Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wild boar attacks and injures 4 people in Berlin


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Exam Leaked to Guards at Y-12 Nuclear Site, Inquiry Finds

WASHINGTON ? The security guards at a nuclear weapons plant who failed to stop an 82-year-old nun from reaching a bomb fuel storage building earlier this year were also cheating on a recertification exam, according to an internal investigation by the Department of Energy, which owns the weapons plant.

National Nuclear Security Administration, via Reuters

An inspector visiting the Y-12 National Security Complex saw a copy of a recertification exam on the seat of a patrol vehicle.

Shawn Poynter for The New York Times

Sister Megan Gillespie Rice and two accomplices broke into Y-12 on July 28, cutting through three layers of fence.

The exam, with answers, was circulated to guards at the Y-12 National Security Complex, near Oak Ridge, Tenn., before they sat down to take it, according to the report, by the department?s inspector general. The report, released on Wednesday, said that the cheating was enabled by the department itself. It was routine practice for the department to involve contractor personnel in preparation of such exams, because the federal government did not know enough about the security arrangements to write the exam without the help of the contractor.

A federal security official sent the exam by encrypted e-mail to ?trusted agents? at the management contractor, B&W, but did not instruct those executives to keep it secret from the people who would have to take it, according to the report. The government found out about the cheating only because an inspector visiting the plant noticed a copy of an exam on the seat of a patrol vehicle the day before guards were to take it.

The security contractor was Wackenhut, but its contract was terminated after a security breach on July 28, when the nun, Sister Megan Gillespie Rice, and two accomplices cut through three layers of fence, splashed blood on a building housing bomb-grade uranium, performed a Christian ritual and then waited to be apprehended. A subsequent investigation found that many security cameras had been disabled long before the break-in.

B&W remains the management contractor at the site.

The inspector general, Gregory Friedman, said the failure to secure the exam before it was administered was ?inexplicable and inexcusable.? Contractor officials treated the test ?as if it were a training aid,? he wrote. Part of the problem, he said, was ?contractor governance? by the Energy Department. Almost all the work done by the department is performed by contractors.

But there were indications that some officials at Y-12 knew they were doing wrong even as they did it. One contractor official, who had described the exam during a daily meeting of officers, said in an e-mail discovered by the inspector general: ?Please remember the sensitivity issue with these questions. It would not be a good idea for these to be left lying around? or for an officer ?to have these in hand during an audit.?

The inspector general added that ?the issue at Y-12 does not appear to be unique to that site.? Sending exams to the contractor for checking is common because federal officials often lack the knowledge to check the tests themselves before they are administered, the report said. Similar episodes may have happened elsewhere but not been discovered, the inspector general found.

The National Nuclear Security Administration, the part of the Energy Department that runs the weapons plants, disagreed with the report?s conclusions. In a written response, Thomas P. D?Agostino, the head of the administration, said that the problem was not governance, because the issue was not the release of the test to contractor officials for checking, but ?the abuse of discretion (or disregard of controls for further distribution) on the contractor?s part in releasing the materials to a broader group of employees.?

Mr. D?Agostino wrote that his agency would work ?to ensure that there are no similar lapses in the effective control of performance test information in the future.?


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Journalists' Pets Fed Up With Sandy - FishbowlDC

A number of Washington area journalists expressed their feelings about Superstorm Sandy last night by venting about animals. Lisa De Pasquale, a conservative writer based in Alexandria, Va., expressed outrage early on in the day. ?I can?t believe the local news has to remind people to bring their pets in during the storm,? she wrote on Twitter. ?I hate people.?

?OVER IT,? screamed Politico?s Kate Nocerra in all-caps, posting a picture of her cat (pictured here).

And Bryan Sears, assistant regional editor and Baltimore County government and politics reporter for, remarked, ?Sam, my Golden, has had enough of Hurricane Sandy.? (Sam is pictured here.)

HuffPost Blog Editor Erin Ruberry, meanwhile, displayed her pet amid the storm. ?Kitten + hot chocolate = how to wait out #Frankenstorm #Sandy,? she wrote. (Her kitten is pictured below.)



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IU Health Arnett using new cancer fighting machine | WLFI -

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - Indiana University Health Arnett is offering a new cancer treatment option for patients. This new treatment uses the latest technology from Varian Medical Systems ? the Trilogy Linear Accelerator with RapidArc Technology.

Doctors said the accelerator shortens treatment time and delivers a more precise dosage of radiation. Treatment is said to be two to eight times faster than other conventional radiotherapy devices.

"With this new technology, we are able to shape the radiation beam with much better precision to target cancerous tissue and avoid damage to surrounding normal tissue or organs," said Radiation Oncologist Arthur Ko. ?

Dr. Ko said the treatment is also two to eight times faster than other conventional radiation options, making it more comfortable and convenient for patients.

