Thursday, February 28, 2013

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96% West of Memphis

All Critics (84) | Top Critics (20) | Fresh (81) | Rotten (3)

And justice for all? Hardly.

It tells the story of a terrible crime compounded by a grave injustice that's been remedied, but only in part, so it's impossible to have a single or simple response to the movie.

What sets this film apart from previous efforts to document the story is that Jackson and Walsh financed a private investigative team with legal and forensic experts who re-examined old evidence, conducted new interviews and found new witnesses.

Happy, sad, inspiring, infuriating, right and terribly wrong, all at the same time.

Berg's film is as much an indictment of the state of Arkansas' legal system as it is the prosecution.

Berg's film helps illuminate a case that should certainly be the shame of the state of Arkansas, and perhaps the criminal justice system of the entire United States.

Good to know these guys are finally free.

West Of Memphis isn't afraid to show us the graphic nature of the crime and more importantly, it isn't afraid to point fingers at those whose actions deserve to be questioned.

It's reasonable to question whether the time and resources poured into this project might have been better spent highlighting a miscarriage of American justice that nobody knows about rather than one that enjoys a celebrity profile.

The most intense, nail-bitingly suspenseful thriller franchise "from the dark side" these days is not the product of a screenwriter's imagination.

The most intriguing and worthy aspect of this accomplished documentary is that it never lets anyone forget the biggest tragedy of the many threaded through this story - the helpless children who never deserved the brutal fate handed to them.

Somewhere along this narrative's mammoth timeline, examining the construction of modern social heroes became more important than the memories of three little boys.

Together with the rich material comprising interviews with family and friends, the footage shot in the various court rooms and at the crime scene is riveting

A powerful, touching and very infuriating documentary, although Berlinger and Sinofsky got there first and did it best

Amy Berg's West of Memphis does bring new information to light, which is why this somewhat procedural feature is so important.

In all, the director has assembled a powerful film, but the celebrity component feels rather unnecessary.

A frankly extraordinary document about the three innocent children who were murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas and the three innocent teenagers who spent 18 years in prison for the crime.

(Director Amy) Berg's doc is gripping, often infuriating, but in the end hopeful about the ability of truth and innocence to prevail thanks to the efforts of those who strive against all obstacles to uphold them.

The new film is largely a recap of the older ones, with more celebrity testimonials and fewer Metallica songs but little fresh insight into the miscarriage of justice it chronicles.

Extols the efforts of celebrities to win the release of three innocent men [and is] suspenseful when it's straightforward-the best CSI investigation that money can buy.

Nearly overwhelms you with hopelessness, if not an adrenaline rush of rage - even if you're familiar with the case.

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Dubai adds tallest hotel to superlative list

(AP) ? Superlative-hungry Dubai is adding another to its list: A 72-story hotel billed as the world's tallest.

The JW Marriott's Marquis Dubai formally opened Tuesday after gaining the title of tallest hotel from Guinness World Records.

At 355 meters (1,099 feet), the hotel would tower over skylines in most cities. But in Dubai, it sits in the shadow of its more than twice-as-high neighbor, the Burj Khalif, the world's tallest skyscraper at 828 meters (2,717 feet).

Associated Press


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Pianist Van Cliburn has died at 78

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, TODAY

Pianist Van Cliburn died Wednesday at age 78 of bone cancer, his publicist confirms. The music legend became famous in 1958 at the young age of 23 when he won an international piano competition in Moscow at the height of the Cold War, returning home to a parade in his honor and the beginning of five decades of fame.

"Van Cliburn was an international legend for over five decades, a?great humanitarian and a brilliant musician whose light will continue to shine through his extraordinary legacy," publicist Mary Lou Falcone said in a statement. "He will be missed by all who knew and admired him, and by countless people he never met."

Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Getty Images

Legendary pianist Van Cliburn is seen here in 2012.

Harvey Lavan Cliburn took his nickname from his middle name. Born in Louisiana in 1934, he came into the public eye when he won the first International Tchaikovsky Competition, held in Moscow in 1958 as the Cold War raged. Though just 23, in a sense he had been preparing for the contest for a decade, making his orchestral debut in Houston at age 12, entering Juilliard at 17, and playing Carnegie Hall at 20.

"The lanky young man from Texas stunned the world by traveling to Moscow and winning the Soviet Union's most prestigious piano competition," wrote Tim Madigan in Cliburn's hometown newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2012. "He had done so by playing Russia's most beloved music. The Cold War thawed a little then."

Despite the heated political climate, Cliburn stayed above the fray. "Oh, I never thought about all that," he told the New York Times in 2008. "I was just so involved with the sweet and friendly people who were so passionate about music."

When Cliburn returned to the United States the victor, he was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York, believed to be the only parade of its kind ever accorded a classical musician.?

Jason Reed / Reuters file

President Barack Obama presents the 2010 National Medal of Arts to Van Cliburn in 2011.

"I appreciate more than you will ever know that you are honoring me, but the thing that thrills me the most is that you are honoring classical music," Cliburn said. "Because I'm only one of many. I'm only a witness and a messenger. Because I believe so much in the beauty, the construction, the architecture invisible, the importance for all generations, for young people to come that it will help their minds, develop their attitudes and give them values. That is why I'm so grateful that you have honored me in that spirit."

After the victory, he reportedly always carried a good-luck five ruble coin once owned by his hero, Russian composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff. Cliburn's later recording of the?Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 became the first classical record to be certified platinum.

Cliburn's many awards include?The Presidential Medal of Freedom presented by President George W. Bush, the National Medal of Arts presented by President Barack Obama, the Kennedy Center Honors, the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Russian Order of Friendship presented by President Vladimir Putin on behalf of the Russian people.

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Greg Adamson - Norbert Wiener - Humanity+ @Melbourne 2012

SSIT - Society on Social Implications of Technology

Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894?March 18, 1964) was an American mathematician. He was Professor of Mathematics at MIT.
A famous child prodigy, Wiener later became an early researcher in stochastic and noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.
Wiener is regarded as the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with many implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society.

Wiener was an early studier of stochastic and noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.
Wiener is regarded as the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with many implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society.
Wiener?s work with cybernetics influenced Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, and through them, anthropology, sociology, and education.



