Thursday, May 31, 2012

back up generators - Automatic Generators for House Requirements

The technique of the machines for property use is notably simple along with being not really a complicated thing as many people think about.

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More Details about back up generators here.

Tweet This The technique of the machines for property use is notably simple along with being not really a complicated thing as many people think about.

Generators with regard to home make use of are typically referred to as the reassurance generators that provide enough electricity to run the domestic appliances at the time of power outage. The reasoning behind is whenever the power outage occur the tripper switch on the generator activated and that start doing work, providing alternative power source for any appliances and that means you would not suffer the pain of the electricity shortage troubles.

Once if you installed a standby generator in your home, it monitors an important power supply that you recieve regularly. Once the electricity goes down the semi-automatic or fully automatic switch activated in order that it diverts the most crucial power source with the backup generator to your home appliances. But this procedure would not training with the portable machines as they have to connect personally and needs a kick to get started functioning.

When power outage occur the rule is sent and also the generator starts functioning providing power for the home appliances. Just as the same on starting approach it monitors the main power utility and once if the main electricity electrical power recieved it send the signal so the automatic tripper switch triggers and diverts the backup generators power with the main electricity utility. This process will be continue as long as the generator utility is with the kitchen appliances.

This process happens which has no initiative because of you since it was semi-automatic or fully automatic. Also there will be no power requirements for the generator to make sure that there is no need for want you to rush so as to fill the fuel during the time of power outage.

However there are plenty of advantages can be there to find benefited at the time of main power interruption, these machineries has to be maintained within a good issue accordingly. You will need to keep hidden parts of the generators and additionally tools that are purchased from the automatic generator dealers so as to repair the device in period if every function troubles along with the machine. periodically it is important to check the health of the generators and also the engine has to be oiled. The fitness of the battery ought to be seen.

There are several web stores of this generator brands and automatic generator dealers are obtainable. Therefore it is not so difficult to find the standby generator dealers along with the generac generator parts online which has no difficulties. Only it is important to spend some time to seek the standy generator parts online and can save your hard earned dollars.

About Oakelectric

Oak Electric Service provides quality back-up generators, standby generators, generator installation and electrical service for industrial and commercial buildings as well as residential projects.Kindly visit for more information.

About the Submitter

balwin bevis
More Details about back up generators here.

back up generators

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Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) ? Broomfield ...

Leighton Reed, Director, Broomfield & Alexander

Leighton Reed, Director, Broomfield & Alexander

Companies, particularly in the current climate, are struggling to raise finance.? However, there are various tax incentive investment schemes available offering a range of tax reliefs to individuals that purchase new shares in certain companies.

One of these schemes is the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) which was introduced in April this year.? As you will see from the requirements set out below, SEIS is specifically designed to help small early-stage companies to raise equity finance.

Tax Reliefs

The scheme aims to attract investment into these smaller companies by offering income tax relief on a maximum annual investment of ?100,000.? The relief is given based on the cost of the shares at a higher rate of 50% rather than the 30% offered by the existing Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS).? Providing the shares are held for at least 3 years and there has been no withdrawal of income tax relief, like existing EIS, any gain on the disposal of the shares is free from capital gains tax (CGT).

In addition, for the current 2012/13 tax year only, an individual will not pay CGT on a chargeable gain providing it is reinvested in shares which qualify for SEIS income tax relief.? For instance, an individual investing ?80,000 in SEIS shares and also realising a chargeable gain of ?50,000 on a disposal of an asset in 2012/13 will be entitled to an income tax deduction of ?40,000 and will not pay CGT on the ?50,000 gain.? The asset does not have to be disposed of first, the investment in SEIS can take place before the disposal of the asset provided it takes place in 2012/13.

As with existing EIS, for income tax relief there is a ?carry back? facility which allows all or part of the shares? acquired in one tax year to be treated as though they had been acquired in the preceding tax year.? As 2012/13 is the first year for SEIS, there is no scope for carrying back income tax relief before that year.? Consequently, an individual investing in SEIS shares in 2012/13 would need to ensure that they had sufficient tax liability against which to set their SEIS income tax relief.