"If patient is here (points)... it makes one circle, one revolution. It takes two minutes to go around, you know, 360 degrees in one revolution and while it's turning, it can actually give all the radiation a patient need(s)," said Dr. Ko.

IU Health Arnett has been using this new treatment since September. According to a news release from IU Health Arnett, RapidArc can be used to treat different types of cancer, including prostate, skin, breast, brain, head and neck, throat, larynx, thyroid, bone, ovarian, lung, pancreas, esophagus, anorectal and uterine.

The device is located at IU Health Arnett Cancer Services at 420 N. 26th St. in Lafayette. You can learn more about cancer treatment options on IU Health Arnett's website . You can also learn more about Dr. Arthur Ko on the IU Health Arnett website .


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Zappos Terms Of Service Ruled Invalid - Business Insider


A lawsuit that will have them screaming.

Zappos just lost a big court battle.

In January, hackers got ahold of 24 million Zappos customers' email addresses and other personal information.

Some of those customers have been suing Zappos, an online shoes and clothing retailer that's owned by Zappos wants the matter to go into arbitration, citing its terms of service.

The problem: A federal court just ruled that agreement completely invalid.

So Zappos will have to go to court?or more likely settle to avoid those legal costs.

Here's how Zappos screwed up, according to Eric Goldman, a law professor and director of Santa Clara University's High Tech Law Institute: It put a link to its terms of service on its website, but didn't force customers to click through to it.

There's a ton of legal precedents around what constitutes a contract. If you leave a piece of paper with a bunch of legalese out in your office, and someone wanders through, but doesn't even look at it, let alone sign it, you can't say they agreed to what's on the paper. There's no "meeting of the minds," to use the legal concept.

These kinds of arrangement are called "browsewrap" agreements, and they're extremely common?Dell, Southwest, and a lot of other companies have had them on their websites, and their uncertain legal status has landed them in court a lot.

What Zappos should have done: Force customers to click a button that says sure, yeah, whatever, they've read the terms and agree to them. Courts have found these "clickwrap" terms valid?even though in reality no one actually reads the stuff they're agreeing to.

A second way Zappos messed up: Its terms say that it can change the agreement at any time, unilaterally. That's inherently unfair, and courts have invalidated contracts on those grounds, too.

What this means: A lot of billable hours for lawyers and interactive designers, as everyone reworks their websites and mobile apps to force users to lie about having read page after page of legal jargon to get about their business.

Will Zappos have to pay up? The customers whose email addresses were exposed will have to demonstrate that they were actually harmed by the leak. But arbitration is usually a way to resolve disputes that's less expensive and friendlier to businesses, which is why terms of service usually require it.


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Security firm CrowdStrike hires U.S. Air Force info-warfare expert

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Watchdog gives public bodies one last chance to act on disability ...

Police figures showing that some forces recorded just four disability hate crimes last year are ?incredible? and ?not believable?, according to the chair of the equality watchdog?s disability committee.

Mike Smith, the only disabled commissioner at the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), was speaking as the EHRC published a follow-up report to its major inquiry into disability-related harassment.

Last year?s inquiry concluded that hundreds of thousands of disabled people a year were subjected to disability-related harassment, but that public bodies were guilty of a ?systematic, institutional failure? to recognise the problem.

This week?s report, Out In The Open: A Manifesto For Change, analyses the action taken by the government, local authorities, police forces, transport providers and other bodies since the inquiry published its conclusions.

It concludes that many of them are ?taking significant steps, making progress, individually and collectively, towards making a real difference?, but that actions taken to prevent and tackle harassment have been ?patchy?, with some authorities ?doing nothing or very little at all?.

The report was published almost five years to the day after the death of Fiona Pilkington, who killed herself and her disabled daughter Francecca after suffering years of disablist abuse targeted at their family and repeatedly begging the authorities to act.

But this week?s report also comes only a week after a Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) report showed a sharp drop in the number of prosecutions for disability hate crime, and in the number of disability hate crimes referred to the CPS by the police.

This fall came even though reports of disability hate crime to the police are rising sharply, with a 23 per cent increase between 2010 and 2011.

Smith said: ?There clearly is a problem. The CPS and the police need to look very hard at why it is happening and what they can do about it.?

But he also said he found it ?incredible? that two police forces ? Devon and Cornwall, and Hampshire ? each reported just four disability hate crimes last year, while Leicestershire reported 255, and added: ?I do not believe that somehow they have created a magic environment in which disability hate crime is not happening.?

He said it was still too early to use the expression ?institutional disablism? to describe any public bodies, but he said: ?If we are getting numbers like four [disability hate crimes] in a year?s time, I would find it hard not to.?

He also said he was ?disappointed? that the Department for Education had failed to accept the EHRC?s recommendation that there should be research into how segregated schooling affects the ability of disabled children ?to re-integrate into wider society?, and its impact on how non-disabled children view disabled people.

