Thursday, October 6, 2011


People worry about waking up in a post apocalyptic world where zombies have overrun the planet and so they buy books and train themselves to survive such a scenario no matter how absurd how it sounds.
People say "Learn to swim, you never know when you might be near water." but that's just as unlikely.
But finding yourself near a wormhole or if Lavos wakes up are much more likely scenarios. People need to get their priorities straight!


The Universe exists because of the Law of Opposites, greatest of all Laws.
As nothing existed, a thing unimaginable, something simply had to, and the Law gave birth to itself.
It then created the beginning (known as life) and the end (known as Death)
And from there, created opposites for everything that was simply not and from what then was.
This created time.
Death is known as the end because time is a circle, despite it's...un-linearity.
Once everything ends from death (Not even specs of dust exist anymore) the universe will end.
The End will kill itself after killing the beginning for they are opposites.
The universe will have began and ended and thus the Law of Opposites will disappear.
Once there was something, now there is nothing.

Or something to that effect.

Time Travel
For Dummies

So, the best way to present something like this is through scenarios as it can be much to wrap your head around it.
There will even be a picture included!

Bob, our hero, lives a normal life from sperm to adulthood. He was born in 2000 and is now well alive in 2020.
On May 1st 2020, he stumbles upon a time machine. Doesn't matter how. He just did.


He uses the machine to travel back minutes before he finds the time machine and kills his old self.


Now, time traveler immunity cannot protect him.
He is still traveling along his original time line and in the same world, so picture 3 will show was happens.


He created a paradox.
His personal timeline got ripped in half (As shown by the empty white space in the line) and now time has been forced to continue without having a beginning.
To negate the paradox, the universe will have no choice but to eliminate Bob completely.
Future Bob (The one who got into the machine) will become void and old bob (the one who got murdered) will remain dead.
Bob's timeline will then continue in a straight line as the new timeline Future Bob created will become void as well and the current timeline will move on forward.

Now, perhaps Bob isn't quite the dummy and does not go back to kill himself.
However, his never-ending quest for blood demands that his own mother dies.


Wouldn't that stop Bob from ever finding a time machine and thus recreating the same paradox as if he had just killed himself?
Not quite.
Everything that has a timeline (Which is basically every atom) is a single string in the timeline and the timeline is composed of all these strings.
By killing his birth mother, his timeline remained accurate but to handle the inconsistency the universe has to create a new timeline where his mother had died and he had never been born.
Due to time traveler immunity, Bob can still exist in such a world as the universe has no issues with him still existing as there is an explanation for it.

This will also prevent Bob from ever reverting the world back to normal as it would force him to kill his old future self (The one who kills his mother) and thus ending his existence but saving his mothers
and giving another Bob a chance for a happy life with her. Temporal suicide.

Now, Bob misses his favorite blanket.
He left it at home and wants it back and take it with him across time and space.

Bob goes back home, takes the blanket and goes back to 1970s and begins to party.
Now, you would think the blanket would simply not exist but as all atoms have their own timeline, so does the blanket.

However, if he parties from 1970 to back when the blanket was first created, would there be added mass to the universe from the extra blanket?
Yes, if it worked that way.
The blanket will undergo a system called Time Bastard.

Time Bastard allows something to exist up to the moment of it's origin where the old will vanish to return to the origin.
Let us say the blanket was manufactured in 1999, a year before Bob was born.
The bastard blanket will continue to party from 1970 to 1999 when it is first fully created.
When the moment comes, the universe will erase old blanket and new blanket will be born thus keeping the universal proportions intact.

However, Bob had another plan.
He wanted his blanket to be orange, not blue.
So, Bob travels to the factory and changes the dyes around.

Bastard Blanket will instantly turn orange as it's core timeline has been affected but did not prevent it from coming back to 70s for some fun.
So, the universe will believe blanket was always orange and everyone will react accordingly in their timelines to it being orange.
Only someone under time traveler immunity with knowledge of blanket will remember it being blue.

Bob then goes home and see's himself for the first time, clutching orange blanket.
He has now created a new reality where baby Bob will have an orange blanket and no idea it has ever been blue.
But, how can Bob see himself as a child? Won't it mess with the proportions of the universe?
No, old bob and baby bob are same being but in different times. So, they can co-exist until the moment where they catch up to each other in time (Which will be never unless a time freeze or crash occurs) where then the universe would simply merge the two of them into one to keep itself intact.

Now, we'll be going a bit further into time.
Bob has traveled all over time and created many different timelines.
All the old ones still exist and move without a hitch but he is forever stuck going forward through this new times as he can never go back.

Now, Bob notices something strange one day.
His time machine is indicating he is now parallel to another world because of a time crack.
W2, as shown in the picture under, has had mass removed from itself and now has a "hole". This hole causes time cracks which attack themselves to another parallel world either because the missing mass arrived to that world or that world happens to have the exact same mass extra.


Now, Bob can travel through this two worlds with his time machine simply by going through the cracks.
However, Bob only worsens the situation because these two worlds do not share mass the same way timelines do within the same world.
Each passage Bob takes creates strains upon the two universes.
If not fixed, the two worlds will have no choice but to converge into one and as they are different it will result in a crash.
The two universes would be reduced to rumble instantly.

To fix these holes, Bob must bring back or add the exact same mass to the other world.
That will instantly fix the two worlds and they will resume their separate ways.

Bob finds that the mass he is looking for is hiding between the cracks, not a world 3 exactly but more of Wall of W1 and W2.
Bob stations himself between the cracks and sends the mass back on its way to W2.
Bob cannot go to W2 or he would create the same problem all over again, he has no choice but to resume his original world.

However, this interaction between the two worlds created a its own timeline where the world inevitably ends and Bob has no choice but to go down it as he cannot turn back.
So, this timeline becomes void when Bob fixes the cracks but he still remains in the "wall" where he escapes back to his own world with that piece of timeline his own timeline contains.

When he arrives to the future of his original timeline, he has brought this alternate timeline with him.
It causes a time freeze.
That timeline is frozen and waits for its alternate old self to rejoin it so it can begin moving through time again.
However, Bob will now have no choice but to die through temporal suicide.

As the old time got destroyed by the fixing of the wall, there is now an old bob approaching the timeline that original bob came to.
Once the two worlds converge, old bob will disappear and be replaced by the new bob from the timeline where the cracks never happened.

However, what if, original Bob decided to travel back to the past?
That, would create a time crash.
The timeline he brought back with him does not belong in the past and it will become a fixed frozen moment in time and space.
From then on, Bob will have to exist perpetually (Not immortal, just eternal) as the universe will need to join timelines back together so it will make sure it is always intact.
The only way for it to be fixed would be original Bob and Bob from the future to conjoin. Original Bob would die through temporal suicide but the universe will then be able to make the loose timeline attach itself to Future Bob's timeline and resume its course.

That last part doesn't seem to make much sense to me...
I think I either worded it wrong or I am forgetting something pretty important.
It'll come to me, I just need more time.

Lemme know if I screwed up anywhere.
It made more sense at 1am when I was trying to fall asleep and I was busy thinking about stuff...


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