Sunday, June 30, 2013

Philippines rebukes China for 'militarization' in South China Sea

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN | Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:28am BST

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (Reuters) - The Philippines hit out at China on Sunday over the "increasing militarization" of the South China Sea as tensions between the neighbours flared amid slow-moving regional efforts to forge a compromise over one of Asia's naval flashpoints.

The rebuke by Philippine Foreign Minister Albert del Rosario at a regional summit in Brunei came a day after China's state media warned of an inevitable "counterstrike" against the Philippines if it continued to provoke Beijing.

Friction between China and the Philippines over disputed territories in the oil and gas rich sea has surged since last year due to several naval stand-offs and fraying diplomatic efforts to forge a regional agreement on maritime conduct.

The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) hopes to persuade Beijing to join talks on a proposed Code of Conduct (CoC) this year, but China's naval action has alarmed some nations, particularly the Philippines and Vietnam.

Most recently, the Philippines accused China of encroaching on its territory after three Chinese ships converged just 5 nautical miles (9 km) from a small reef where the Philippines maintains a small military force.

This month the Philippines moved more troops and supplies to the reef, which is within its 200-nautical mile (370 km) economic exclusion zone. China, which does not recognise the zone, condemned it as an "illegal occupation".

Del Rosario said the "massive" presence of Chinese military and paramilitary ships at the Second Thomas shoal and at another reef called the Scarborough Shoal - the site of a tense standoff last year - was a threat to regional peace.

"The statement on counterstrike is an irresponsible one. We condemn any threats of use of force," Del Rosario told reporters in Brunei following a meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers.

He said the ministers had discussed China's ongoing "illegal" occupation of the Scarborough Shoal, which is just 124 nautical miles (230 km) of the Philippine coast.


China and the Philippines have accused each other of flouting a confidence-building 2002 "declaration of conduct" agreed by ASEAN and Beijing. China has appeared in little hurry to begin negotiations on a more comprehensive deal.

"A declaration of conduct is the foundation we need to lay before we can start working on a CoC," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters in Brunei.

"Both sides have to create that basis before we can move forward. It is a process, a step-by-step process."

The worsening dispute comes as Philippine-ally the United States, which says it has a national interest in freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, shifts its military attention back to Asia. Secretary of State John Kerry is due to arrive in Brunei on Monday to join the regional summit.

Critics say China is intent on cementing its vast claims over the sea through its superior and growing naval might, and has little interest in rushing to agree a code of conduct with ASEAN nations, four of which have competing claims.

Divisions among ASEAN over the maritime dispute burst into the open a year ago when a summit chaired by Chinese ally Cambodia failed to issue a closing communique for the first time in the group's 45-year history.

(Additional reporting by Megha Rajagopalan; Editing by Jeremy Laurence)


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Britain turns to Canada for its new banking chief

(AP) ? It's not often that central bank governors get compared to rock stars.

But for all the buzz being created about the new man taking over as governor of the venerable Bank of England, you would think his name is McCartney, rather than Mark Carney.

"He's got that charisma," said Paul Kavanagh, senior market strategist for Killik & Co. "People will warm to him."

Carney, the former head of the Bank of Canada and the first non-Brit to run the 319-year-old bank, moves into the bank's headquarters in the City of London on July 1. He faces a tough challenge: Helping rescue Britain's economy, which has been foundering since the onset of the 2008 economic crisis. While he won't do it alone, Britain's leaders are hoping he can inject confidence and try new ideas to revive the country's fortunes.

Carney, 48, will certainly be hoping for a calmer time of it than his predecessor, Mervyn King. In his 10 years on the job, King, 65, has had to steer the bank through the financial crisis of 2008, help rescue several major retail banks and try to revive the UK's economy by bringing interest rates down to an all-time low of 0.5 percent and introducing a 375 billion pound ($572 billion) bond-buying program.

The new governor brings an impressive track record. Carney is credited with keeping money flowing through the Canadian economy by acting quickly in cutting interest rates to their lowest level ever of 1 percent, working with Canadian bankers to sustain lending through the crisis and, critically, letting the public know rates would remain low so they would keep borrowing. And it wasn't just that he had good policies ? he sold them to the public in a way everyone could understand.

However, he didn't face the same challenges as Britain. Canadian banks were stronger and didn't dabble in subprime mortgages. None of them needed a bailout. Demand for Canada's energy and mineral exports also helped the country rebound faster than most industrial nations in Western Europe and the United States.

Canada recovered faster than many other countries from the 2008 financial crisis. During 2009, unemployment hit 8.7 percent and gross domestic product shrank 4.2 percent. But it came back.

The Canadian economy expanded 2.5 percent in the first three months of this year, the fastest pace since 2011. Unemployment is now around 7.1 percent.

In contrast, the UK economy grew at 0.3 percent in the same period and its unemployment is stuck at around 7.8 percent.

The new guy from Ottawa is getting hyped as a departure from the quiet, reserved King, who comes from the gray, serious world of central banking.

"If it is your view that central bankers are boring old people, he (Carney) was not." said Benjamin Tal, the deputy chief economist at CIBC World Markets in Canada. "He looks differently. He has all his hair. He speaks in a way that it not typical."

Whereas most central bankers keep analysts busy parsing what they say ? much in the style of former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan ? Carney is known for his wit and informed clarity.