The inquiry report suggested that the failure to include disabled people in society ? including the history of forcing disabled people to live in institutions, and segregated employment and education ? was one of the causes of disability-related harassment.

Based on responses to the draft recommendations it made last year, the EHRC has now produced 43 final recommendations, including calls to improve reporting of hate crime, plug gaps in legislation, improve advocacy and understanding of the motivation behind disability hate crime, and to increase the involvement of disabled people in developing hate crime policy.

News provided by John Pring at


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What Could Go Wrong When Selecting Your ... - Food n Drink Info ...

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It does not matter whether you?re just setting up a brand new company in the food hospitality industry or you are expanding or updating your current food business, with regards to selecting commercial kitchen supplies there are many items that could go wrong.

By understanding what a few of the pitfalls are to watch out for when picking your commercial kitchen supplies you?re going to be that much more wiser about making your purchases, and have a much better likelihood of not making the typical mistakes that may be both costly and frustrating. Here is actually a quick list that may offer you a ?heads up? for your next commercial food preparation equipment endeavors.

Make the time?

One of the most costly errors in terms of buying catering supplies is that not enough time is considered to make the proper purchases. If you are purchasing in haste then the largest factor that can go wrong is getting the inappropriate variety of kitchen supplies for your commercial business or paying too much for them.

Purchasing from the wrong sources?

Not finding a reputable and established supplier that specializes in the food catering equipment industry can definitely open up the doors for things to go wrong. If you are purchasing from temporary suppliers which are operating quick sales you run the risk of ending up with inferior equipment. No matter how great a deal you got on the price, if it doesn?t perform then it can end up costing you the loss of business. The quality of your food fare is dependent upon good quality equipment to produce it. If you sacrifice this good quality so as to get what you think is a bargain on the cost of the kitchen equipment purchase then you are harming your company.

Not realizing what you need?

If you are of the mind to only bargain shop and yet you are in need of some specific kitchen catering supplies then you may most likely not end up meeting the needs of your business. It is essential that when you set out to shop for new catering products that you understand what you?re searching for and what your spending budget is for those products.

These are just a few areas exactly where you?ll be able to go wrong when it comes to your commercial kitchen supplies if you are buying new ones or replacing old ones. You always have the alternative to shop for used catering supplies at the same time, but again this should only be carried out through a supplier that you trust. Additionally be aware that a lot can go wrong if you do not include the appropriate use and care of all of your food fare preparation equipment.

In search of the best catering equipment? Search no further! Click here? for a considerable selection of the top kitchenware to complement your requirements on this site? .


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Petit George: Homey cafe serving tasty burgers and salads ...

petitgeorge.jpgSmooshed between a Coco and a convenience store underneath a freeway might seem a peculiar spot to find a snug little Western cafe. But take one step inside Petit George, and the raucous squawks and neon lights of Shanghai immediately evaporate, leaving you wondering if you're still in Asia.


Imagine an antique book/trinket shop in a quiet coastal town - dim candles, wooden everything, drawn drapes, rococo and landscape paintings, baskets with dried leaves and twigs in them, the whole nine yards. The service is also about as speedy and attentive as an antique bookstore's, to the point that you'll probably have to get up at some point during the evening to check on your order, or even order in the first place. To their credit, they seemed undermanned.


petitgeorgeburger.jpgNothing too surprising here, just your normal roster of salads, pizzas, burgers, and sides. Pizzas are well priced, ranging from 38-68RMB for the six-inch option, and 58-98RMB for the 12-inch. And even if you're not big on salads, definitely try the George Signature Salad (45RMB), a large wooden bowl of mixed greens, eggs, balsamic and olive oil, and thick, bleeding slices of steak - a must for any salad. Also go for the 12-in thin-crust Parma ham and mushroom pizza (88RMB).

You can't go wrong with the burgers either, the only disclaimer being that the George signature burger (55RMB) doesn't actually have a meat patty even though it's not made clear on the menu. On first glance, we thought they simply forgot to slip it in. Standing in for beef is a UFO-sized portobello mushroom piled with greasy bacon and cheese, and paired with mixed-greens and bulky steak fries. And even as cretaceous carnivores, we have to say, the mushroom-burger was pretty damn tasty. The cushion-y mushroom leaked earthy juice that dripped onto the bacon, and we have kind've a soft spot for those fake, yellow cheese squares that look like sticky notes.

Wet your lips with a choice of fruit smoothies, beers, or cocktails.

Final thoughts

Even seasoned expats periodically grow sick of Shanghai's spitting, invasion of personal space, tourette's-level horn-honking, deer-in-the-headlights stares when you ask for directions in what you think is clear Chinese, etc. If you're feeling this way, Petit George is your refuge. And the food's not half bad.