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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What Are You Suppose To Do When Your Have, Like, 106,926 Unread Emails?

CHICAGO (AP) ? Technology is supposed to make us easier to reach, and often does. But the same modes of communication that have hooked us on the instant reply also can leave us feeling forgotten.

We send an email, a text or an instant chat message. We wait ? and nothing happens. Or we make a phone call. Leave a voicemail message. Wait. Again, nothing.

We tend to assume it's a snub, and sometimes it is.

Erica Swallow, a 26-year-old New Yorker, says she's heard a former boyfriend brag about how many text messages he never reads. "Who does that?" she asks, exasperatedly.

These days, though, no response can mean a lot of things. Maybe some people don't see messages because they prefer email and you like Twitter. Maybe we're just plain overwhelmed, and can't keep up with the constant barrage of communication.

Whatever the reason, it's causing a lot of frustration. A recent survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 39 percent of cell phone owners say people they know complain because they don't respond promptly to phone calls or text messages. A third of cell owners also have been told they don't check their phones frequently enough.

It happens in love. It happens in business.

"Tell me to go to hell, but just tell me something! I'm getting lonely over here." That's what Cherie Kerr, a public relations executive in Santa Ana, Calif., jokes she's considered putting after her email signature.

It happens in families.

Last year, Terri Barr, a woman on Long Island, N.Y., with grown children, sent her son a birthday present ? a $350 gift certificate for "a wonderful kayaking trip for six, lunch, wine, equipment," she says.

She sent him an email with the details, but he didn't respond. She says she then telephoned and texted him to tell him it was a present. He eventually sent a one-line email, she says, telling her he was too swamped to open her email gift right then.

Instant communication "can be wonderful ? but also terrible," says Barr, who shared the story more as a lament of modern communication than a reprimand of her son, whose busy work life, she acknowledged, often takes him overseas.

So this year, she sent him a birthday gift by snail-mail in a box. "He actually opened it," she says, and they've been talking more frequently since then.

Many other people, though, sit waiting for responses that never come.

"That's where the frustration lies ? it's in the ambiguity," says Susannah Stern, a professor of communication studies at San Diego State University.

Though we often assume the worst, experts say we shouldn't.

Frequently, they say, people simply ? and unknowingly ? choose the wrong way to contact someone.

"I admit to having often been lax with checking my work number voicemail, which has led to me not responding to people waiting for my reply," says Janet Sternberg, an assistant professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University.

She's also had technical glitches. For instance: thinking she'd sent a text message to someone overseas and then, when he didn't respond, realizing she had his international number programmed incorrectly in her phone.

"The sheer management of all these devices and channels is exhausting and sometimes daunting, leaving less and less time for actual communication," Sternberg says. "We connect more but communicate less, in many ways."

That's why many people say they have no choice but to prioritize ? and to respond only to the most urgent messages.

That describes Mahrinah von Schlegel, who's working to launch a Chicago-based "incubator" that will offer shared office space and other resources for fledgling tech entrepreneurs.

"People get angry when not answered and send multiple messages," says von Schlegel, the 30-year-old managing director of the firm, known as Cibola. She says missed communication has caused her to lose some business deals. Often, it's when people try to contact her by Facebook or direct message on Twitter and she doesn't see the messages for days. Email, she says, is her preferred mode of communication.

But even then, she says, there are only so many hours in the day: "I still need time to eat and sleep and shower."

As she sees it, getting no response ? even when she's the one unsuccessfully trying to contact someone ? is just part of life in a high-tech world. A lot of young people say that, so they've become accustomed to having to try again, or try a different mode of communication if something is truly urgent.

"I think there's this understanding because we've grown up being bombarded by communication," says Mike Gnitecki, a 28-year-old special education teacher in Longview, Texas.

So he's willing to try "multiple points of contact" when trying to reach his students' parents ? because, if he wants a response, "that's just how it is."

David Gillman, a 25-year-old Chicagoan, also opts for brevity and efficiency by sending mass texts to several friends at once to save time.

He only expects those who have time or inclination to respond, and doesn't take it personally if they don't.

It gets trickier, he says, with people from older generations, including his parents, because they like to leave him voicemails, which he doesn't like to take time to check.

"I need to get better about that," he concedes.

Those types of missed communications ? and a lack of response ? can cause "turbulence" in a relationship, says Dan Faltesek, an assistant professor of social media at Oregon State University. But, he adds, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

"It can be a little awkward, but you should talk to people about how you like to talk," Faltesek says. "Everyone will be happier when they say what the rules are."

And it'll go even more smoothly, he says, when people are willing to step outside their own favorite mode of communication to those preferred by the person they're contacting.

"Use the reverse golden rule," Faltesek advises. "Treat others the way THEY like to be treated."

An example: Gnitecki, the teacher in Texas, is considering sending a survey home to ask parents how they'd like to be contacted.

Tech and communication experts agree that choosing a primary means of communication, and letting it be known, is one way to improve communication.

Rebecca Otis, content and social media manager at Digital Third Coast, an Internet marketing firm in Chicago, also recommends getting rid of email and social media accounts you don't check regularly. And text messaging, she says, should be reserved for communication that requires a more urgent reply.

Finding ways to prioritize, and receive, the most important messages also helps.

San Francisco-based AwayFind Inc. is among companies that have developed applications that help filter email ? in this instance, alerting users to important emails on their mobile devices.

In the end, we can't possibly respond to everything, says Jared Goralnick, the company's founder and CEO, who's also part of a nonprofit group called the Information Overload Research Group, which looks for ways to deal with out-of-control communication.

As he sees it, it's good to be responsive, "but not to set an expectation that you'll be available for everything."

"That's just not sustainable," he says.

In other words, if we're going to keep our sanity, we'll sometimes have to accept the no response.