There is an extensive time limit in which claims to relief may be made.? Investors can claim relief up to 5 years after the 31 January following the tax year in which the investment was made.? This is a longer period than for most reliefs, to take account of the fact that it is partially dependent on what the company does.

Income tax relief will be withdrawn or reduced if the shares are disposed of within the three years from the date they were issued or if any of the qualifying conditions cease to be met during that three year period.


SEIS carries certain rules and requirements that mirror those of existing EIS with regard to the investment itself and the investor.? A major requirement is that the shares must be paid up in full, and in cash, when they are issued.? HMRC would therefore advise companies and investors to ensure that any shares on which it is intended SEIS relief will be claimed are not issued during the company registration process but are issued only at a later date when the company has had time to set up a bank account and is therefore able to receive payment for them.? The shares must be full risk ordinary shares.

In addition, there are requirements that have to be met when the shares are issued.? These are summarised as follows, the company:-

  1. Must be unquoted
  2. Must have fewer than 25 employees (250 for EIS)
  3. Must have no more than ?200,000 in gross assets (?15m before investment and ?16m after investment for EIS)
  4. Must not have had any investment from a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) or issued any shares under EIS (Although, subject to certain conditions, a company can follow a share issue under SEIS with further issues of shares under EIS or investment from a VCT)
  5. May not receive more than ?150,000 in total under the scheme (?5m for EIS)
  6. Must have been trading for less than two years at the date the shares are issued.

It is worth noting that a company need not have started trading when it issues the shares however, it cannot submit a SEIS claim (on form SEIS1) until either:-

  1. It has been trading for at least 4 months, or
  2. If not yet trading, it has spent at least 70% of the monies raised by the relevant issue of shares for the purposes of a qualifying business activity.

Income tax relief cannot be claimed by an individual until the company has submitted the SEIS1 claim form.

Further ongoing requirements also need to be met and most trades qualify for SEIS however, as with EIS, certain activities are excluded.? Examples, of excluded activities are the provision of legal, accountancy or financial services, property development and farming.

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Tags: business funding, business start up, tax

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why chemotherapy fails

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The fight against cancer is not won in a single battle: Long after a cancer has been beaten into remission, it can return. The reason for this is under debate, and much is unclear. New research led by Weizmann Institute scientists shows that, at least for one type of blood cancer, the source of cancer recurrence is in a set of cells that do not proliferate as quickly as regular cancer cells, and thus able to survive chemotherapy. The findings, which appeared today in the journal Blood, have some important implications for the future of the war on cancer.

Cancer involves a breakdown in the mechanism that regulates the pace of cell division. When this happens, cells divide rapidly, leading to unchecked growth that overruns the body. The most common chemotherapy drugs are those which specifically attack cells that are undergoing rapid division, and these, indeed, often destroy all the cancer and cure the patient.

But there are also quite a few leukemia patients who go through chemotherapy only to have the cancer return. Why does this happen? Several explanations have been proposed. One is that the chemotherapy does not kill every last cancer cell, leaving a few to continue dividing out of control until the disease returns in full force. A second explanation proposes that chemotherapy does get all the regular cancer cells, but there is another type of cancer cell that hides in the body. As opposed to the rapidly dividing majority of cancer cells, these undergo slow division, enabling them to evade the chemotherapy drugs. These insidious cells can give rise to new rapidly-dividing cancer cells, which is why they are known as "cancer stem cells."

Which explanation is correct? The debate is an important one because, if the first explanation holds true, improving upon the existing treatments might help, while the second implies that a completely different approach to treatment will be needed to root out the slowly dividing cancer stem cells.

To attempt to resolve that debate, the team of Prof. Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institute's Biological Chemistry, and Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences Departments, worked with scientists and physicians from Rambam Medical Center and the Technion, both in Haifa. They used a method of reconstructing cell lineage trees that has been developed over the past few years in Shapiro's lab. This method is based on the fact that the genetic material in different body cells accumulates unique mutations during cell division, and these mutations are passed on to daughter cells during cell division. By comparing mutations, one can map out cells' detailed family trees, and thus determine how far back they share a common ancestor. The end product of this analysis is a tree that reconstructs the genealogy of the cells from their earliest forebears at the base of the tree to the youngest cells at the tips of the branches.