Petit George - 1794 Yanan Xi Lu, near Tianshan Lu, Changning district (???????1794?, ????). Tel: (0)21-5224-2933. Hours: 11am-11pm daily.

Benjamin Cost is Shanghaiist's Food Editor. Email tips, recommendations, and news updates on Shanghai's dining scene to


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Virtual Valet lets your smartphone park your car

Will Ferguson, reporter

You're on the third lap around the car park, there are no open spaces, and you're already 15 minutes late for your appointment. Right now you're wishing you could jump out of the car and let it go find its own spot.

Good news: now there's an app for that. Virtual Valet lets your iPhone tell your car to park without you in it. "You pull up to the kerb, push a button on your smartphone and the car takes care of everything else," says Aaron Steinfeld, the lead researcher for the project at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Then you tell it to come back whenever you are done."


(Image: Gail Shotlander/Getty)

To find its own spot, the system uses a sensor suite similar to ones found in many luxury cars. This includes a motion sensor that scans for moving cars and pedestrians, and a forward-facing laser rangefinder normally found in adaptive cruise control to determine the distance of objects in front of the car. Information from these sensors is then fed to an onboard computer to plot the vehicle's course. The user can watch the whole process from their phone. "It works indoors, outdoors and could even work at your home," Steinfeld says.

Better still, it will be affordable. The team has spent the last year moving from high-end imaging and processing equipment to less expensive components. In experiments, the vehicle was able to navigate through a crowded parking structure, find an empty spot, and park all on its own. And, Steinfeld says, the greatest appeal of the Virtual Valet Parking App is that it requires no change to existing parking facilities or infrastructure.

For the moment, the only car equipped for control by Virtual Valet is Carnegie Mellon's modified Jeep Wrangler, which the researchers have named NavLab11. But Steinfeld hopes that major car manufacturers will adopt the technology.

It might be more than technology that holds up the show, however. Self-driving cars have? been licensed in only three US states - California, Nevada and Florida - and it's unclear how this app would mesh with self-driving laws. Until these questions are settled, your insurance provider might balk at covering a ding from a parking incident. "Guaranteeing reliability and safety is the key issue," says Jim Osborn of the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute. "Right now this is not something we would expect an auto insurer to underwrite."

The research will be presented at Auto Apps and Mobile Device Evolution 2012 this December in Berlin, Germany.


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Cardiovascular problems in children and adolescents | Fitness and ...

Cardiovascular problemsUntil recently, we thought that the risk of suffering a heart attack was a problem relating to adults and, even more, who led a carefree life demanding or health care. However, in recent times, the cardiovascular problems in children and adolescents are increasingly common, forcing us to change our beliefs and accept that none of us is exempt when it comes to heart.

This mutation in the risk group is not a mere coincidence, but responds to changes in the methodology of life that society has begun to implement with the passage of time and the progress of urbanization, more technological development, new ways to spend our free time and living in an accelerated manner. These changes resulted mainly two major issues facing youth today and that goes hand in hand with each other: obesity and sedentary lifestyle, two risk factors for cardiovascular problems.


For a long time, obesity has become almost a taboo subject. Nobody named for fear of discrimination or feel discriminated. However, today we understand that this is not simply an eating disorder, but it is much stronger, is a disease that can cause numerous other health problems, especially when it comes to childhood obesity.

The way to reduce this index is that the family involved. It is difficult for a child or teen can understand how risky it is to be obese and more complicated still, is to accept to make a diet to counteract this problem.

It is therefore important that the family change their eating habits, choosing to eat healthy, your diet by removing the fatty foods and sugary drinks. Few teens who cook their own food so the menu to be given depends almost entirely on their parents, so to avoid dealing with a heart problem, pay attention to how we feed our children.

A sedentary lifestyle

If we talk about obesity, we can not avoid associating with inactivity. A poor diet is often added inactivity experienced by children and teens of this century. Today, both when they meet their obligations as they enjoy their free time, young people are sitting: at school, at your computer, playing video games or watching television.

This sedentary lifestyle certainly affects the body and affects the cardiovascular system related diseases. And here, again, is the family that should make the decision to send their children to play sports, join them to put aside the closure and enjoy the outdoors.

The heart is a muscle and that is healthy and strong must be exercised. Encourage your children to do exercise , jump, run, play, become tired and above all, breathe fresh air is the best way to help them prevent a possible heart problem.