That's considered a golden attribute at the moment, especially for the UK. Public confidence in the country's financial sector has been undermined by scandals related to interest rate-rigging, rogue trading and a lack of accountability.

"We need honest appraisals of what is going on if the public is going to change their opinion," said Cary Cooper, a professor at Lancaster University Management School. "(The public) need someone who is open and honest."

Among those anxious for Carney to succeed is Treasury chief, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, a man so unpopular in Britain that he was booed by the crowds at the 2012 London Olympics. Osborne reportedly wooed the Canadian for more than a year, happy to bear the brunt of the acerbic British media, which would criticize Carney's 874,000 pound ($1.3 million) pay and benefit package at a time when the average public sector employee received a 1 percent pay increase.

Carney's newness to Britain is an advantage: He can play the outsider ? replicating a common trait in business where a new face comes in to offer a fresh approach.

And for the UK, Carney is about as outside as you can get. He was born in Fort Smith, in Canada's remote Northwest Territories. When he was 6, his family moved to Edmonton, where his mother taught school and his father became a professor of education history at the University of Alberta

He got a partial scholarship to Harvard, where he was the backup goalie on the hockey team. Influenced by John Kenneth Galbraith, who pioneered the popular notion that economics should be accessible to the masses, Carney took up economics

But Harvard left him in debt and he opted for a job at Goldman Sachs after graduation in 1988.

"I felt it would be better to work for a few years and pay that off," he told Reader's Digest Canada in 2011 of the "exorbitant amount of money" he owed. But when asked how much, he cheerily replied: "That's a bit personal. But I paid it off ?I'm very trustworthy."

He went back to Goldman after studying at Oxford, where he met his British-born wife, Diana, who specializes in development. They have four young daughters.

Carney's years at Goldman Sachs in London, Tokyo and New York left him comfortable with the Wall Street world ? something that was particularly useful at the Bank of Canada. He understood how markets would respond, and wasn't intimidated when financial titans tried to throw their weight around. His backers like to recall a run-in with JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, who had a heated exchange with Carney after accusing him of pushing "anti-American" bank regulations.

"He more than held his ground," former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin said of the exchange. "Mark won the day clearly."

Carney also solidified his reputation by using "forward guidance," or locking in the interest rate outlook for months in at a time ? the idea being that if people knew rates would remain low they would be more likely to borrow. That helped stimulate spending and economic growth. The U.S. also uses this method, and analysts think Carney might try it in Britain.

But Canadians say it's risky to make too much of Carney's role, saying he's more like Ringo Starr ? someone who was in the right place at the right time. Talented, yes, but anyone would succeed with the Beatles ? and Canada's economy has proved resilient to the global economic downturn.

Canada's conservative banks didn't suffer from the same capital and subprime crises that U.S. and UK banks have ? Carney has not had to rescue a bank during his five years at the Bank of Canada.

Tal, the CIBC economist, said that while Carney was a great central banker, a bit less hype might be in order.

"If there are any expectations of a knight on a white horse who coming to save the British economy, I suggest that they will be disappointed," he said.

But Canadian observers also suggest Britain will note his style ? the events, speeches and press conferences tinged with humor.

"I'm a member of a team, the governing council of the Bank of Canada," Carney said at the University of Alberta in May. "If my legacy turns out to be bad, I'm taking them down with me."

Analysts expect he'll take it slow at first. Britain has a much larger financial sector and remains one of the world's great money centers despite its woes. All that candor may not go over well in London.

"He had no fear about wading into any (economic) subject," said Douglas Porter of BMO Capital Markets in Toronto. "(I) suspect he will be more cautious, at least initially, in England."


Associated Press Writer Rob Gillies in Toronto contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Space shuttle Atlantis 'go' for public viewing

This June 20, 2013 photo shows space shuttle Atlantis on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around Atlantis will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

This June 20, 2013 photo shows space shuttle Atlantis on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around Atlantis will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

In this June 20, 2013 photo, workers put the finishing touches on the entrance to the space shuttle Atlantis attraction at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around Atlantis will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

This June 20, 2013 photo shows the space shuttle Atlantis on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around the last shuttle to go into orbit will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

In this June 20, 2013 photo, an astronaut is mounted overhead in the space shuttle Atlantis attraction at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around Atlantis will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

This June 20, 2013 photo shows the space shuttle Atlantis on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The 900,000 square-foot facility centering around the last shuttle to go into orbit will open to the public June 29. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

(AP) ? The last space shuttle to soar makes its museum debut this weekend, and it's the belle of NASA's retirement ball.

The Atlantis exhibit opens to the public Saturday at Kennedy Space Center, the centerpiece of a $100 million attraction dedicated to the entire 30-year shuttle program.

For the first time ever, ordinary Earthlings get to see a space shuttle in a pose previously beheld only by a select few astronauts.

Tilted at a deliberate angle of 43.21 degrees ? as in 4-3-2-1, liftoff ? Atlantis is raised in feigned flight with its payload bay doors wide open and a replicated robot arm outstretched.

Toss in a life-size replica of the Hubble Space Telescope and astronaut-captured images of the International Space Station beamed on the wall, and the impact is out-of-this-world.

More than 40 astronauts who flew on Atlantis planned to take part in Saturday's grand opening at the visitor complex, a popular tourist attraction an hour's drive due east of Orlando.