On the Internet:

Information Overload Research Group:



Martha Irvine is a national writer for The Associated Press. She can be reached at mirvine(at) or at

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Kyle Larson has no hesitation about racing again

Kyle Larson (32) goes airborne and into the catch fence during a multi-car crash involving Justin Allgaier (31), Brian Scott (2) and others during the final lap of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. Larson's crash sent car parts and other debris flying into the stands injuring spectators. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Kyle Larson (32) goes airborne and into the catch fence during a multi-car crash involving Justin Allgaier (31), Brian Scott (2) and others during the final lap of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. Larson's crash sent car parts and other debris flying into the stands injuring spectators. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Kyle Larson climbs out of his car after being involved in a crash at the conclusion of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

Kyle Larson's car is on fire as he slides down the track with Regan Smith after being involved in a crash at the conclusion of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

A wheel, tire and suspension parts sit in the stands after crash on the final lap of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. Several fans were injured when large chunks of debris sailed into the grandstands after a car flew into the fence. (AP Photo/David Graham)

(AP) ? Kyle Larson won't have a second thought about getting back in a race car following his frightening crash at Daytona International Speedway.

More than two dozen fans were injured Saturday when Larson's car sailed into the fence on the final lap of the Nationwide Series race and debris ? including a tire ? flew into the grandstands. Larson was uninjured, but many fans wondered if the severity of the accident would shake the nerves of the 20-year-old NASCAR rookie.

Not a chance.

"I've been in some really bad wrecks, I'm sure I'll have more throughout my career," Larson told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Tuesday. "I know crashing is part of the risk we take being race car drivers. It happens. I'm not emotionally (upset), that wreck doesn't make me nervous."

Larson, a development driver for Chip Ganassi Racing who has been praised as the next big superstar by the likes of Tony Stewart, Jeff Gordon and Kasey Kahne, will be back in the Nationwide car this weekend at Phoenix International Raceway. He is also scheduled to run a USAC race Friday night at Canyon Speedway Park.

After pulling out of a non-winged race Saturday night in Ocala, Fla., after the wreck at Daytona ? "I wanted to be respectful to the fans who were still in the hospital. I didn't think it would be right to go have fun while they were hurting," he said ? Larson is eager to get back in the car.

The Daytona wreck, after all, wasn't even the worst of his career. Although it looked awful, and the front-end of Larson's car was sheared off, his engine was wedged in a hole in the fence ? Larson believes his accident in a midget car at Eldora Speedway last September was worse: His car flipped after hitting the wall and was hit broadside by another car.

"Off the top of my head, that wreck at Eldora hurt more and was just as scary. I almost had a car come in my cockpit," Larson said.

Still, last Saturday's wreck, in Larson's debut Nationwide Series race, was the first time his car has ripped a fence and disintegrated so badly. He said he only thought his car had gone upside down, and he wasn't aware he'd hit the fence until he saw the wreckage.

"It happened so fast, I kind of thought I'd gone upside down so I was not expecting to see half my car gone," Larson said. "I wasn't expecting to see my engine caught up in the fence. So I was definitely in some shock when I got out of the car and saw it torn apart. I've never had an accident like that where I'd got caught up in the fence, so that was a little different. Kind of a freak deal."

Among the issues NASCAR is researching from Saturday's crash is why Larson's car disintegrated the way it did when it hit the fence.

Seven people with crash-related injuries remained hospitalized in Daytona Beach in stable condition, Halifax Health spokesman Byron Cogdell said Tuesday morning. Also Tuesday, an Orlando law firm said three fans injured in the accident have retained its services.

Larson, meanwhile, is a little disappointed the Nationwide accident and an incident with C.E. Falk III in the "Battle at the Beach" race are the two lasting memories of his Daytona debut.

Larson opened Speedweeks with a second-place finish in the ARCA race, his first ever event at Daytona. But the buzz around him turned negative two days later when he spun Falk on the final lap to win the Whelen All-American Series Late Model race.

Larson was criticized for the move on Twitter by several top-name Sprint Cup Series drivers, and fans also lashed out at the young driver. He said Tuesday he has mixed feelings about the backlash.

"I got in the back of him and spun him coming to the checkers, which was not very nice, and I got a lot of criticism for that and people lost a lot of respect for me for that," Larson said. "I care because people who are huge backers of me and said I'm the greatest driver ever, now one incident and all of a sudden I am the worst race car driver ever. That's not how I race. But I watched videos, a little bit of races at Bowman-Gray, to get prepared and it seemed like every video I watched if the guy in second place was close, they won.

"I did what I thought I had to do to win the race. Looking back, I made a mistake in how I went about it. I wouldn't go back and not try to win the race, but I would probably do something a little different."

If he really had a do-over on Daytona, though, Larson would want the talk to be about how well he was running in the Nationwide race before the final accident, and how he ran in six different cars in seven days. He won twice, counting a victory in a midget race at New Smyrna.

"It was definitely an up and down Speedweeks, but I ran six different race cars and not many people get to do that in their career. I got to do it in a week-and-a-half," Larson said.

Associated Press


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Lohan's attorney seeks deal with prosecutors

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Lohan's attorney wrote in a letter filed in court on Feb. 22, 2013, that the actress is willing to record public service announcements and provide inspirational talks at schools and hospitals as a possible way to resolve a case that alleges she lied to police about a car accident. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Lohan's attorney wrote in a letter filed in court on Feb. 22, 2013, that the actress is willing to record public service announcements and provide inspirational talks at schools and hospitals as a possible way to resolve a case that alleges she lied to police about a car accident. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Lohan's attorney wrote in a letter filed in court on Feb. 22, 2013, that the actress is willing to record public service announcements and provide inspirational talks at schools and hospitals as a possible way to resolve a case that alleges she lied to police about a car accident. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

(AP) ? Lindsay Lohan's attorney has suggested to prosecutors that the actress serve as a motivational speaker and perform non-jail activities to resolve her latest criminal case, according to a letter obtained Tuesday.

The letter from lawyer Mark Heller proposed several alternatives for Lohan, who could be sent to jail if a judge determines her actions in a traffic crash violated terms of her probation in a previous theft case.

His letter states that Lohan's turbulent home life has deeply impacted her and requires a different approach in the case.

The actress plans to spend time recording public service announcements and make "periodic visits to schools, hospitals, and other venues where she may provide inspirational talks, encouraging children to pursue positive goals and avoid bad habits," states the letter filed on Friday and released by the court Tuesday.

Heller also proposed the establishment of a nonprofit foundation in Lohan's name to benefit young people.