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Skyfall Posts Record-Breaking UK Debut


My increasing enthusiasm for the release of Sam Mendes? James Bond film Skyfall?over the past few weeks hasn?t exactly been a secret, and I appear to be in some good company.? Though the pic doesn?t open stateside until next Friday, Skyfall?made one hell of a splash with its international debut this past weekend. ?The film dominated the foreign box office, raking in a whopping $77.7 million in total. ?$32.4 million of that came from from its U.K. debut, where it broke a couple of records.? Hit the jump for more.

skyfall-imax-posterThe $32.4 million garnered in the U.K. gave Skyfall the second highest opening weekend in history (per THR), behind the 3D-enhanced Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ? Part 2.? In addition, the pic broke the all-time Saturday attendance record in the U.K.? This debut is a fantastic feat given the film?s lack of 3D (and therefore lack of higher ticket prices), though IMAX accounted for $3.5 million of the film?s total box office take.? Skyfall opened on 79 IMAX theaters in 15 territories, netting the format?s largest opening ever for a non-holiday, non-summer title.? The film also broke the record for the highest opening weekend ever for a Bond film in Brazil.

The film?s stellar international box office performance and glowing reviews point to Skyfall have a very successful box office run here in the States, so it?ll be interesting to see just how well the Daniel Craig-starrer will do.? Casino Royale scored a $40 million opening weekend, while Quantum of Solace raked in $67 million on its weekend debut.? The buzz on Skyfall is incredibly strong, so don?t be shocked if we see a domestic opening weekend number significantly higher than Solace?s take.

Skyfall opens in the U.S. on November 9th.




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Nexus 10 Specs

Google Nexus 10

Here are the complete specs of the Nexus 10:

  • Display: 10.055” 2560 x 1600 (300 ppi) WQXGA, HD PLS w/ Corning Gorilla Glass 2
  • Dimensions: 6.99 in (177.6 mm) x 10.39 in (263.9 mm) x 0.35 in (8.9 mm)
  • Weight: 1.33 lbs (603 g)
  • Camera (Main): 5MP, 1080p video
  • Camera (Front): 1.9MP, 720p video
  • Memory: 16 GB or 32 GB
  • Processor: Dual-core A15 Eagle
  • GPU: Mali T604
  • RAM: 2GB
  • OS: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
  • Battery: 9,000 mAh Lithium Polymer
  • Wireless Dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (MIMO+HT40)
  • Dual-side NFC (Android Beam)
  • Micro HDMI
  • 3.5mm headphone jack
  • Bluetooth
  • Sensors Accelerometer, Compass, Ambient light, Gyroscope, Pressure, GPS
  • Standby: up to 500 hours
  • Music playback: up to 90 hours
  • Video playback: up to 9 hours
  • Web browsing: up to 7 hours


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kyoto targets drive electronics business | SMART Group

European manufacturers can create value and win back wealth-generating businesses in energy efficient automotive projects, writes Lee Burtelson, v-p marketing, TT electronics components division.

Throughout Europe consumers continue to place tough demands for better personal transportation, in particular calling for vehicles that offer improved fuel economy to reduce running costs and CO2 emissions, and also better safety.

These are areas which benefit from advanced electronics technologies such as power modules for turbocharger intercooling and oil mist separation, engine cooling and exhaust after-treatment for greater energy efficiency and emissions reduction.

While considering the impact of electronics in advanced transportation, the current success of e-mobility solutions in the form of e-scooters, trucks and tractors in Europe is providing a valuable proving ground for high-performance traction drives.

Green energy is another area driving growth in Europe, propelled both by rising gas and electricity prices and consumer belief in the green principles.

Although Europe?s governments are trying to cut back on their expenditure generally, they are likely to continue offering financial incentives for solar and wind generation as they face pressure to meet Kyoto commitments.

Smart metering is a key aspect of the green energy revolution, and is critically dependent on new electronics technologies and techniques. Standard meters need to be changed to smart meters to meet European legislation.

Generally, European manufacturers have managed quite successfully to hold on to some of the higher value, high-tech aspects of electronics manufacturing, in sectors such as aerospace and high-reliability systems where we see growth from satellite manufacturers as well as hybrid microcircuit and power switching solutions for the oil and gas industry.

Continuing to develop technology and products that help customers meet their customers? needs for energy savings and safety will continue to provide avenues for European manufacturers to create value.?


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Creating More Survivors With Local Cancer Research | NBC 4i

As we near the end of breast cancer awareness month, we are taking a look at some of the progress taking place right in our backyard.

As we near the end of breast cancer awareness month, we are taking a look at some of the progress taking place right in our backyard. From research, to clinical trials, to new therapies, more and more people are surviving because of the work being done at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center ? Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital.

NBC4's Robyn Haines shares one woman's story, as she does her part to make a difference.

High school physical education teacher Jodi Brown is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed in 2009 at just 32-years-old.

She had chemo, radiation, and surgery to get rid of the disease but she wanted to do more. Her treatment all started with Doctor Ramaswamy at The James.??

"This is what motivates me in the whole cancer world, she sat down, grabbed my hand and she goes you have breast cancer and you're going to be a survivor one day and you can help somebody out," said Jodi.

