Monday, October 17, 2011

Obama jobs bill now has two co-sponsors: Pelosi and Hoyer (Daily Caller)

After nearly four weeks languishing in lonely obscurity, President Barack Obama?s jobs bill has attracted two co-sponsors, The Daily Caller has learned. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer have both signed on.

TheDC?reported on September 27 that Democrat Caucus Chairman John Larson of Connecticut introduced the bill ?at the request of the President? on September 21 with no co-sponsors. A senior democratic aide told TheDC that Democrats ?weren?t chasing co-sponsors.??

By?October 13, however, Pelosi and Hoyer had both added their names as co-sponsors.

After the jobs bill failed in the Senate on October 11, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia criticized the Democrats the next day for failing to get any co-sponsors on the House and Senate versions of the legislation.

?The Senate?s action last night proved that the month long campaign that the White House has been on to promote the president?s bill failed and it demonstrated as well that the President could not even get the necessary support in his own party to pass the bill,? Cantor said.

?I think we see in the House as well, as of last week, the chief sponsor of the president?s bill put the bill in at request, by request which does not indicate a wholehearted support of the bill. At the end of the last week there weren?t any democratic co-sponsors on the president?s bill.?

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