The actress "has made a commitment to herself to elevate her life and participate in activities which will advance her desire to lead a model life," Heller wrote in a motion seeking a delay in the case that returns to court on Friday. Trial is now set for March 18.

Lohan is charged with three misdemeanor charges of reckless driving, lying to police and obstructing officers from performing their duties. She has pleaded not guilty.

The actress could face 245 days in jail if she is found to be in violation of her probation.

The star of "Mean Girls" and "Freaky Friday" was sentenced to psychotherapy in November of 2011 in cases involving theft and drunken driving charges, but she has not been required to attend counseling since being placed on informal probation in March 2012.

Those terms were imposed by Judge Stephanie Sautner, who is retiring and will no longer handle Lohan's case.

The crash that prompted the current charges occurred in June on Pacific Coast Highway while Lohan was on the way to a movie shoot.

Terry White, chief deputy city attorney in Santa Monica, declined comment on the letter. He said discussions about a possible resolution are scheduled to take place this week.

Lohan, 26, was on her way to a beach shoot with another person for the TV movie "Liz and Dick" when her car crashed into the back of a dump truck. Police allege she lied about being behind the wheel.

Heller is also seeking dismissal of the charges against Lohan, arguing that police ignored her when she said she didn't want to be interviewed without her attorney present.

Lohan was at the hospital at the time, not in custody, and showed no signs of impairment when officers gave her a field sobriety test, the lawyer said.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at

Associated Press


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Rethinking wind power

Monday, February 25, 2013

"People have often thought there's no upper bound for wind power?that it's one of the most scalable power sources," says Harvard applied physicist David Keith. After all, gusts and breezes don't seem likely to "run out" on a global scale in the way oil wells might run dry.

Yet the latest research in mesoscale atmospheric modeling, published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters, suggests that the generating capacity of large-scale wind farms has been overestimated.

Each wind turbine creates behind it a "wind shadow" in which the air has been slowed down by drag on the turbine's blades. The ideal wind farm strikes a balance, packing as many turbines onto the land as possible, while also spacing them enough to reduce the impact of these wind shadows. But as wind farms grow larger, they start to interact, and the regional-scale wind patterns matter more.

Keith's research has shown that the generating capacity of very large wind power installations (larger than 100 square kilometers) may peak at between 0.5 and 1 watts per square meter. Previous estimates, which ignored the turbines' slowing effect on the wind, had put that figure at between 2 and 7 watts per square meter.

In short, we may not have access to as much wind power as scientists thought.

An internationally renowned expert on climate science and technology policy, Keith holds appointments as Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and as Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Coauthor Amanda S. Adams was formerly a postdoctoral fellow with Keith and is now assistant professor of geography and Earth sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

"One of the inherent challenges of wind energy is that as soon as you start to develop wind farms and harvest the resource, you change the resource, making it difficult to assess what's really available," says Adams.

But having a truly accurate estimate matters, of course, in the pursuit of carbon-neutral energy sources. Solar, wind, and hydro power, for example, could all play roles in fulfilling energy needs that are currently met by coal or oil.

"If wind power's going to make a contribution to global energy requirements that's serious, 10 or 20 percent or more, then it really has to contribute on the scale of terawatts in the next half-century or less," says Keith.

If we were to cover the entire Earth with wind farms, he notes, "the system could potentially generate enormous amounts of power, well in excess of 100 terawatts, but at that point my guess, based on our climate modeling, is that the effect of that on global winds, and therefore on climate, would be severe?perhaps bigger than the impact of doubling CO2."

"Our findings don't mean that we shouldn't pursue wind power?wind is much better for the environment than conventional coal?but these geophysical limits may be meaningful if we really want to scale wind power up to supply a third, let's say, of our primary energy," Keith adds.

And the climatic effect of turbine drag is not the only constraint; geography and economics matter too.

"It's clear the theoretical upper limit to wind power is huge, if you don't care about the impacts of covering the whole world with wind turbines," says Keith. "What's not clear?and this is a topic for future research?is what the practical limit to wind power would be if you consider all of the real-world constraints. You'd have to assume that wind turbines need to be located relatively close to where people actually live and where there's a fairly constant wind supply, and that they have to deal with environmental constraints. You can't just put them everywhere."

"The real punch line," he adds, "is that if you can't get much more than half a watt out, and you accept that you can't put them everywhere, then you may start to reach a limit that matters."

In order to stabilize the Earth's climate, Keith estimates, the world will need to identify sources for several tens of terawatts of carbon-free power within a human lifetime. In the meantime, policymakers must also decide how to allocate resources to develop new technologies to harness that energy.

In doing so, Keith says, "It's worth asking about the scalability of each potential energy source?whether it can supply, say, 3 terawatts, which would be 10 percent of our global energy need, or whether it's more like 0.3 terawatts and 1 percent."

"Wind power is in a middle ground," he says. "It is still one of the most scalable renewables, but our research suggests that we will need to pay attention to its limits and climatic impacts if we try to scale it beyond a few terawatts."


Harvard University:

Thanks to Harvard University for this article.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mbakwe, Minnesota take down No. 1 Indiana 77-73

Indiana's Kevin Ferrell (11) gets off a shot over Minnesota's Andre Hollins, left, during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Minneapolis. Minnesota's Trevor Mbakwe is at right. (AP Photo/Tom Olmscheid)

Indiana's Kevin Ferrell (11) gets off a shot over Minnesota's Andre Hollins, left, during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Minneapolis. Minnesota's Trevor Mbakwe is at right. (AP Photo/Tom Olmscheid)

Indiana's Kevin Ferrell (11) pressures Minnesota's Trevor Mbakwe, left, during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Tom Olmscheid)

Minnesota's Trevor Mbakwe, right, and Indiana's Cody Zeller, left, battle for a rebound during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Tom Olmscheid)

(AP) ? Trevor Mbakwe had 21 points and 12 rebounds to help Minnesota take down No. 1 Indiana 77-73 on Tuesday night, the seventh time the top-ranked team in The Associated Press' poll has lost a game this season.