So this year, cancer free and thriving, Jodi created her own 5k to raise money for the Stefanie Spielman fund, $23,000 to help researchers, like her own doctor, create options for future generations.

Right now, Doctor Ramaswamy is working on a possible new therapy for Tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells. Tamoxifen is a pill that has long been used to treat cancer that depends on estrogen to grow.

"What is novel about what we have done is a very unique pathway, called hedgehog pathway, cells that are resistant to Tamoxifen, breast cancer cells, this pathway is very highly activated,? said Dr. Ramaswamy.

So they are now pushing toward a clinical trial for an "anti-hedgehog" pill -- a way to stop the cancer cells from becoming resistant to the drug. Researchers are also working on new ways to combat triple negative breast cancer, rare and aggressive, with very few treatment options.

"We are looking at the same hedgehog compound and we've found some very interesting data there as well as far as triple negative as a target,"?said Dr. Ramaswamy.???

They're also looking into PARP inhibitors to treat triple negative, which focuses on DNA repair in the diseased cells.

The doctor goes on to say that the problem with finding a cure for cancer is that a cancer cell is not constant, and never will be.

So every time we get closer, the cell changes and finds a way to get around our treatments.

Experts and survivors say a large problem that needs to be addressed is getting better at prevention, finding out why we get cancer in the first place.

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Miguel Pupo and Kolohe Andino shine under pressure in French ...

Miguel Pupo and Kolohe Andino shine under pressure in French conditions

Brazil?s Miguel Pupo and America?s Kolohe Andino were nothing short of impressive during their respective Round 5 heats at the Quiksilver Pro France, the seventh of ten stops on the 2012 Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Championship Tour, which went down at the main event site of La Graviere in Hossegor, France, on Thursday, October 4, 2012.

Pupo took a convincing victory over French Polynesia?s Michel Bourez in the opening heat of Round 5 to advance through into the quarter-final, removing the latter from the contention for the event title.

The second heat saw Australia?s Bede Durbidge succumb to Andino to find himself ejected from the competition, allowing the latter to go through into the next round.

The pulsing six foot waves on offer at the primary event site during the fifth round of the latest elite tour event set the stage very nicely for the thrilling battles between the best surfers from around the globe to take each other on in one-on-one battles for a place in the quarter-finals.

The large crowd in attendance, as well as an even bigger online audience expected the heats to be full of exciting action and thrilling climaxes as that is exactly they had witnessed over the last few days of the competition.

The first heat of Round 5 pitted Pupo against Bourez in a battle for survival. Both the surfers had failed to put on a solid performance during their Round 4 bout, which consequently led to their relegation to the fifth round.

The pressure of elimination and the determination to make it through into the next stage of the competition was bound to make the two surfers push harder.

As the battle got underway, both Pupo and Bourez got off to a slow start, apparently struggling to adjust to the conditions on hand.

Almost half-way through the heat, the French Polynesian surfer locked his first business-wave to post a 5.23 to his account, consequently moving into the lead.

Adding another 4.93 points to his account, Bourez eventually had to settle for a heat-total of 10.16 points.

Pupo carried out a pretty energetic search for a couple of good waves, though his first success came in the later stages of the heat as he got his hands on a 4.67-point ride.

Giving the crowd the intense climax that they were hoping to witness, the Brazilian young gun locked a juicy wave in the dying minutes of the heat to unload a series of stylish tricks, earning a 7.83 for the effort and thus moving to a decisive heat-total of 12.50 points.

The second heat saw one of the most promising Californian talents in recent times, Andino, take on the experienced Durbidge in a battle for the quarter-final spot.

As the heat kicked off, the American young gun hardly wasted any time to get down to business, earning a 6.00 off his first wave to take the lead.

He went on to back a solid start with a 6.50-point ride halfway through the heat, thus moving to a heat-total of 12.50 points.

Durbidge, on the other hand, seemed pretty much out of rhythm, struggling to adapt to the pulsing waves on offer.

Scoring a 0.67 off his first business-wave and backing it up with a 1.40-point ride, the Australian surfer eventually had to settle for a heat-total of 2.07 points. The lacklustre performance led to his elimination from the competition.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer?s and do not reflect official editorial policy.


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Pitching and D, pitching and D

New champions were built on perhaps the most-fundamental principle in the game


By Tony DeMarco contributor

updated 2:52 a.m. ET Oct. 29, 2012

Tony DeMarco

DETROIT - There are things about the San Francisco Giants that other organizations just aren't going to try.

Over the years, the Giants have attempted to curb Pablo Sandoval's appetite and change his work habits, but in the end, they let Panda be Panda, and mature on his own.

Because when he gets hot, he can carry a team through a postseason by hitting .364 with 11 extra-base hits and 13 RBI in 16 games, and win a World Series MVP award with a three-homer game, .500 batting average and four RBI.