Retired astronaut Bob Springer got a sneak preview last week and liked what he saw. He rode Atlantis into orbit in 1990 ? one of its 33 missions from 1985 to 2011.

"It's awesome what they've been able to do," Springer said.

So many museum displays are static and cold, he noted.

"This is exactly the opposite. It's like seeing a wild animal in its native habitat. It really looks like you're looking at Atlantis from an astronaut's vantage point in space."

Only a small group of astronauts have seen Atlantis like this in orbit ? those out on a spacewalk or those aboard a space station watching Atlantis come and go.

It makes this perspective ? in flight in orbit ? all the more riveting.

A family visiting from Karlskrona, Sweden, lucked out last week, among a limited number of tourists granted early access as part of a trial run for the exhibit.

"Amazing," said Peter Trossing, accompanied by his wife and two young daughters.

"Pretty cool," added Cincinnati's Amanda Cook as her two sons tried out the space station toilet display. Children lined up to pose for pictures on the space potty mock-up.

Another hands-on draw for the younger set: two main landing gear tires used on Atlantis' final touchdown on July 21, 2011. One after another, children spun the tires, which were mounted on a low pedestal.

Retired for two years, Atlantis is the last of NASA's three space shuttles to go on public display.

Discovery is parked at a Smithsonian Institution hangar in Chantilly, Va. Endeavour is also horizontal at the California Science Center in Los Angeles; it will be displayed upright in launch position once its permanent exhibition hall is completed in 2018.

And the prototype Enterprise rests atop the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City. The exhibit was closed following damage caused by Superstorm Sandy last fall; the new pavilion opens in two weeks.

Unlike its sister ships, the 155,000-pound Atlantis ? tilting to the port, or left, side ? has its nose 30 feet off the floor, its right wing 62 feet up and its left wing 7 feet up. Visitors can walk underneath and gaze up at its belly and the thousands of thermal tiles, and all the way around.

Towering over the outside entrance is a full-scale model of a shuttle external fuel tank paired with two booster rockets, 184 feet tall just like for launch. Inside are an authentic shuttle main engine (the three engines on Atlantis are facsimiles), astronauts' spacewalking tools, the so-called beanie cap that covered the tops of space shuttles on the launch pad, as well as numerous interactive exhibits showcasing the phases of flight.

The display does not ignore the NASA's two lost shuttles ? Challenger, destroyed during liftoff in 1986, and Columbia, shattered during descent in 2003. In fact, the short movie viewed before entering the Atlantis gallery pays special homage to NASA's first shuttle flight, by Columbia, in 1981.

The so-called "reveal theater" ends with Atlantis appearing right before the guests.

"You want an emotional connection and you want that wow factor, and it delivers on both of those," said Tim Macy, director of project development and construction for Delaware North Co., which operates Kennedy's visitor complex for NASA.

Delaware North nabbed Atlantis in a high-stakes national competition two years ago. Kennedy was considered a shoo-in by many, given all 135 shuttle flights began here and most ended here as well.

A six-story structure was built to accommodate Atlantis. The fourth and final wall was erected once the shuttle was towed inside last November.

"It's a doggone big building, and it really tells the shuttle story in an amazing way," said William Moore, chief operating officer of the visitor complex.

Delaware North hopes to recoup some of its $100 million outlay through increased ticket sales. The Atlantis exhibit is included in the ticket price for the visitor center: $50 for adults; $40 for children ages 3-11.



Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex:

Associated Press


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

$35 For a Year of Xbox Live Gold Is Your Deal of the Day

$35 For a Year of Xbox Live Gold Is Your Deal of the Day

Looks like the Xbox One will still require Xbox Live Gold to stream Netflix or play games online. That's a bummer. But it only makes getting a deal on Xbox Live Gold even more important?so pick up a year right here for $35.

If you're re-upping your current 360 subscription, this deal's a no-brainer. $35 is generally the lowest it goes?aside from a $20 Ebay sale from Rakuten a few weeks ago. And this sale is through Newegg on Ebay, so it's definitely a reliable reseller (although it could disappear at any second.) But if you're going to cop a card looking forward to the Xbox One, it becomes more complicated. Microsoft's said that Xbox Live Gold will be an aspect of their new console, but they've flip-flopped before.

Regardless?a year of Xbox Live Gold. $35. Usually $50. Solid deal. [Newegg on Ebay]

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Ouya Game Console Hopes to Disrupt Market at $99 - WTVY

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The Ouya, a $99 video game console powered by the Android operating system. (Courtesy: The Associated Press)

Ouya, a bite-sized game console running on Google's Android operating system, wants to take a bite out of the video game system market long ruled by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.

The console, which went on sale Tuesday for $100, lets players try games for free before buying them, a selling point that Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman likes to bring up since new games for the big three consoles often cost as much as $60 and that's before trying.

"We are definitely disrupting the console market," Uhrman said. "We offer something different."

There are more than 170 games available for Ouya, ranging from the likes of "Crazy Cat Lady" to the more established "Final Fantasy III" from Square Enix, with more to come.

Non-gaming apps include TuneIn Radio. Pricing is up to the game developers and generally in the single-digits. "Final Fantasy" is an exception at $16. While you won't find "Grand Theft Auto IV" or the latest "Call of Duty" among the available titles, there are plenty of others from independent developers who wouldn't necessarily make it on to the dominant consoles.