Andre Hollins added 16 points for the Gophers (19-9, 7-8 Big Ten), who outrebounded Cody Zeller and the Hoosiers by a whopping 44-30 and solidified their slipping NCAA tournament case with an emphatic performance against the Big Ten leaders. The fans rushed the court as the last seconds ticked off, the first time that's happened here in years.

Zeller was held to nine points with four turnovers for the Hoosiers (24-4, 12-3), who have held the No. 1 ranking for 10 of 17 polls this season including the last four. Victor Oladipo scored 16 points, but 14 of the 17 points by Jordan Hulls came before halftime.

Mbakwe, a sixth-year senior, posted his conference-leading seventh double-double. At 24 years old, he was a man among boys in many ways in this game, dominating both ends of the court when the Gophers needed him most. Minnesota had 23 offensive rebounds.

Elliott Eliason, who played every bit as well as Zeller, the slender sophomore in the post for the visitors, scored seven straight points for Minnesota to tie the game at 46 shortly after Oladipo's reverse layup had given the Hoosiers a 44-36 lead, their biggest of the game.

Hollins, who missed eight of his first nine shots, scraped off a high screen by Eliason to pull up for a 3-pointer and give the Gophers a 51-48 lead underneath the 9-minute mark. Mbakwe got a rebound to keep a key possession alive then grabbed another board to set up his off-balance bank shot for a 56-53 lead for Minnesota with 7:22 left.

Mbakwe was called for a loudly questioned blocking foul, his fourth, with 4:39 remaining on Zeller's fast-break layup that put the Hoosiers up 59-58. But Austin Hollins answered with a pump-fake layup that drew a foul for a three-point play and a 61-59 lead for the Gophers.

Joe Coleman's fast-break dunk with 2:35 left lifted Minnesota to a 68-61 edge, enough of a cushion to withstand a couple of 3-pointers by Christian Watford and one by Hulls in the closing minutes.

Mbakwe, who played for Indiana coach Tom Crean when they were at Marquette in 2007-08, has had some of his better games against the Hoosiers. This was his best. He gave the Gophers and their home crowd a double-shot of energy early with 10 points in the first 6? minutes, plus a jarring block of Zeller's inside shot that knocked the 7-footer to the court. Coach Tubby Smith took Mbakwe out for a breather, though, and the Hoosiers went on a 10-0 run capped by another behind-the-arc swish from Hulls.

Zeller, Indiana's leading scorer and the second-best shooter in the Big Ten behind Oladipo, was 0 for 4 from the field in the first half with two turnovers, two fouls and two points. Mbakwe picked up his second foul when Oladipo drew contact with 4:02 left before the break and sat until the buzzer. The Gophers scored only three points in the last 7 minutes of the half.

The Hoosiers started the week with a two-game lead in the loss column over Michigan State, Michigan and Wisconsin, poised for their first outright Big Ten regular season championship since going 17-1 in 1993 during Bob Knight's heyday as coach. With home games against Iowa and Ohio State, Indiana has a chance to clinch the title before the finale at Michigan on March 10.

Six weeks ago, this game looked like one of the many marquee matchups that have marked Big Ten play this season, with a conference as strong as it's been in maybe decades. But while the Hoosiers kept winning after their 88-81 hold-on-at-the-end victory on Jan. 12 over then-No. 8 Minnesota, the Gophers sputtered.

Their half-court offense in particular has caused trouble, with an inability to solve zone defenses and a glaring lack of confidence, identity or purpose on so many possessions over the last few weeks. Their struggles were never more pronounced than in their last two games, in defeat by 21 points at Iowa and 26 points at Ohio State. Even on this night, despite the significant improvement, they looked lost at times when Mbakwe wasn't on the court.

So here they were after a much-needed weekend break in the schedule, back on their uniquely raised home court and trying desperately to boost spirits that have sagged under the weight of eight losses in their previous 11 games. Smith even had the team meet with a sports psychologist. Over their last 10 games, they averaged only 57 points and hadn't topped 58 in five games since Feb. 3. After being ranked in 11 straight polls, the Gophers didn't get one vote this week.


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Associated Press


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Seth MacFarlane's Oscar Debut Saved By 'Star Trek'

'Family Guy' creator joins forces with William Shatner's Captain Kirk to save the Oscars telecast.
By Josh Wigler

Seth MacFarlane at the 2013 Oscars
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images


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2nd major snowstorm paralyzes parts of Midwest

An unidentified man carries coffee to his vehicle across an unplowed street in Lawrence, Kan., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. Gusting winds blew drifts more than 2 feet high and created treacherous driving conditions for those who dared the morning commute. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

An unidentified man carries coffee to his vehicle across an unplowed street in Lawrence, Kan., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. Gusting winds blew drifts more than 2 feet high and created treacherous driving conditions for those who dared the morning commute. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

James Smith clears snow from sidewalks Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in downtown Sedalia, Mo., which received about a foot of snow overnight. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas with gusting winds blew drifts more than 2 feet high creating treacherous driving conditions for those who dared the morning commute.(AP Photo/The Democrat, Bob Santnan)

A pedestrian passes snow covers cars and trees Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Mo. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of heavy, wet snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (AP Photo/The Kansas City Star, Keith Myers)

A pair of snow plows head west on US-54 Highway, clearing the snow off the roadway, near Cheney, Kan., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. Gusting winds blew drifts more than 2 feet high and created treacherous driving conditions for those who dared the morning commute. (AP Photo/The Wichita Eagle, Bo Rader)

A pedestrian crosses the street in front of a city bus stuck in the snow Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 in Kansas City, Mo. The second major snowstorm in a week battered the nation's midsection Tuesday, dropping a half-foot or more of heavy, wet snow across Missouri and Kansas and cutting power to thousands. (AP Photo/The Kansas City Star, Keith Myers)

(AP) ? For the second time in a week, a major winter storm paralyzed parts of the nation's midsection Tuesday, dumping a fresh layer of heavy, wet snow atop cities still choked with piles from the previous system and making travel perilous from the Oklahoma panhandle to the Great Lakes.

The weight of the snow strained power lines and cut electricity to more than 100,000 homes and businesses. At least three deaths were blamed on the blizzard.

The Missouri Department of Transportation issued a rare "no travel" advisory, urging people to stay off highways except in case of a dire emergency. Conditions were so bad that some snowplows slid into ditches, underlining the danger to even well-equipped travelers.