After nine teams passed on a skinny little right-hander in the 2006 amateur draft, the Giants weren't afraid to pull the trigger on Tim Lincecum.

Two Cy Young Awards later, he unselfishly turns in a string of dominant postseason relief appearances, the last two of which were key wins in a World Series sweep of the Detroit Tigers.

And there is no looser, more tolerant atmosphere around any organization. It's one that fosters a colorful cast of mostly bearded characters who aren't necessarily fit, say, for the uptight professionalism around Yankee Stadium.

But another by-product is an always-have-fun-mentality that can shake off pressure and help in winning six postseason elimination games.

So maybe the Giants, who put away the Tigers with a 4-3 victory in 10 innings on Sunday night, aren't going to be the MLB model organization everybody tries to emulate. But two World Series titles in three years say they know what works for them, and they're doing it right.

"Two out of the three years; it's amazing,'' manager Bruce Bochy said. "Believe me, I know how difficult it is to get here. It's pretty remarkable what these guys have done.''

But the closer you look, the more you realize that for all their eccentricities, the Giants are built on perhaps the most-fundamental principle in the game ? pitching and defense wins.

It was around the time back in October of 2006 when senior vice president/general manager Brian Sabean swiftly scooped up Bruce Bochy to replace retiring manager Felipe Alou that the Giants committed to a makeover.

Partially by choice, and partially dictated by their unforgiving AT&T Park ? the toughest place in which to hit a home run this season ? the Giants knew they had to transform from more of a slugging, station-to-station team to a more athletic one that was led by its pitching staff.

And then they went out and executed the plan. Do pitching and defense ever go out of style, Mr. Sabean?

"No, because we're proving they haven't ? at the right time, and in the biggest games,'' he said. "In our park, in our division, you're crazy not to build (around) a pitching staff. If you pick up the ball, you're in most games. We play a lot of close games in our division.''

And in the postseason, too. A postseason that ended with the Giants on a seven-game winning streak that began in Game 5 of the NLCS; a streak during which they allowed 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0 and 3 runs.

"When pitching is your strength, you want a good defense,'' Bochy said. "As long as you can stay in games, the better chance you have of winning them. That's how we play.''

I think our defense saved us in every game. The double plays, the plays (Gregor) Blanco made, the plays (Brandon) Crawford made, really everybody.''

And when you look at the Giants' Game 4 lineup, you see exactly how Sabean's plan has come together.

Ace Matt Cain, the longest-tenured Giant on the roster as the club's No. 1 pick in the June 2002 draft. He was the first of the rotation's first-round picks, followed by Lincecum in 2006 and Madison Bumgarner in 2007.

When you add likely NL MVP Buster Posey (first round, 2008) into the equation, as well as Crawford (fourth round, 2008) and Brandon Belt (fifth round, nine), that's enviable draft-and-development success.

Crawford went to spring training without a roster spot guaranteed, and knowing he would struggle offensively at times, the Giants kept him around anyway. The reason ? all you had to do was watch him play shortstop in this series. It won't be a surprise if he's a Gold Glove Award winner in the near future.

Gregor Blanco was signed as a free agent last winter, and was nothing more than a fourth outfielder until the July 31 Melky Cabrera suspension. That emphasis on defense kept the Giants from dealing for a pricier, more-offense-oriented replacement for Cabrera.

Instead, they traded for Marco Scutaro, who never stopped delivering in key situations and playing excellent defense after he came over from the Colorado Rockies. Scutaro, 36, long has been a solid, fundamentally sound player, but he quickly earned the nickname 'Blockbuster' (as in the Giants' big blockbuster acquisition).

So who else but Scutaro ? the NLCS MVP ? who delivered the game-winning hit Sunday, a single in front of Tigers center fielder Austin Jackson that scored Ryan Theriot.

"You get worried when a guy like that comes up; you think maybe he's used them all up,'' Cain said. "But he had one more left, and it was the biggest one we needed.''

Added Bochy: "I knew he was a good player. But I didn't realize how good he was until I saw him on a daily basis. He's a guy you want up there in that situation.''

? 2012 NBC Reprints


Giants sweep Tigers to take World Series crown

Marco Scutaro singled home the tiebreaking run in the 10th inning, and the San Francisco beat Detroit 4-3 on Sunday night to complete a four-game sweep and win their second World Series title in three years.


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VOLCANO: PostDoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at ASU - SESE ...

VOLCANO: PostDoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at ASU - SESE -- Volcano

PostDoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at ASU - SESE
From:?Hilairy Hartnett <h.hartnett@xxxxxxx>

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for the Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. This program provides opportunities for postdoctoral research with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaboration. Research areas within SESE encompass theoretical and observational astronomy, cosmology, astrobiology, earth sciences, climate science, planetary sciences, exploration systems engineering, astronomical instrumentation and science education.


