

  • Actors:?Matt Damon,?Emily Blunt
  • Format:?AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen
  • Language:?English
  • Subtitles:?English, French, Spanish
  • Aspect Ratio:?1.85:1
  • Number of discs:?2
  • Rated:?PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
  • Studio:?Universal Studios
  • DVD Release Date:?June 21, 2011
  • Run Time:?106 minutes
  • Average Customer Review:?3.6 out of 5 stars??See all reviews?(54 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Bestsellers Rank:?#6 in Movies & TV (See Top 100 in Movies & TV)
    • #2?in?Movies & TV?>?Mystery & Suspense


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Have you ever had any fainting brides or grooms?: Wedding And Funerals

Have you ever had any fainting brides or grooms?: Leo Philomin (Oblate Priest)

?Have you ever had any fainting brides or grooms?: Wedding And Funerals? is categorized as ?life and leisure?. This video was licensed from Grab Networks. For additional video content, click the ?video? tab at the top of this page.

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Bayer Drontal Cat Worming Tablet Single Xl Cat Tablet

Bayer Drontal Cat Worming Tablet Single Xl Cat Tablet This is the recommended treatment for worming selected by our own vet Drontal kills more varieties of Roundworm and Tapeworm than any other wormer. Contains Praziquantel, Pyrantel and Febantel. Drontal works with a single dose and kills all the common intestinal worms found in pets in the UK. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of pets. There are about 8 different types of intestinal worm that can infect cats in the UK. It is not always easy to spot the symptoms, and as your vet will tell you, that is why it's best to use Drontal at least every three months to prevent any serious worm infection. Drontal is the only wormer to kill every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats ? which is why vets prescribe it more often than all other wormers put together! Drontal XL cat is Suitable for large cats as they are specially formulated for cats of 4-6kg, so that most big cats can be treated with a single tablet. Drontal cat is suitable for average sized cats. One tablet required per 4kg of body weight every 3 months.. Both will tackle every type of intestinal worm your cat is ever likely to get, and both will do so with a single dose, and without having to starve your cat first. Pet-Supermarket provide you with the same medications you buy from your vet without a need for a prescription saving you time and money. Drontal should not be used in kittens less than 6 weeks of age. To avoid worms reaching maturity and affecting your pet's health, and to reduce public health risks, you should worm your pet regularly with Drontal. Worming at least every three months will reduce this risk, but ask your vet who will be able to evaluate your pet's health and your family's requirements and advise you on a specific worming routine for your pet. Don?t forget the flea control! Fleas are often infected with the larvae of the Flea Tapeworm, which can be transferred to your cat by swallowing the flea while grooming. So in order to control worms, you also need to control fleas. A spot-on treatment is the easiest way to protect your cat - but you may also need one that kills flea larvae in your pet's surroundings, to effectively break the flea lifecycle. If you don?t control a flea problem at the same time as worming, your cat is almost certain to be re-infected. Drontal works with a single dose and kills all the common intestinal worms found in pets in the UK. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of pets. Dosage InformationThe recommended dose rates are 57.5 mg/kg pyrantel embonate and 5 mg/kg praziquantel. This is equivalent to one Drontal Cat Tablets per 4 kg bodyweight and 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablets per 6 kg bodyweight.See dosage chart below for examples:Weight of CatNo of Drontal Cat TabletsNo of Drontal Cat XL Film-coated Tablets2kg?-4kg1-6kg1?or18kg210kg1plus1Administration and Duration of Treatment:For single oral administration. The tablets should be given directly to the animal, but if necessary can be disguised in foodUse During Pregnancy and Lactation: Not to be used during pregnancy but may be used during lactation.How often should I use Drontal? It is advised that an adult dog or cat should be treated for worms four times a year. There may be specific instances however where a regime of more frequent worming treatment is desirable. These would include the worming of puppies and kittens, hunting cats which eat mice, and dogs and cats which experience repeated flea problemsUsesControls every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of petsAscarids: Toxocara cati & Toxascaris leoninaTapeworm: Dipylidium caninum & Taenia taeniaeformis Contra-indications, warnings, etc: Not intended for use in kittens less than 6 weeks of age. Do not use simultaneously with piperazine compounds. Until sufficient studies have been performed with this combination, do not use during pregnancy.User Safety: In the interests of good hygiene, persons administering the tablets directly to a pet, or by adding them to the cat?s food, should wash their hands afterwards.For animal treatment only. Keep out of the reach of childrenEnvironmental Safety: Empty containers or part used product should be disposed of with household refuse. Unused product should be disposed of in accordance with any guidance from an appropriate waste regulation authority.Further informationDrontal? Cat Tablets and Drontal? Cat XL Tablets are an anthelmintic active against roundworms and tapeworms. The product contains two active ingredients, pyrantel embonate (pamoate) and praziquantel. Praziquantel is used widely as an anthelmintic for both human and veterinary use.Pyrantel acts as a cholinergic agonist. Its mode of action is to stimulate nicotinic cholinergic receptors of the parasite, induce spastic paralysis and thereby allow expulsion from the gastro-intestinal (GI) system by peristalsis.Praziquantel is very rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the parasite. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that praziquantel causes severe damage to the parasite integument, resulting in contraction and paralysis. There is an almost instantaneous tetanic contraction of the parasite musculature and a rapid vacuolisation of the syncytial tegument. This rapid contraction has been explained by changes in divalent cation fluxes, especially calcium.In this fixed combination product, the pyrantel is active against the following ascarids: Toxocara cati, and Toxascaris leonina; the praziquantel is effective against tapeworms, in particular Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis.The product has been shown to be effective in the control of hookworms Ancylostoma tubaeforme and A. braziliense and the tapeworm Joyeuxiella pasqualei, none of which occur naturally in cats in the UK but may occasionally be found in imported animals.Praziquantel is effective against Echinococcus multilocularis. E. multilocularis does not occur in the UK but is becoming more common in some European countries. As a precautionary measure to prevent establishment of E. multilocularis in the UK, it is recommended that all cats entering the country be treated with praziquantel.Fleas serve as intermediate hosts for one common type of tapeworm - Dipylidium caninum. Tapeworm infestation is certain to re-occur unless control of intermediate hosts such as fleas, mice etc. is undertaken.Drontal WormerYour worming questions answered Here are some of the questions that pet owners often ask about worms and worming. Q: How often should I worm my cat/dog with Drontal? It is advised that an adult dog or cat should be treated for worms four times a year. There may be specific instances however where more frequent worming treatment is desirable. These would include: worming of puppies and kittens; cats that hunt and eat mice; dogs and cats experiencing repeated flea problems.Q. What types of worm does Drontal wormers kill? It is important to remember that different wormers kill different types of worm. For example, piperazine is active only against roundworms and hookworms, whereas Drontal Plus Flavour controls all intestinal worms found in dogs in the UK, and Drontal Cat Tablets do a similar job for cats.Q: Will there be side effects, such as diarrhoea or sickness? Certain wormers, eg: those containing nitroscanate, may cause vomiting. In general, Drontal Plus Flavour and Drontal Cat Tablets don't have this effect, although the possibility of occasional vomiting can't be entirely ruled outQ: Do I have to give Drontal with or without food? Some wormers, such as those containing nitroscanate, require you to starve the animal before treatment. This is not necessary when you use Droncit, Drontal Plus Flavour, Drontal Cat Tablets, Drontal Puppy Suspension or Droncit Spot-on.Q: Which wormer should I use? Bayer Animal Health offers a whole range of small animal wormers. Only Drontal Plus (for dogs) and Drontal Cat tablets kill every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK dogs and cats. Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies is available for use in puppies and young dogs, up to 1 year old. This product will control roundworms, whipworms and hookworms, and is available as an easy to use liquid. Most puppies should not need to be treated for tapeworms, making Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies a very suitable choice. Should a puppy need tapeworm treatment however, then Drontal Plus is licensed for use in puppies from 2 weeks old. Should one need to specifically treat for tapeworms, Droncit Injection and Tablets are licensed for use in both dogs and cats. In addition, the new formulation, Droncit Spot-on, is now available as an easy to use spot-on treatment for cats.Q: How do I administer the wormer? Drontal Plus Flavour and Drontal Cat Tablets are both sold as tablets. These may be given whole or may be concealed in food. Drontal Oral Suspension for Puppies comes as a pink suspension and is given to the puppy/young dog by means of a syringe which makes oral dosing simple. Droncit is available as an injection which your vet will administer, or as a spot-on liquid which you simply squeeze on to the back of your cat's neck.Q: At what age should I start worming my puppy/kitten? It is quite feasible for puppies to be born with worm larvae already present, having been exposed to them while still in the bitch's womb. It is advisable, therefore, to start a worming programme at 2 weeks of age, and to continue worming once a fortnight until 12 weeks old. It is also advisable to treat the bitch at the same time as the pups. Once a pup reaches 12 weeks of age, it should then be treated at 3 monthly intervals.By contrast, kittens are not born with worm larvae already present, so worming does not need to start until 6 weeks old, with further treatments every 3 weeks, until 4 months old. Thereafter, worming at 3 monthly intervals should be adopted.Q: Can I, or my family, catch worms from the pet? Certain worms are capable of being transmitted from animals to humans; such worms are said to have a 'zoonotic potential'. The dog roundworm, Toxocara canis, is probably the best known of these and human infection may occur if a person swallows the microscopic worm eggs, having picked them up from contaminated soil. Obviously, small children are at the greatest risk.The damage to health is done by the larvae of the roundworm as they migrate through the body from the gut. They can arrive, for example, in the eye, causing permanent damage to the sight. There has also been some speculation that T. cati, the cat roundworm, could pose a similar threat.Q: How long does the effect of a tablet last? Worming preparations do not persist in the body, nor do they remain active against worms. That's why it is important to try to keep your pet away from sources of worm infection, and to implement a policy of strategic worming using an effective product, such as Drontal Plus Flavour or Drontal Cat Tablets.Q: Why do I have to worm my pet? There are several reasons for regular worming: Routine worming helps to ensure the well-being of one's pet. It may be necessary to treat clinical disease arising from the presence of worms. Regular treatment reduces environmental contamination. Public health considerations. Q: How can I tell if my cat or dog has worms? In the early stages of infection, it's very difficult. In dogs, mature tapeworms start shedding egg-filled segments, which irritate the dog's bottom. This causes the classic symptom of tapeworm infection -- 'scooting', or dragging the bottom along the ground. Apart from this, there are few definite signs, but these may include vomiting, diarrhoea, a dull, lifeless coat, a loss of appetite, lack of energy, and, especially in puppies and kittens, a pot bellied appearance.Q: Can my vet give my pet anything to prevent infection? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Drontal will kill every type of intestinal worm normally found in cats and dogs in the UK, but there is nothing available to prevent infection in the first place.Q: Why is it necessary to clear up my dog's mess? A single mature dog roundworm (Toxocara canis) can produce 80,000 eggs a day, which are excreted with the dog's faeces. If you don't clear it up, all of those eggs will remain in the environment, to infect other dogs and possibly children too.Q: What's the connection between fleas and worms? Fleas are often infected with the larval stage of the Flea Tapeworm. If cats or dogs swallow an infected flea, the worm develops in the gut.Q: My pet isn't showing any symptoms - why should I worm him? The point is that by the time symptoms are obvious your pet is already suffering. What's more, it will be spreading infection in the environment. For both reasons, it's much better to worm the animal routinely, at least every three months.Q: My cat often catches mice. Does this make worm infection more likely? Yes it does! Mice and other small rodents are often infected by a very common tapeworm, not surprisingly known as the Mouse Tapeworm.Q: I am going to take my pet abroad. What do I need to do? If you intend to take your cat or dog abroad under the PETS scheme, remember that you must have the animal treated against tapeworm and ticks before your return. The treatment must be carried out not less than 24 and not more than 48 hours before your return journey, and you must get an official certificate of treatment from the vet who carries it out.