"It's straight hell. It's snowing, blowing, drifting, everything," said Robert Branscecum, a trucker from Campton, Ill., who was hauling Wal-Mart merchandise to Dallas. He had been stranded since Monday evening at Beto Junction, about 80 miles southwest of Kansas City.

"The cars are stuck in the parking lot. Some of the trucks that tried to leave got stuck," he said. "I'm not leaving anytime soon."

Up to 10 inches had fallen in and around Kansas City, Mo., by the time the snow tapered off before midday. Mayor Sly James declared a state of emergency.

For a second straight week, schoolchildren, government workers and others caught a break as most schools and office buildings were closed. Hospitals closed outpatient centers and urgent-care clinics.

Although the amount of snow was not unusual for late February, the snow was so heavy it stressed everything it fell on.

In the northwest Oklahoma town of Woodward, a person was killed after 15 inches of snow brought down part of a roof. The storm was also blamed for the deaths of two people who were killed in rollover crashes Monday on Interstate 70 in Kansas.

Heavy snow caused roofs to cave in at businesses in Belton and Warrensburg, Mo., where 13 inches of snow fell. In Columbia, a canopy over gas pumps collapsed at a convenience store.

In a Kansas City neighborhood of apartment complexes, Matthew Meier found a large tree had been uprooted and fallen onto the back of his car.

"I was completely sure I would find the tree trunk across the engine compartment," Meier said. "But when I came outside I said, 'This doesn't look too bad at all.'"

By noon, the storm had arrived in the Great Lakes with a mixture of blowing snow, sleet and frigid rain that disrupted most forms of travel. Airlines canceled more than 280 flights at Chicago's O'Hare and Midway airports alone.

The heavy weather also blew through Iowa, which had been expected to escape any serious snowfall. Parts of the state could now get as much as a foot.

Fueled by a strong low pressure system, the crescent-shaped storm was expected to drop up to 6 inches of snow on Chicago before crawling east across Michigan toward northern New England.

Schools and major highways in the Texas Panhandle remained closed for a second day Tuesday. Interstate 27 reopened between Amarillo and Lubbock, about 120 miles to the south, but the Texas National Guard was still working to clear much of Interstate 40 from the Oklahoma border to the New Mexico state line.

Some other roads reopened as sunny conditions began to thaw ice and snow-packed surfaces.

Just a day earlier, whiteout conditions had made virtually all Panhandle roads impassable. A hurricane-force gust of 75 mph was recorded in Amarillo, which got 17 inches.

In Oklahoma, 600 snowplows and trucks worked to reopen roads.

Because this was the second storm in as many weeks, weary Midwesterners were annoyed that a huge blizzard could so closely follow another major storm.

Climate scientists can't say that man-made global warming is the cause of individual extreme weather events, but they say climate change in general makes such storms more likely because of what it does to the thermodynamics of the air and water.

Warmer air in general holds more moisture, and when temperatures dance around the freezing mark ? cold enough to fall as snow, but warm enough to hold lots of moisture ? the storms dump more snow, especially if part of the system has been over unusually warm ocean water.

Since 1960, much of the United States has had twice as many extreme snowstorms as it had in the 60 years before, according to a new study by top scientists that will soon appear in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. But global warming is also shortening the snow season, dramatically reducing spring snow in the Northern Hemisphere, the Global Snow Lab at Rutgers University found.

"These storms didn't just occur in a vacuum. They are fueled by record amounts of moisture in the atmosphere," Pennsylvania State University climate scientist Michael Mann said Tuesday in an email.

Mann said the unusual warmth and moisture combine with cold air dipping down from the Arctic to produce heavy snow. He said some computer weather models predict the Midwestern storm may break a record for low-pressure, which is how meteorologists measure the strength of a storm.

The back-to-back storms have raised hopes that the moisture might ease the drought conditions that have gripped the Midwest for more than a year. The snowpack now resting on the Plains will help, but it's no drought-buster, experts say.

"If we get one more storm like this, with widespread 2 inches of moisture, we will continue to chip away at the drought," said meteorologist Mike Umscheid of the National Weather Service office in Dodge City. "But to claim the drought is over or ending is way too premature."


Associated Press writers Betsy Blaney in Lubbock, Texas, Nomaan Merchant in Dallas, Jill Zeman Bleed and Kelly P. Kissel in Little Rock, Ark., Daniel Holtmeyer in Oklahoma City, Steve Paulson in Denver, Paul Davenport in Albuquerque, N.M., Roxana Hegeman in Wichita, Kan., and Seth Borenstein in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Nike launches its first 3D-printed football cleat, Ryan Fitzpatrick will be pleased


While we're still giddy at the idea of printing our own phone case, Nike's gone more than a few steps further with its latest innovation. The Swoosh has managed to 3D print the base plate of its latest football cleat, the Vapor Laser Talon. The boot was created using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), which uses high-powered lasers to fuse pieces of plastic together, rather than the more basic methods we've seen in the Makerbot. Not only did SLS enable the company to produce a shoe that would otherwise be impossible with traditional manufacturing techniques, but it was also hammered-out in a fraction of the time. There's no line on when we'll be able to pick one up (or how much it'll cost you), but we imagine you'll pay a premium for that extra bit of speed.

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Chronic animal abusing University of Wisconsin faces wrath of James Cromwell

James Cromwell was formally charged on February 22, 2013 for Disorderly Conduct. Why?

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin-Madison got a shock at their February 7th meeting when they were unexpectedly faced with the glaring censure of actor James Cromwell over their continued animal experimentation on cats.

Cromwell, a known animal advocate and PETA activist entered the meeting uninvited with another activist (Jeremy Beckham) and, holding up large graphic images of a UW tortured lab cat named Double Trouble (who was later decapitated), shouted ?This is not science, it?s torture! Shame on you!?