To reconstruct the cancer cell lineage tree, the team used two sets of blood samples: the first taken from leukemia patients right after the disease was diagnosed, and the second from those patients who had undergone chemotherapy and in whom the cancer had returned. The researchers could then trace the relationships of the recurring cancer cells back to see if they descended from the original cancer cells. The lineage tree showed that, at least in some of the patients, the source of the renewed cancer was not in the rapidly proliferating cancer cells, but rather in cells that were close to the root of the tree. These cells had only divided a few times. In other words, the cancer arose from cells that divide very slowly, making them resistant to the attacks of chemotherapy drugs.

Shapiro: "We know that in many cases, chemotherapy alone is not able to cure leukemia. Our results suggest that to completely eliminate it, we must look for a treatment that will not only eliminate the rapidly dividing cells, but also target the cancer stem cells that are resistant to conventional treatment."


Weizmann Institute of Science:

Thanks to Weizmann Institute of Science for this article.

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Dances With Films Festival: 15 Years of Daring, Dreaming and Doin ...

If StudioVox were a film festival instead of a social network, it might look something like the Dances with Films festival. ?One of the most fiercely independent showcases for emerging and independent talent, Dances With Films has been going strong for over a decade. This year?s festival will continue that tradition and commitment to independent filmmaking with its 15th edition beginning later this month, on May 31, and running through June 7 at Hollywood?s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles.

The thing that might define that fierce independence of Dances With Films is the one rule that applies to all the films eligible for submission to festival competition: no stars behind or in front of the camera. Of course the term ?star? is a subjective term, but festival programmer and associate director (and StudioVox site member) Robert Mellette gives a pretty good and familiar definition: you know ?em when you see ?em. So, if you?re a big-name actor or director seeking some indie cred, you?re better off looking somewhere else.

Of course, if you wait long enough after so successfully committing to your mission, as Dances With Films has, eventually those relative unknowns and knowns in front of or behind the camera indeed go on to become stars. Notable alumni include The Social Network and Zombieland star Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Olson and Will Scheffer, the co-creators of HBO?s Big Love.

Recently, we had a chance to interview festival programmer Mellette and he gave us some more background on the festival, as well as some great insights on the independent film community and good tips for budding filmmakers (and all creatives).

StudioVox: Who are the key DWF players now? Are you filmmakers currently?

Robert Mellette: I hate this question because someone always gets left out, so I won?t try to list everyone in the various, incredibly important, roles. The main two are co-founders Leslee Scallon and Michael Trent. I came on board as a filmmaker in 2000 and have worked my way up to key player over the years.

With the exception of one or two volunteers dating back to day one, everyone involved is a filmmaker to one extent or another. Do we all have projects we?re ready to shoot next month? No. Not all of us, but some do. As I was told by one filmmaker at the premiere of my film, ?It?s your second one that?s hard.?

SV: What differentiates your festival from others?

RM: DWF has a mandate that no film in competition can have a star in front of or behind the camera. We are a level playing field for all the truly independent filmmakers out there. These days, the definition of star is hard to pin down. We used to say, ?anyone who could get you funding just off their name,? but funds are harder to come by these days. Now, we have a ?you know them when you see them? attitude. We also love to see ?working actors? in films. The idea is not to penalize filmmakers for getting the best cast they can, but to make sure that all productions are treated equally.

And don?t get us wrong, we love stars. We will program movies with big names in them, but they won?t be in competition.

SV: How has the independent film industry changed in the past five years for emerging new artists?

RM: There?s a good news / bad news vibe out there.? The good news is you can make a feature film for a LOT less money.? The bad news is the money is harder to come by. With distribution going through a lawless, wild west phase it?s harder to create a business model for independent film.? Sure, you can find almost any schmoe who?ll dump your movie in the digital download world and call that distribution ? but, like self-publishing, that doesn?t mean you?ll find an audience.