Ouya is unlikely to make a dent in the demand for high-end video game consoles coming out from Sony and Microsoft later this year, lacking high-end graphics and computing power, not to mention blockbuster games such as the latest "Call of Duty."

But at a fraction of the price (it costs $500 for the Xbox One and $400 for the PlayStation 4), it could appeal to budget-conscious gamers, gadget geeks and those looking for a second or third console.

"We sought to build a $99 game console where all the games are free to try, where any developer whether established or newcomer can bring the games to television," siad Uhrman.

The project to build the console launched on Kickstarter last July. "We brought it to Kickstarter because we wanted to know if anybody really wanted this," Uhrman said.

On Aug. 9, 2012, Ouya's funding period ended with $8.6 million pledged, more than nine times the original $950,000 goal its creators had set out to reach.

More than 63,000 people donated, with 12 pledging $10,000 or more. This May, Ouya received another $15 million, this time in venture capital funding from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and other VC firms, along with chip maker Nvidia.


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Thursday, June 20, 2013

'Today' Shakeup Continues: Director Out, Set Being Overhauled

  • Lucky Shop VIP Preview Part For The Robin Hood Foundation

    NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 18: Court TV correspondent Savannah Guthrie attends Lucky Magazine's VIP Preview to benefit the Robin Hood Foundation at Gotham Hall on November 18, 2004 in New York City. (Photo by Fernando Leon/Getty Images)

  • Joseph Smith Sentenced In Carlia Brucia Case

    SARASOTA, FL - NOVEMBER 28: A crowd watches Joseph Brucia (L) speak with Court TV's Savannah Guthrie (R) during a break in the sentencing phase of Joseph Smith's murder trial November 28, 2005 in Sarasota, Florida. Smith was convicted of murder, kidnapping and sexual assuault in the case earlier this month. A judge and jury will decide whether Smith gets the death penalty or life in prison. (Photo by Tim Boyles/Getty Images)

  • Capitol File Magazine Celebrates The Launch Of Court TV's New D.C. Bureau

    WASHINGTON - MAY 03: (L-R) COURT TV Senior Editor Fred Graham, COURT TV Chairman and CEO Henry Schleiff, and COURT TV's Savannah Guthrie pose for a photograph on the rooftop terrace at the Kennedy Center during a party celebrating the official opening of COURT TV's Washington, DC Bureau, on May 3, 2006 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chris Greenberg/Getty Images)

  • PEOPLE and TIME Cocktail Party on Eve of White House Correspondent?s Dinner

    WASHINGTON - MAY 08: (NO US ENTERTSAINMENT WEEKLIES) Norah O'Donnell, Courtney Hazlett and Savannah Guthrie attend the PEOPLE and TIME cocktail party on eve of White House Correspondent?s Dinner at St Regis Hotel - Astor Terrace on May 8, 2009 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images for People)

  • PEOPLE/TIME Party on The Eve of The White House Correspondents' Dinner

    WASHINGTON - APRIL 30: (L-R) Savannah Guthrie, Laura Jarrett , guest and Valarie Jarrett attend the PEOPLE/TIME party on the eve of the White House Correspondents' Dinner at the St Regis Hotel - Astor Terrace on April 30, 2010 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Time Inc)

  • People/TIME White House Correspondents' Dinner Cocktail Party

    WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 29: Journalists Michael Allen (L) and Savannah Guthrie attend the People/TIME White House Correspondents' dinner cocktail party at the St. Regis Hotel on April 29, 2011 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for TIME)

  • People/TIME White House Correspondents' Dinner Cocktail Party

    WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 29: Journalist Savannah Guthrie attends the People/TIME White House Correspondents' dinner cocktail party at the St. Regis Hotel on April 29, 2011 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Time Warner)

  • U.S. Olympic Hopefuls Appear On The Today Show

    NEW YORK, NY - JULY 27: Co-Host Savannah Guthrie (C) poses for a photo with USA Olympic athletes Henry Cejudo (R) and Bryan Clay (L) during an appearance on the NBC Today Show on July 27, 2011 in New York City (Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images)

  • Marchesa - Front Row - Spring 2012 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

    NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 13: Journalist Savannah Guthrie attends the Marchesa Spring 2012 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at The Plaza Hotel on September 13, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Henry S. Dziekan III/Getty Images)

  • Coldplay Performs On NBC's "Today"

    NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 21: (L-R) Host Al Roker, host Natalie Morales, host Savannah Guthrie, singer/musician Chris Martin of Coldplay, and host Matt Lauer on the set of NBC's 'Today' at Rockefeller Center on October 21, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

  • Robert F. Kennedy Center For Justice And Human Rights 2011 Ripple Of Hope Awards Dinner Honors Former Vice President Al Gore And Dennis Mathisen, Chairman, K2 Capital Group

    NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 05: (L-R) Savannah Guthrie, Michael Warren and Wendy Diamond attend the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights 2011 Ripple of Hope Awards dinner at Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers on December 5, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Getty Images for RFK Center)

  • The "TODAY" Show 60th Anniversary Celebration

    NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 12: (L-R) 'TODAY' Show correspondent Savannah Guthrie attends the 'TODAY' Show 60th anniversary celebration at The Edison Ballroom on January 12, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