The story of UW?s horrific treatment of the orange tabby was first reported here in September of 2012 ? Animal Experiments continue at University of Wisconsin despite AWA violations. The article outlines the brutal experiments performed on Double Trouble. ??during a series of highly invasive surgeries?during which she woke up on more than one occasion?Double Trouble had steel coils implanted in her eyes, a stainless steel post screwed into her skull, and electrodes inserted in her brain. UW faculty then applied a toxic chemical to her ears to deafen her and implanted electrical devices deep inside both of her ears?), but whatever outcome they were trying to achieve failed and they put the cat down after forcing her to endure these tests, and decapitated her for further research.?

The PETA files quotes ?I think a lot of people got out their phones and took photographs,? Cromwell told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Thursday. ?I?m sure it?ll go viral, and that?s why I?m here.?

UMW receives upwards of $300 million a year to experiment on animals. Animal experimentation is an over $100 billion a year industry worldwide.

The bottom line for UW-Madison seems to be money. Perhaps it takes an Academy Award nominated actor to shine a spotlight on unnecessary and cruel animal experimentation. (Cromwell is known for his roles in Babe, I, Robot, The Green Mile, and most recently on the hit TV series American Horror Story)

With the world watching as Cromwell intended, and continued protests from advocates and activists alike, it is hoped that UW will finally end their Mary Shelley-esque experiments on these cats, and all animals once and for all.

The charges against Cromwell and Beckham are not considered criminal, but they do carry up to a $1000 fine.

That?ll do, James Cromwell. That?ll do.

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M. Gwynn has authored two books, Harvest and The Cat Who Wanted to be a Reindeer on .

All articles by Michele Gwynn are under copyright and cannot be re-posted whole without written consent by the author. Partial re-posting with a link back to the original article is permitted. For consent, questions, or comments, email

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Second SpaceX space station resupply flight ready to go

Feb. 25, 2013 ? The second International Space Station Commercial Resupply Services flight by Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is set for liftoff at 10:10 a.m. EST on March 1 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

Carried by a Falcon 9 rocket, the Dragon spacecraft will ferry 1,268 pounds of supplies for the space station crew and for experiments being conducted aboard the orbiting laboratory.

The Falcon 9 and Dragon were manufactured at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., and arrived at the Florida launch site by truck. The rocket, topped with the spacecraft, stands 157-feet tall.

The two-stage rocket uses nine engines to power the first stage, generating 855,000 pounds of thrust at sea level, rising to nearly 1,000,000 pounds of thrust as Falcon 9 climbs out of Earth's atmosphere. One engine powers the second stage to complete the climb to space. The 14.4-foot-tall Dragon spacecraft is capable of carrying more than 7,000 pounds of cargo split between pressurized and unpressurized sections.

On March 2, Expedition 34 Commander Kevin Ford and Flight Engineer Tom Marshburn of NASA are scheduled use the station's robot arm to grapple Dragon following its rendezvous with the orbiting outpost. Ground commands will be sent to attach the spacecraft to the Earth-facing port of the station's Harmony module where it will remain for a few weeks while astronauts unload cargo. The crew then will load more than 2,600 pounds of experiment samples and equipment for return to Earth.

Dragon is scheduled for a parachute-assisted splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California on March 25.

This SpaceX flight is the second of at least 12 missions to the space station that the company will fly for NASA under the Commercial Resupply Services contract.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Orders McDonald's For Oscars Broadcast

'Starving' Best Actress nominee tells MTV News she ordered a meal to-go to avoid a real-life 'hunger games.'
By Kevin P. Sullivan, with reporting by Josh Horowitz and Janell Snowden

Jennifer Lawrence at the 2013 Oscars
Photo: Steve Granitz/ Getty Images


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Geeksphone Peak hands-on: a midrange Firefox OS phone from Spain (video)

Geeksphone Peek handson a midrange Firefox OS phone from Spain video

Never heard of Geeksphone before? We can't quite blame you, but it's getting a fair share of attention at Mobile World Congress. While the company has cranked out an Android handset or two over the past few years, it's now dipping a second hand into the Firefox OS pot. Of the two models unveiled at this week's show, the Peak is the higher-end: it boasts a 4.3-inch qHD display, 8MP rear camera and 2MP front-facing cam, a 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 Play chipset (MSM8225). 512MB RAM, 4GB storage with microSD expansion and a 1,800mAh battery.

As you can see, the specs on the Peak aren't anything to email home about, but for a Firefox OS device, it's certainly above-average. The materials are rather on the plasticky side and don't necessarily exude a large sense of elegance, but we're not going to say that the build quality isn't out of the norm for a device in this price range. We didn't have any problem holding it in our hand, and while we weren't given exact dimensions, it appeared to be roughly around 10mm thick. The back of the Peak sports the camera, LED flash and the branding of a Firefox OS developer device.

In terms of radio frequencies, the Peak is compatible with HSPA 900/1900/2100 and quadband GSM / EDGE. It's expected to arrive in Geeksphone's retail store in the coming weeks and the estimated price will be around 200 euros. Check out our full gallery and video of the device and OS below.

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Update Your Fixer-Upper With These Home Improvement Tips | OK ...

TIP! It can be very expensive to purchase new furniture. Add some spice to your home by buying vintage furniture.

Some jobs are easy for a properly-prepared homeowner to handle, but some require expert assistance. The below article can assist you in determining the projects that you shouldn?t even begin and the ones that are fine for applying.

TIP! Basements rarely have any natural light available. If you want your basement to be very comfortable, you should start with a good lighting plan.

A house up foe sale needs a good kitchen and bathroom renovation. Bathrooms are more expensive to update than living rooms or bedrooms, and potential buyers can definitely be turned off by having to spend a lot of money updating one. The fixtures, sinks and bathtubs should be clean and free of rust or scum. Replace linoleum flooring with tile.

TIP! Be sure you properly install ventilation or windows in the bathroom. The humidity created by hot showers can create very fertile grounds for mold to breed.

It?s smart to determine the amount of paint you will need before you start painting no matter how large or small your project may be. If you just guess how much is required, you may end up buying too much or too little. Make sure you take the time to determine exactly the amount you will need for painting.

TIP! Think about appliance upgrades as home improvements, to enable saving money on all utility bills. The newer appliances are more energy efficient, allowing you to recoup the cost of purchase quickly.