Another surprise is that the quality of uber-indie movies has not dropped as much as you?d think. Don?t get me wrong, there are plenty of horrifically bad movies out there that are so bad they could be harmful to your health ??but those were around in the days of 3-chip video, too (circa 2000). I think the truly talentless filmmakers have turned to the internet and don?t bother with festivals ??which is fine by me.

SV: How many films will you be featuring? On how many nights?

RM: We are still finalizing the list, but right now we have 17 Features, not including Docs.? I think we?re considering four feature docs this year. I don?t know how many shorts; it usually comes in around a hundred.

We run May 31st ? June 6th at the Chinese Theatres. I think we?re in Theatre 6 inside the Hollywood & Highland complex, so make sure you seek us out.

SV: How did you select your films for this year?

RM: Read my blog []!? I get into great detail of the behind-the-scenes working of how we select the movies we do, as well as the types of films we?re seeing in submissions. I highly recommend filmmakers read all the posts BEFORE they make their movie.

SV: What?s your favorite part of doing this event?

RM: Giving my fellow filmmakers that stamp of approval. It?s so nice to be able to tell a fellow artist, ?Hey, you?re not crazy. You?re good at this. Keep going.?

?SV: Any new notable alumni we should be aware of?

?RM: You know, it?s getting hard to keep up. We had the film One Day Like Rain in 2007 that starred Jesse Eisenberg. Last year, we had two movies starring Rachel Boston. What? Haven?t heard of her? You will.

We premiered Easter before Mark Olsen and Will Scheffier sold Big Love to HBO.? My friend and producer, Hilton Smith, went on to UPM/produce on Deadwood, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Hung, and more.? And countless editors, TV directors, etc. For those who really understand the entertainment industry, ?notable? really means ?employed.?

SV: Why should emerging filmmakers keep trying?

?RM: Well, if they suck, maybe they shouldn?t. (Laughs). I remember being into anthropology back in the 1970s. Yeah?I?m old. Back then, scientists were struggling with the question of what separates human beings from the rest of the animal kingdom. They said we?re the only animals who make tools, but lo and behold, chimpanzees use sticks to get termites out of trees to eat.? They said it was our opposing thumb, but?really? Come on, most primates have nearly opposing thumbs.

Silly scientists. They?d sit in labs and classrooms all day considering this, then complain that their spouse was dragging them out to a play, or a dance concert, or a gallery opening that night so they wouldn?t be able to ponder what separates us from the animals.

Point being, we make films because we have stories to tell.? We have to tell stories the same way dogs have to chase squirrels.? We?re human.? It?s what we do.

?SV: Single piece of advice for an emerging filmmaker?

?RM: Besides Garry Marshall?s ?Tell me a story??

Short filmmakers ? cut your movie in half.? Feature filmmakers ? move the camera with majesty. Show us how good you are, not how good you are at looking like you?re not good at all.

?SV: Are you doing the 2-Minute, 2-Step this year?

?RM: Absolutely ? and Canon has some new toys to play with ? so it should be fun!

For those that don?t know, the 2-Minute, 2-Step is a six-year-old competition where we give filmmakers four hours to shoot and edit a two-minute-or-less movie that screens the next night before one of the features. Canon has been a partner on this project since year one. When we started, the A-1 was the cutting edge camera of choice. When Canon introduced the 5D Mark II, we had to explain to filmmakers how to use it. The next year, they all wanted to shoot on their own 5Ds. This year, we?ll have the EOS C300 to play with.

And the winner of the competition walks away with a really nice camera; don?t know which one yet.

If you want to enter, go to our website, click on TWO-STEP, and submit a script.

?SV: We figure it?s not because of the huge paycheck?so why do you do the event?

?RM: Because I suck at chasing squirrels.

?For more information on this year?s Dances With Films film festival (May 31?June 7, 2012), please visit If you?re in the Los Angeles area, you can also purchase tickets at the Hollywood Chinese Theater box office.

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Manatee County residents, property owners invited to see ...