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Rare Picasso could sell for ?12m

Jeune Fille Endormie (1935). Picture courtesy of Christie's The painting has only been seen in public once before
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A rarely seen painting by Pablo Picasso is expected to sell for up to £12m when it goes under the hammer later at Christie's auction house in London.

Jeune Fille Endormie (1935) is a portrait of the Spanish artist's lover.

The artwork was donated to the University of Sydney, provided the establishment used money from the sale for scientific research.

Giovanna Bertazzoni from Christie's said the artwork was an "absolute jewel" of a painting.

Marie-Therese Walter was the subject of many of Picasso's celebrated works.

The couple met in 1927 when he was 45 and she was 17. The couple spent time together at Picasso's country home, the Chateau de Boisgeloup, where he created a string of masterpieces.

Nude, Green Leaves And Bust, another portrait of Walter sold last year for a record $106.5m (£65.5m).

Mr Bertazzoni said the artwork, which has only been seen in public once before, is expected to "excite collectors" from all over the world.

Dr Michael Spence from the university said it was a "very generous and far-sighted gift" that was donated to them by an anonymous person.

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

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Access Ministries: Dissent Is Prohibited (via grey lining ...

This is from Australia. In that country, religious groups are given time to teach their views in school. Get a good read. This is what schools in the United States could look like if religion is allowed entry.

James Pilant

Access Ministries: Dissent Is Prohibited The antics of Access Ministries alternate between comedic and genuinely disturbing ? and the degree to which they appear to have permeated all levels of government and public service, both state and federal, is something that requires some serious scrutiny. The relentlessness of the disinformation and misguided, railroaded policy not representative of community requirements does not happen by itself. There are serious resources at work amongst pr ? Read More

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Monday, June 20, 2011

2011-2012 Dhaka College HSC Admission Result

Dhaka College, located in Dhaka, is one of Bangladesh's most important and earliest higher educational institutions. It offers H.S.C., four years honours and one year masters course in various majors. The college is affiliated with the National University. Several thousand students study here, it has a number of student halls and many students participate in politics.

Dhaka College HSC Admission Result 2011-2012 has been published.

List of Selected Students for HSC Admission for the Session 2011-2012

Waiting List for HSC Admission for the Session 2011-2012

Instruction from the Chairman, Dhaka Board

Admission Notice for HSC for the Session 2011-2012

Detail Admission Fees for HSC for the Session 2011-2012


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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Japan to fine or jail computer virus creators

Those who deliberately store a computer virus in Japan, face up to two years in prison or fines up to 300,000 yen


This file photo shows people using Internet at a public kiosk. Japan will punish people who create or wilfully spread computer viruses with fines and prison terms of up to three years under a new law enacted by parliament.

Japan will punish people who create or wilfully spread computer viruses with fines and prison terms of up to three years under a new law enacted by parliament.

Under the law, police can seize email communication logs of suspects from Internet service providers, among other information.

The action, which has met with opposition from privacy and free speech advocates, brings Japan a step closer to concluding the Convention on Cybercrime, a Europe-led effort.

The convention is the first international treaty to combat crimes committed via the Internet and other computer networks. Japan has signed the treaty but must pass relevant domestic laws to conclude it.

Under Japan's new law, people who create or distribute a computer virus with no justifiable reason face prison terms up to three years or fines up to 500,000 yen (6,200 dollars).

Those who deliberately store a computer virus face up to two years in prison or fines up to 300,000 yen.

Japanese police agencies had long pushed for such a law, but past bills failed amid strong criticism from privacy and freedom-of-speech advocates who have warned of excessive police powers.

The text of the law says that "in view of the realities of cyber crime associated with the advancement of information processing ... it is necessary to develop the necessary regulations".

Because of concerns the law could violate the privacy of communications guaranteed under the Japanese constitution, it includes a resolution that urges authorities to apply the law appropriately.

(c) 2011 AFP


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Teachers back pensions walk-outs

Schools in England and Wales are set to be hit by a programme of widespread strike action over teachers' pensions.

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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