If you want to improve the look of your home, and do it the smart way, start with the permanent fixtures that need updated first. Buy expensive furnishings later. Once a home gets sold, the owner brings his decor with him. Attractive fixtures are a valuable addition and can add to the price of a home.

TIP! Before you begin renovating, devise a firm and detailed plan. A plan is essential for a successful project.

Wallpaper and varnish can make a cost effectve kitchen back-splash. Buy wallpaper you like. Measure the space on the wall first, then cut the wallpaper slightly larger. Put on the paste and wait until it gets tacky to the touch. Hang the wallpaper and use a squeegee to smooth out any bubbles. Trim any extra paper with an exacto knife for clean edges and a great fit. Finish by using a brush to apply a thin coat of varnish. Enjoy your brand new back-splash.

TIP! Replacing old outlet covers is a simple and cheap way to freshen up the look of your room. Dirt and dust can cause the covers to discolor over time.

In conclusion, sometimes it is better to call a professional to tackle your home improvement project if you feel you are in over your head. By heeding the advice in this article and only taking on projects that you know you can handle, you can save yourself an awful lot of trouble, not to mention money.


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Stay Healthy By Following These Fitness-Related Tips | Cosmetic ...

There is so much information out there about magical weight loss pills, much of which can be very dangerous to your body and well-being. The article below will help you sort out some of this information. If you read the tips in the next few paragraphs, you?ll learn how to get healthier without having to spend money on a dubious product.

In order to get the maximum possible fitness results, remember that you can relax without being completely sedentary. Do five leg raises as you write that report, or stretch while watching your favorite shows.

Before starting your workout, test the padding thickness of the bench by pressing fingers down into the cushion firmly. If it is easy for you to feel the wooden surface beneath the padding, move on to another machine. If you can feel the support structure you may sustain bruising or other injury.

The ideal compliment for a good fitness program is a healthy diet. Eating the right foods will give your body the necessary energy to get the most out of your workouts and help you lose weight, as well.

Walking will help to increase fitness and is a fantastic workout. Maximize the benefit your calves receive by pushing off your heel to start and your toes to finish. Give your arms a workout too by power walking (bending elbows and swinging arms as you walk.)

If you are injured one limb, continue working out using the opposite. Arms enjoy a symbiotic relationship, and so if one arm is injured, exercising the other can help you maintain a decent level of strength. The muscles in your arms and legs are interrelated, but you should switch to an entirely different muscle group if you feel any pain when exercising.

Take some breaks through the day to reduce your risk of deep vein thrombosis. Try to get up and walk for a bit away from your desk when you have some time during the work day. Stretch your limbs to get the blood flowing. Even a small amount of exercise a few times ech day can make a substantial difference in the level of your fitness.

To make good health and fitness a part of your life, you must find a workout routine that you will be able to stick with for the long-term. Make exercising something you have to do in your life.

Injured Muscles

Following an injury, try to start exercising as soon as you can, but be gentle with the injured muscle. You can actually aid the healing process by engaging your injured muscles in brief, gentle exercises performed at a very low level of intensity. When you do these little exercises, you will be stretching your injured muscles, and a greater amount of blood and oxygen will flow to your injury.

Are you trying to get legs that will turn heads? Leg raises are a great way to get them! This will tone your calf muscles in different ways so you will tone up all your calf muscles, not just one.

Maintain a record of everything you do each day. Include everything you eat, drink and do. This can help you understand if you are making real efforts to get into shape. This will help you notice trends associated with highs or lows in your fitness plan. If you need to skip exercise at any time, include the reason in your daily record.

After targeting a particular muscle group one day, spend the next day only lightly working those muscles. One way to carry this out is by working out the sore muscles with much less effort than usual.

Fitness is something lots of people want, they life weights at home or the gym in their quest for better fitness. There are 6 primary exercises involved in body building: pull ups, push ups, squats, handstands, and bridges.

If you exercise a certain muscle group one day, also work them the next day to repair the muscle tissue. Working out muscles gets more blood pumping to them, which means more blood and more nutrients that they need to recover.

Smaller muscle groups will get tired before larger ones. Start out your routine with dumbbells. Next, work with the barbells, followed by exercises on the machines.

Exercise classes are an excellent way to get into shape. You can find an exercise class that you enjoy, and as a result, you are more likely to continue attending. See if you can find local classes.

Make sure to schedule exercise into your day around the meals that you eat. Staying true to a schedule will help reduce cravings as you will know when the next meal will be. Know your schedule and pack healthy snacks and meals when you know you?ll be out and about.

Test the bench before you use it for a workout. You should press your thumb into the bench seat to test the padding that the bench is made of. If you feel the wooden or metal base beneath, look for another bench.

Sometimes you are so gung ho at the beginning of a fitness program, that you tend to go overboard. If you are beginning to exercise, or haven?t exercised in some time, you need to begin slow and work your way up. If you go too hard too quickly, you can injure muscles that aren?t accustomed to working out.

To help remain motivated try different fitness classes. By changing things up you?ll be able to try new things while getting fit, and will want to keep exercising. Try dancing or take a yoga class. Or, you can try out kickboxing or basketball. Even if you only attend each class once, it is a workout that will contribute to your overall health and fitness.

110 Rpm

While bicycling, keep your pace around 80 to 110 rpm. You will be able to ease the strain on your knees while riding faster. To determine the pace you?re cycling, in ten seconds count how many times you see your right leg come up, and then multiply it by six. Strive for 80 to 110 rpm for a safe and effective cycling workout.

Have great contact skills when playing volleyball. Surprisingly, foosball is a great way to improve your skills. Foosball requires keen skills to win against an opponent; more specifically great hand-eye coordination. Spending time practicing your hand-eye skills while playing foosball will pay off during your next volleyball game.

Building stronger abdominal muscles will go far toward maximizing your level of fitness. You can achieve this by doing morning sit-ups with weights or not. Your core is your abs and these give you more flexibility, which improves your effort while doing sit-ups.

When you are trying to get in shape, carefully avoid dangerous or questionable methods. True fitness requires a whole body approach and should not focus solely on weight loss. Remember what you have read here, and use it to change your life right away. This advice can guide you in the proper direction; you just have to follow it.

110 rpm, calf muscles, injured muscles, muscle group, weight loss

About Mary Joe


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