June 11 Open House offers info on flood risks in Manatee


MANATEE COUNTY, FL (May 30, 2012) ? The public is invited to look at newly revised preliminary digital flood insurance rate maps for the county at an open house Monday, June 11. The new maps show the extent to which areas are at risk for flooding, and are used to help determine flood insurance and building requirements.


The open house will provide Manatee County residents the opportunity to see the preliminary maps, learn about their risk of flooding and ask questions about what the new maps will mean for their property. Residents can meet one-on-one with a variety of specialists who will be available to talk about flood insurance, engineering, building permits and more.


The open house will be Monday, June 11 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Manatee High School cafeteria, 902 33rd Street Court West.


The new maps were produced through a partnership between Manatee County and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They are more precise than older maps because better flood hazard and risk data and the latest science available have been applied to make the maps more accurate, with the ultimate goal of protecting property owners and the community from the risks associated with flooding. Additionally, flood risks change over time due to construction and development, environmental changes, floodplain widening or shifting, and other factors?which is why it?s important that maps are updated periodically.


?Flood maps are being updated for communities across the country,? said Tom Gerstenberger, Manatee County Engineering Division Manager. ?This is a collaborative process, during which FEMA works closely with local communities to incorporate the latest and most accurate information into the maps so that they better reflect the risk that communities face.?


Property owners, renters, Realtors, mortgage lenders and insurance agents are encouraged to attend the open house to meet with specialists and ask questions, and learn more about flood risk and hazard mitigation within their communities.


Manatee County?s preliminary maps have not yet been officially adopted and will become effective after a public comment period. This period allows property owners to submit comments and appeals if they can show that any part of the maps is in error. Specialists will be available at the open house to address questions that residents may have about this process.

While the timeline for adopting the final maps is still tentative, visit for updates as they are made available.


By law, federally regulated or insured mortgage lenders require flood insurance on properties that are located in areas at high risk of flooding. Even people living outside of high-risk areas can experience flooding, which is the most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S. ? That?s why everyone, regardless of their flood zone, should take steps to financially protect themselves from a disaster which affects far too many communities each year. The primary way to do that is by purchasing flood insurance. It?s available at affordable rates through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a voluntary program administered by FEMA.


Standard homeowner?s, business owner?s, and renter?s insurance policies don?t cover flood damage, so flood insurance is an important consideration for everyone. NFIP policies can be purchased from any state licensed property and casualty insurance agents who people already deal with for other property insurance needs. ?When that isn?t possible, NFIP can put people in touch with another agent. ?Visit ?for more information about flood insurance and to locate a local agent.



For more information on Manatee County Government, visit online at or call (941) 748-4501.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Discovery promises unique medicine for treatment of chronic and diabetic wounds

ScienceDaily (May 28, 2012) ? A unique new medicine that can start and accelerate healing of diabetic and other chronic wounds is being developed at Ume? University in Sweden. After several years of successful experimental research, it is now ready for clinical testing.

Behind this new medicine is a group of researchers at the Department of Medical Chemistry and Biophysics who have made the unique finding that the protein plasminogen is a key-regulator that initiates and accelerates wound healing by triggering the inflammatory reaction. Their discovery is now being published in the journal Blood.

?Today we have the knowledge needed to develop a medicine,? says Professor Tor Ny, one of the authors of the article. ?The bulk of the preclinical research has been completed, and we have had meetings with the Medical Product Agency to discuss a program for clinical testing.?

Plasminogen is a well-known plasma protein that is produced in the liver and found in all bodily fluids. The Ume? researchers have now re-assessed its role and managed to show that the concentration of plasminogen increases dramatically in and around wounds, which is an important signal to start the inflammatory reaction required for healing. In diabetic wounds the level of plasminogen does not increase in the same way, and this seems to be the reason why these wounds do not heal. In diabetic mice and rats the researchers were able to show that the healing process starts immediately when plasminogen is injected around the wound, which then heals fully.

A cell line for producing plasminogen on a larger scale has also been developed, and the goal is to start clinical testing as soon as funding can be arranged. The researchers have high hopes, as plasminogen is an endogenous protein that can be assumed not to produce side effects.