Applications must include a research proposal that has been discussed with two prospective faculty mentors at ASU.? Potential research topics span the full range of research interests of our faculty (


The complete application packet should include: (1) a cover letter identifying research topics, (b) prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (c) a list of 3 references with contact information, (2) a current CV, (3) 2-3 papers exemplifying the applicant?s research, (4) letters of endorsement from the prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (5) a 5-8 page? research proposal. Preference will be given to proposals that include multiple focus areas within SESE, that forge new collaborations, and that bring new research expertise to SESE consistent with likely faculty hiring strategies over the next few years.


The complete application is due by December 31, 2012 and? reference letters by January 7, 2013 via email to exppd@xxxxxxx. A full description of the application process is available at ( The fellowships are 2-year appointments, starting between July and September 2013; with full benefits and are renewable for a 3rd year contingent on performance and availability of funding. The applicant must have finished all requirements for a PhD degree before starting this position. ASU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce. ==============================================================

Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).


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To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxx. Please do not send attachments.


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VOLCANO: PostDoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at ASU - SESE -- Volcano

PostDoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at ASU - SESE
From:?Hilairy Hartnett <h.hartnett@xxxxxxx>

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for the Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. This program provides opportunities for postdoctoral research with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaboration. Research areas within SESE encompass theoretical and observational astronomy, cosmology, astrobiology, earth sciences, climate science, planetary sciences, exploration systems engineering, astronomical instrumentation and science education.


Applications must include a research proposal that has been discussed with two prospective faculty mentors at ASU.? Potential research topics span the full range of research interests of our faculty (


The complete application packet should include: (1) a cover letter identifying research topics, (b) prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (c) a list of 3 references with contact information, (2) a current CV, (3) 2-3 papers exemplifying the applicant?s research, (4) letters of endorsement from the prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (5) a 5-8 page? research proposal. Preference will be given to proposals that include multiple focus areas within SESE, that forge new collaborations, and that bring new research expertise to SESE consistent with likely faculty hiring strategies over the next few years.


The complete application is due by December 31, 2012 and? reference letters by January 7, 2013 via email to exppd@xxxxxxx. A full description of the application process is available at ( The fellowships are 2-year appointments, starting between July and September 2013; with full benefits and are renewable for a 3rd year contingent on performance and availability of funding. The applicant must have finished all requirements for a PhD degree before starting this position. ASU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce. ==============================================================

Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).


To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxx.

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Report: Iran has drone pictures of Israeli bases

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iran has images of sensitive Israeli military bases taken by a drone that was launched by Lebanon's Hezbollah movement and downed by Israel earlier this month, a senior Iranian lawmaker claimed Monday in the latest boast from Tehran about purported advances in the capabilities of its unmanned aircraft.

The announcement gave no details about the photos ? other than calling the Israeli bases "forbidden sites" ? but it suggested Iranian drones have the ability to transmit data while in flight. It also appeared aimed at warning Israel about the options for retaliation for any possible strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.

A prominent lawmaker, Ismaeil Kowsari, also was quoted as saying that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah possesses more sophisticated Iranian-made drones than the one that was downed, including some that could carry weapons. There was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.

"These drones transmit the pictures online," Kowsari he told the semiofficial Mehr news agency. "The pictures of forbidden sites taken and transmitted by this drone are now in our possession."

The lawmaker, who heads the parliament's defense committee, said Hezbollah is "definitely" equipped with more sophisticated drones, but gave no further details.

Hezbollah "won't announce it as long as it doesn't see the need to do so ... That's why we say we will respond to Israel inside (its) territory, should it take any action against us," said Kowsari, a former commander of the powerful Revolutionary Guard.

Iran has claimed that Iranian-made surveillance drones have made dozens of apparently undetected flights into Israeli airspace from Lebanon in recent years. Israel has rejected the account.

Iran's Defense Minister Ahmad Vahid also claimed on Sunday that Tehran has drones far more advanced than the Ayub unmanned aircraft launched by Hezbollah, saying it was not the "latest Iranian technology, definitely." He did not elaborate.

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has said the Ayub drone was manufactured in Iran and assembled in Lebanon.

Iran routinely announces technological breakthroughs in its defense program. Last month it claimed to have started producing a long-range missile-carrying drone with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles).

The Shahed-129, or Witness-129, covers much of the Middle East including Israel and nearly doubles the range of previous drones produced by Iranian technicians, who have often relied on reverse engineering military hardware with the country under Western embargo.

But it's unclear whether the new drone contains any elements of an unmanned CIA aircraft that went down in eastern Iran last year. Iran said it has recovered data from the RQ-170 Sentinel and claimed it was building its own replica.

Iran's claims are impossible to independently confirm because the country's arsenal is not open to widespread international inspection with multinational war games or other cooperation.


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