  • Vanity Fair & Fisker Automotive Toast Dreamworks Pictures Golden Globes Best Drama Nominations "The Help" And "War Horse"

    LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 13: Savannah Guthrie attends Vanity Fair & Fisker Automotive Toast Dreamworks Pictures Golden Globes Best Drama Nominations 'The Help' And 'War Horse' at Cecconi's Restaurant on January 13, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Vanity Fair)

  • New York Giants Super Bowl Pep Rally Luncheon

    NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 01: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Gayle King and Savannah Guthrie attend the New York Giants Super Bowl Pep Rally Luncheon at Michael's on February 1, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for New York Giants)

  • Rolling Stone Hosts The Bacardi Bash: 150 Years Of Rocking The Party

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN - FEBRUARY 04: Today Show hostess Savannah Guthrie arrives at Rolling Stone's Bacardi Bash: 150 Years of Rocking The Party at The Crane Bay on February 4, 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images for Rolling Stone's Volkswagen Rock & Roll Tailgate)

  • TIME 100 Gala, TIME'S 100 Most Influential People In The World - Red Carpet

    NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 24: Journalist Savannah Guthrie attends the TIME 100 Gala celebrating TIME'S 100 Most Influential People In The World at Jazz at Lincoln Center on April 24, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Fernando Leon/Getty Images for TIME)

  • PEOPLE/TIME Party On The Eve Of The White House Correspondents' Dinner

    WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 27: Savannah Guthrie of NBC and Michael Feldman attend the PEOPLE/TIME Party on the eve of the White House Correspondents' Dinner on April 27, 2012 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for People)

  • 2012 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner - Arrivals

    WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 28: Savannah Guthrie attends the 98th Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner at the Washington Hilton on April 28, 2012 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

  • The Zac Brown Band Performs On NBC's "Today"

    NEW YORK, NY - JULY 13: Journalist and 'Today' co-host Savannah Guthrie (L) and 'Today' co-host Al Roker speak to the crowd on NBC's 'Today' at Rockefeller Plaza on July 13, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

  • Lionel Richie Performs On NBC's "Today"

    NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: 'Today' co-anchor Savannah Guthrie appears on NBC's 'Today' at Rockefeller Plaza on August 16, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

  • Nanette Lepore - Front Row - Spring 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

    NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 12: Savannah Guthrie (C) attends the Nanette Lepore Spring 2013 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at The Stage Lincoln Center on September 12, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week)

  • 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

    BEVERLY HILLS, CA - JANUARY 13: TV personalities Savannah Guthrie (L) and Al Roker arrive at the 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 13, 2013 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

  • "SiriusXM's Town Hall With Jon Bon Jovi" And Moderator Savannah Guthrie At The SiriusXM Studios

    NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 04: Savannah Guthrie attends 'SiriusXM's Town Hall with Jon Bon Jovi' and moderator Savannah Guthrie at the SiriusXM studios on February 4, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

  • The Heart Truth 2013 Fashion Show

    NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 06: Savannah Guthrie walks the runway at The Heart Truth 2013 Fashion Show at Hammerstein Ballroom on February 6, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Heart Truth)

  • The New Yorker's David Remnick Hosts White House Correspondents' Dinner Weekend Pre-Party

    WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 26: Journalist Savannah Guthrie attends The New Yorker's David Remnick Hosts White House Correspondents' Dinner Weekend Pre-Party at W Hotel Rooftop on April 26, 2013 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The New Yorker)

  • Psy Performs On NBC's "Today Show"

    NEW YORK, NY - MAY 03: Psy (R) with hosts Tamron Hall and Savannah Guthrie On NBC's 'Today Show' at TODAY Plaza on May 3, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images)

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    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    Personality test finds some mouse lemurs shy, others bold

    Personality test finds some mouse lemurs shy, others bold [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Jun-2013
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    Contact: Robin Ann Smith
    Duke University

    DURHAM, N.C. -- Anyone who has ever owned a pet will tell you that it has a unique personality.

    Yet only in the last 10 years has the study of animal personality started to gain ground with behavioral ecologists, said Jennifer Verdolin of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, in Durham, NC.

    She and a colleague have now found distinct personalities in the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), the tiny, saucer-eyed primate native to the African island of Madagascar.

    In a study published in the journal Primates, Verdolin gave fourteen gray mouse lemurs living at the Duke Lemur Center a personality test.

    Verdolin filmed the lemurs' reactions to a variety of familiar and unfamiliar objects -- such as a tissue box, an egg carton, an orange ball, and a stuffed toy frog which she placed one at a time into the animals' enclosures. She then measured how long it took each animal to work up the nerve to approach and investigate each object. Mouse lemurs that were quick to approach objects were considered "bold," whereas those that behaved more cautiously were considered "shy."

    She also noted how agitated the lemurs got when handled by their human caretakers during routine weigh-ins and cleanings.

    Verdolin found that those that hung back were also harder for their human caretakers to handle, meaning the lemurs' distinct personality traits held up across a range of situations.

    The report that mouse lemurs have distinct personalities doesn't come as a shock to staff at the Duke Lemur Center. "[The mouse lemur named] Pesto is very chatty. Asparagus gets beat up by the girls. Wasabi is mean as sin, and her favorite flavor is human fingers," said Duke Lemur Center researcher Sarah Zehr, who was not an author of the study. Other scientists have also found evidence of personality differences among grey mouse lemurs living in the wild.