The need for a biologics for treating chronic wounds is urgent. Diabetic wounds that do not heal are the most severe type of chronic wounds, affecting millions of people annually. Many of the roughly 350 million diabetes patients in the world develop foot ulcers, and in 10-15 million cases this ultimately leads to amputation. Today?s treatment of diabetic wounds consists primarily of traditional wound care, with compresses and bandages; there is no effective medication.

The Ume? researchers are initially concentrating on diabetic wounds, but plasminogen also has great potential for working on other types of wounds. This includes tympanic membrane perforations and periodontitis. Being a pro-inflammatory activator, plasminogen has moreover been shown to be effective in combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria (MRSA).

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ume? universitet, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Y. Shen, Y. Guo, P. Mikus, R. Sulniute, M. Wilczynska, T. Ny, J. Li. Plasminogen is a key pro-inflammatory regulator that accelerates the healing of acute and diabetic wounds. Blood, 2012; DOI: 10.1182/blood-2012-01-407825

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Cancer treatment discovery opens tumours to immune cells

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) have made exciting progress in their quest to help patients fight cancer using the body's own immune system.The Perth-based team - led by internationally renowned cancer researcher Professor Ruth Ganss - has published a paper on their discoveries in the US scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Until now, immunotherapy has not been very successful in treating cancer because tumours are very resistant to immune cells," said Dr Anna Johansson, from The University of Western Australia, which is affiliated with WAIMR.

"As a cancerous tumour grows, it forms a solid ball which is difficult for immune cells to get into and even if they can penetrate the tumour, the environment inside it either kills the cells or makes it difficult for them to function.

"We engineered a protein called TNF-Alpha so that it went straight to a pancreatic tumour and stayed there without toxic side effects outside the tumour.

"TNF-Alpha affected the blood vessels in the tumour in a surprising way which opened the solid ball so that immune cells could get inside.

"We thought it might damage the blood vessels because TNF-Alpha can be very toxic, but in low doses it actually improved them and increased healthy blood flow, helping immune cells to get inside the cancer."

TNF-Alpha has been shown to enhance the tumour's response to chemotherapy but until now scientists did not understand why. This study provides insights on how low-dose TNF-Alpha works in tumour and also shows for the first time that it can be combined with immunotherapy.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Provided by University of Western Australia

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How To Choose The Best Business Consulting Firm | Internet ...


By Richard S. Mulliete

In order to improve overall business performance, many businesses turn professional business consulting firms. They put businesses back on track by analyzing the way they utilize technology, manage personnel, and then they make recommendations on cutting costs and boosting morale based upon their findings. Before making any final decision about which individual or company you are going to go with, there are a few things that you should know.

First of all, a good business consulting firm should have general experience dealing with the types of problems your company is facing. If they do, then they will be able to give better recommendations, based on experience, that are proven to produce the results you want in your business. If you have a large organization, you might find that a firm working with a broad range of companies is more equipped to address complex issues that extend into various departments and branches. A small firm that specializes in personalized attention may be better for small businesses that want recommendations patterned around particular requirements and problems. Regardless of which type you choose, you should be sure they have experience in the areas you need to address.

A good reputation is another indicator that you can expect quality results. Checking consumer report sites online can show a lot about a business consulting company. The experience of previous and current clients can give you a good idea of the professionalism of a firm, so that you can decide to use their services, or continue your search. Some firm websites have sections where present and past clients can leave comments about their satisfaction with the service they were given, which can provide additional information about a specific firm. Most business consulting firms will also give you with general information about the type of clients they deal with, detailing their problems and solutions. However, these testimonial type reports might only include clients who were happy with their service, so keep that in mind.

Contractor marketing, or contractor consulting firms should send a personal representative to speak with you about your business to become familiarized with particular details of your business and the challenge you are facing. This will give them the perspective they need to present an effective plan of action that will accomplish your businesses goals.

Following these steps will ensure that you get just what you require to get your business back on track.

To view several services, from assisting in the hiring of sales force feel free to click at Small Business Consultants ? Training, Seminars & Products. Alternatively, you can Click Here.