    But for animals living in captivity, Verdolin hopes that personality studies like hers will help researchers determine which individuals are best candidates for breeding programs or for reintroduction back into the wild, as has been done with the North American swift fox, the giant panda, and the golden lion tamarin.

    The next step, Verdolin says, is to determine the extent to which lemur personalities are influenced by the presence of other individuals, or whether behavioral training for some personality types could improve their chances of surviving in the wild.


    CITATION: "Are shy individuals less behaviorally variable? Insights from a captive population of mouse lemurs," Verdolin, J. and J. Harper. Primates, June 2013. Study data available in the Dryad Digital Repository at

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    Personality test finds some mouse lemurs shy, others bold [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Jun-2013
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    Contact: Robin Ann Smith
    Duke University

    DURHAM, N.C. -- Anyone who has ever owned a pet will tell you that it has a unique personality.

    Yet only in the last 10 years has the study of animal personality started to gain ground with behavioral ecologists, said Jennifer Verdolin of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, in Durham, NC.

    She and a colleague have now found distinct personalities in the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), the tiny, saucer-eyed primate native to the African island of Madagascar.

    In a study published in the journal Primates, Verdolin gave fourteen gray mouse lemurs living at the Duke Lemur Center a personality test.

    Verdolin filmed the lemurs' reactions to a variety of familiar and unfamiliar objects -- such as a tissue box, an egg carton, an orange ball, and a stuffed toy frog which she placed one at a time into the animals' enclosures. She then measured how long it took each animal to work up the nerve to approach and investigate each object. Mouse lemurs that were quick to approach objects were considered "bold," whereas those that behaved more cautiously were considered "shy."

    She also noted how agitated the lemurs got when handled by their human caretakers during routine weigh-ins and cleanings.

    Verdolin found that those that hung back were also harder for their human caretakers to handle, meaning the lemurs' distinct personality traits held up across a range of situations.

    The report that mouse lemurs have distinct personalities doesn't come as a shock to staff at the Duke Lemur Center. "[The mouse lemur named] Pesto is very chatty. Asparagus gets beat up by the girls. Wasabi is mean as sin, and her favorite flavor is human fingers," said Duke Lemur Center researcher Sarah Zehr, who was not an author of the study. Other scientists have also found evidence of personality differences among grey mouse lemurs living in the wild.

    But for animals living in captivity, Verdolin hopes that personality studies like hers will help researchers determine which individuals are best candidates for breeding programs or for reintroduction back into the wild, as has been done with the North American swift fox, the giant panda, and the golden lion tamarin.

    The next step, Verdolin says, is to determine the extent to which lemur personalities are influenced by the presence of other individuals, or whether behavioral training for some personality types could improve their chances of surviving in the wild.


    CITATION: "Are shy individuals less behaviorally variable? Insights from a captive population of mouse lemurs," Verdolin, J. and J. Harper. Primates, June 2013. Study data available in the Dryad Digital Repository at

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    Trend Trading Vs. Value Positioning Into Technology & Metals - Blog ...

    Speculation Versus Investing

    Last month's newsletter?Follow The Money Flows?Or Lead??dispelled the notion of the Sell In May And Go Away trade being anything more than a recent coincidence. This month we'll touch on short-term Trend Trading versus longer-term Value & Growth Investing.

    While a company's business values and growth fundamentals tend to drive mid to long-term share prices, short-term industry sentiment and general market behaviour can distort current prices greatly. Efficient Market theorists might disagree but I believe this emotional fear/greed factor is why there are always mispriced market opportunities?presuming a reasonable investment time horizon exists.

    Popular short and near-term trading tactics for additional gains are anticipating Sympathy Plays and Sector Rotations?where traders switch from stocks that have recently moved to related stocks and sectors that have not kept pace. The concept is fairly simple, when a leading name's stock pops on good news?e.g. Better-Than-Expected Earnings?quickly find similar stocks within that business sector, or look for the next sector that might start to play on similar news.

    Momentum surfing tends to run for a few days but then gives back some of the gain. These plays can have several up-phases?with frequent corrections?that together can take weeks, months or longer to fully develop. Recently we have seen sector rotations with sympathy plays back into Mortgage, Social Sites, Transportation, Chinese stocks to even Solar?Biotech and Pharma have been hot all year.

    There can even be rotations within a single sector?e.g. transportation?with Shipping stocks hot in April while Trucking was more in-play last month. Market money flows change quickly, and to help identify the Market's Pulse live?the sector groups and stocks in-play at any moment?see our homepage's Filtered Mid-Day Market Movers, and subscribe to our free Weekend Recap newsletter.

    While this type of speculation keeps Day-Traders and their e-brokers busy, I doubt that they are any further ahead overall by flipping several related names compared to just holding the leading stock play. Keep in mind that while frequent day trading has grown and has added to market liquidity, institutional investors are still key in moving share prices. They tend to put stock supply away, whereas day traders?by definition?return their shares to the float before the market's close.

    Also consider that major stock price moves often happen overnight?in reaction to news released after the main markets have closed. In other words Stock Gaps attempt to factor-in news before the market reopens?which day traders will have missed. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with day trading?just when speculation is confused with investing, or brains with a bull market.

    Next Trends? Look For Value And Growth?Mega-Cap Technology & Mining

    When a beaten-down sector finally begins a new up-trend, the first clear up-move tends to be the biggest. However, it's getting difficult to find a sector that hasn't played this year. The only remaining sectors that I can find, that haven't really participated and may be due, are commodities?especially metals and mining?and large-cap technology?specifically semiconductor chips and computers.

    Sector rotation has mostly ignored leading mega-cap Dow (DJIA) components (NASDAQ: INTC) Intel Corp., (NASDAQ: CSCO) Cisco Systems and (NYSE: HPQ) Hewlett Packard. Unlike most other Dow stocks, all three are still closer to their 10-year lows than their all-time highs. From a value perspective, Intel has a P/E Multiple of only 12 with a substantial 3.61% Dividend Yield, Cisco's P/E is 13 and yields 2.82%, while Hewlett shows negative trailing earnings but still pays 2.35%.

    Like fuelled rockets on the launch-pad that pay more than 10-year Treasuries while you wait, today these stocks get cited more as Dogs Of The Dow value plays rather than the high flyers they were back in the dot-com days. Back then their P/Es were in the triple digits with no dividend payout.

    These companies still dominate their business sectors, with lots of capital muscle to innovate or grow through acquisition. Granted these are huge companies now, but they'll still get their due if/when tech gets hot again?when these leaders may be the first to finally breakout of decade long trading ranges!

    On the other hand, many commodities have not just fallen behind the market's bullish pace, they are just down?period. No sector has been beaten-down as much lately as the mining group?lead by the recent plunge in Gold prices. In our February 4th newsletter?after 16-months of gold's correction?we noted, "a break below gold's $1,600/oz. base might signal a Bearish Reversal, whereas a break above gold's upper $1,800/oz. resistance level might signal a Bullish Continuation?like it did in 2006 and 2008. Whichever way gold moves to eventually break from its pattern could be dramatic?typically wider bases mean bigger moves."

    This appears to have been spot on?or maybe $1,550 was the magic trigger?resulting in heavy gold ETF selling that promptly bungee jumped gold prices down over $200 to a low of $1,321.50 an ounce in April. The bounce resulted in gold recovering to the high $1,400's?on the back of strong physical buying?but now gold seems stuck in the high-$1,300s to low-$1,400s and technically directionless.

    The problem with trying to predict gold's bottom is that new bottoms can always emerge. Even so, Gold Bugs should be asking if this is just an even more undervalued situation?created by short-term negative sentiment over unfounded worries. I highly doubt that this the end of gold's long-term secular bull-market?more likely that money flows have temporarily rotated to better performing equity markets. If so?when the U.S. markets hiccup?gold could rebound in a heartbeat.

    Again we need to look at the value and growth fundamentals of why gold was a good investment in the first place. Gold was going up because it is a proven store of value against economic risks?i.e. Hyperinflation. With the world's currencies ongoing Debase-Race?with Europe's banks a mess and Japan's Yen printers now in overdrive as well?has anything really changed? Also consider the effect of lower gold prices on supply?with most all-in production costs around $1,200 an ounce today.

    A recent Casey Research article?Gold Stock Sellers Remorse?shows the widening gap between GDP and debt and how Central Banks in emerging countries had bought almost a million ounces of gold last month. Further, when prices fell off a cliff in April, physical volume on the Shanghai Gold Exchange quadrupled. This is opposite the behaviour expected if gold's bull-market is done.

    In February we compared the major North American indexes to several major gold and other metals producers?to demonstrate relative value. Here they are again, with February's trailing 12-month P/E shown first and then today's next to it:

    Dow Industrials 15.37 / 16.47, Dow Transportation 18.47 / 21.26, Dow Utility 21.94 / 25.44, Nasdaq-100 16.64 / 18.55, S&P-500 17.92 / 18.28, S&P/TSX Composite 25.60 / 25.60, Russell-2000 31.24 / 59.12. Today's higher P/Es suggest that markets are more expensive then in February.

    Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX)(TSX: ABX) 9.50 / N/A, AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE: AU) 12.10 / 6.65, Gold Fields Ltd. (NYSE: GFI) 9.60 / 2.95, Harmony Gold Mining (NYSE: HMY) 8.20 / 5.16, IAMGOLD Corp. (NYSE: IAG)(TSX: IMG) 8.10 / 8.50, Compania de Minas Buenaventura S.A. (NYSE: BVN) 8.60 / 7.72, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (NYSE: FCX) 11.10 / 9.66, BHP Billiton (NYSE: BHP) 13.60 / 10.88. Today's lower P/Es suggest these stocks are even cheaper now.

    Major miners were relatively inexpensive compared to North American indices back in February. Today this value gap is even wider as indices are more expensive?and miners are even cheaper. The Casey article showed how stock prices overshoot during crashes?with gold stocks now even cheaper than dirt! The example was (NYSE: GG)(TSX: G) Goldcorp, with the market's price per tonne of gold ore being $10.26, versus Topsoil, Compost and Mulch at $31.74, $49.59 and $88.16 respectively.

    Contrarian Non-Gold Metals Play

    Those convinced that the economic recovery is real, and sustainable?although not convinced of the value in owing Precious Metals?might instead look to infrastructure plays and Specialty Metals that have been beaten down. (NYSE: AA) Alcoa is the world's leading producer of primary and fabricated Aluminium, world's largest miner of Bauxite and refiner of Alumina, and a Dow 30 stock since 1959.

    Alcoa is a bet on real industrial growth returning to America and the world's economies, and with this higher aluminum prices. Alcoa's trading range was $25-$40 for a decade prior to the Great Recession?now $8.12 per share. However, just because Alcoa's share price is historically low?marginally above its 2009 low of $4.97?does not mean it's a value play. Alcoa's P/E is high at over 35, and its dividend is low at only 1.47%.

    Competitive pressures?i.e. Chinese producers?have squeezed Alcoa's market share, revenue and earnings. With a market cap under $9B?less than 1/3 of the second-lowest cap Dow stock?and with last month's Moody's credit downgrade, many are questioning Alcoa's status as a Blue Chip industrial. Most suggest (NASDAQ: AAPL) Apple Inc. or (NASDAQ: GOOG) Google Inc. as replacements.

    While I get that Google is a blue chip company from its dominance in Internet Search?and in ad-serving?is it really a bellwether of how the economy or stock market is doing? How long can Apple continue to out-innovate the competition?to hold on to its iThingys high prices, profit margins and market share? Aluminum prices and Alcoa's shares are down, but neither is going the way of the Buggy Whip anytime soon?Contrarian Cyclical Trends suggest both are ugly enough to love again.

    Small To Mid-Cap Specialty Metals

    Prices for Rare Earths have suffered with other metals. We follow leading companies like (NYSE: MCP) Molycorp, which controls world-class light/heavy resources and produces high-purity custom engineered REE products. MCP's market-cap is now just over $1B at $5.69 per share and continues to test April's double-bottom chart lows at around $5?with a 52-week high/low of $23.29/$4.70. For a background on these strategic metals and the key players, see our Research menu and Rare Earths tab.

    The only small-cap mining areas that have seen much excitement this year are Graphite and Uranium exploration. The graphite market is specialized with only a few players to focus on. Over the summer we hope to share a report about Graphite, Graphene and their unique properties and growth opportunities?including some of these companies.

    Since the March 2011 record 9.0 earthquake and tsunami at Fukushima Japan?and the resulting Daiichi Nuclear Plant accident?we have been tracking beaten-up U3O8 prices and major producers shares for signs of their next cyclical up-trend. As a mined metal, uranium has suffered a further whammy?dismal financing options for mining markets in general. However if you research past the media's sound-bites, you will see why U3O8 may be better positioned than any other metal right now!

    Uranium's dominant demand is for nuclear reactors, meaning that it's really a reliable, efficient, and environmentally safe energy play?cheap and with strong long-term growth fundamentals. We have shown how the world's U3O8 demand continues to build?already exceeding mined supply?while at the same time low prices force mines to close, and Russia ends its HEU supply of ~24M/lbs. annually.

    Mining companies and even Developing Nations are adapting via creative financing. Last month Rosatom?Russia's state owned nuclear company?now offers a special package deal to finance, build and operate nuclear power plants. Similar to its arrangement with Turkey for four reactors, Egypt and South Korea have signed memorandum of understanding for nuclear cooperation.

    While junior exploration is risky, there is nothing like a new discovery to ignite interest in a metal or an area play?even in the worst of mining environments. For months we have provided updates about (TSXV: FCU) Fission Uranium and (TSXV: AMW) Alpha Minerals' success in expanding their PLS high-grade uranium joint venture in the Athabaska Basin?rewarding shareholders nicely so far.

    Uranerz Energy Corp. Update

    Our favourite uranium value and growth plays are in between the Junior Explorers and Major Producers?companies with an established resource in a safe mining jurisdiction, and with the management skills, financing and permits in place to bring a mine into production. Development Plays are small enough that drill results can still impact share prices meaningfully, while also large enough to provide more certainty and safety?advanced projects are generally easier to finance.

    Our featured uranium company continues to be (AMEX: URZ)(TSX: URZ) Uranerz Energy Corp.?which is developing its first ISR mine in Wyoming. As a company synopsis, I'll quote a recent Energy Report interview entitled Transformative Energy Technologies: Michael and Chris Berry.

    "This company is a near-term uranium producer in Wyoming, and is particularly attractive due the fact that it is essentially derisked. Uranerz is exceptionally well managed and could be generating cash flow within a year. The company is fully permitted, has offtake agreements in place and should be receiving a $20M loan from the Wyoming Industrial Development Revenue Bond Program. The tolling agreement in place with Cameco Corp. (TSX: CCO)(NYSE: CCJ) is another positive attribute for Uranerz. Given that the Russians (JSC Atomredmetzoloto or ARMZ) have taken Uranium One Inc. private, Cameco may look to consolidate the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and integrate Uranerz into its operations there."

    On June 7th Uranerz announced the completion of a $US6M short-term note financing. Instead of waiting for its $20M Wyoming state government loan to be fully processed, this bridge financing allows the company to commence drilling both of their required Deep Disposal Wells now!

    Click the video screen below for a recent interview with Uranerz Energy's CEO Glenn Catchpole?or visit

    Uranerz Energy has a market capitalization of $93M at its current price of US$1.20 per share. On June 10 Dundee Securities updated their URZ target to $2.65; last month Haywood Securities updated their URZ target to US$2.80.

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