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  • Mon., May 21: "House"

    "House" (8 p.m. ET on Fox) series finale The special two-hour series finale event kicks off with a one-hour retrospective special that will look back at the series and feature interviews with the stars and producers, special original content and other surprises. Then, in the series finale, directed by series creator and executive producer David Shore, treating a drug addict patient (guest star James LeGros) results in House examining his life, his future and his own personal demons.

  • Mon., May 21: "Lost Girl"

    "House" (8 p.m. ET on Fox) series finale The special two-hour series finale event kicks off with a one-hour retrospective special that will look back at the series and feature interviews with the stars and producers, special original content and other surprises. Then, in the series finale, directed by series creator and executive producer David Shore, treating a drug addict patient (guest star James LeGros) results in House examining his life, his future and his own personal demons.

  • Tues., May 22: "American Idol"

    "American Idol" (8 p.m. ET on Fox) special night The two finalists take the stage to battle it out on the last performance show of the season. One will be crowned the next American Idol during Wednesday night's finale. Tune in to see whether Jessica Sanchez or Phillip Phillips impresses the judges -- and America -- most.

  • Tues., May 22: "Dancing With The Stars"

    "Dancing With the Stars" (9 p.m. ET on ABC) season finale Will Katherine Jenkins, William Levy or Donald Driver walk away with the Mirror Ball? Find out tonight.

  • Tues., May 22: "Glee"

    "Glee" (9 p.m. ET on Fox) season finale Graduation is finally here, as McKinley High's class of 2012 looks to the past and present, while contemplating the future.

  • Wed., May 23: "Don't Trust The B---- In Apartment 23"

    "Don't Trust The B---- in Apartment 23" (9.30 p.m. ET on ABC) season finale Every show in ABC's Wednesday line-up airs its finale this week -- starting with "The Middle" at 8 p.m. -- but we're most excited for "Apt. 23" (which will be moving to Tuesdays with "Happy Endings" come fall). Finally feeling like one of the popular kids, June is desperate to keep pace with Chloe and her partying ways. It's not an easy task, especially when Chloe's "it girl" lifestyle is so legendary that there's even a whole Japanese comic book series based on it. Meanwhile, James loses it when he discovers that Dean Cain's "Dancing with the Stars" dressing room is bigger than his.

  • Wed., May 23: "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"

    "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (10 p.m. ET on NBC) season finale An underage escort is found dead at a wild bachelor party, and Captain Cragen cautions his team to investigate with discretion, as there were several high-profile people at the scene. In their efforts to question a well-known leader in the New York escort world (guest star Peter Jacobson), Benson and Amaro encounter former SVU detective Brian Cassidy, who's been working undercover. With his help, the detectives dig deeper into a vicious power struggle between the two top escort businesses, but before the case is cracked, a shocking event threatens to destroy the life of one SVU squad member.

  • Wed., May 23: "Revenge"

    "Revenge" (10 p.m. ET on ABC) season finale With the end in sight, Emily fearlessly pushes forward, closing in on the final phases of her plan for revenge, while the Graysons continue their downward spiral into the rabbit hole of self-destruction. But a big, explosive event leaves much hanging in the balance, courses are altered and even more is left in question.

  • Thurs., May 24: "Duets"

    "Duets" (8 p.m. ET on ABC) series premiere ABC's entry into the crowded singing competition market sees the music industry's "biggest Superstars" --- Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Jennifer Nettles and Robin Thicke -- take to the stage and perform their most popular songs with their hand-picked "Duets" partners. Hosted by Quddus, this competition series takes the Superstars out from behind the judges' panel and onto the stage.

  • Thurs., May 24: "So You Think You Can Dance"

    "So You Think You Can Dance" (8 p.m. ET on Fox) season premiere Watch what happens when the most talented dancers -- skilled in everything from Ballroom and Ballet to Salsa, Jive, Hip Hop and Krumping -- all compete for a prized spot on the live shows. See who impresses the judges and who trips up in the auditions from Dallas and New York.

  • Thurs., May 24: "Awake"

    "Awake" (10 p.m. ET on NBC) series finale See how it all ends (forever, because there's no justice in the world) in the cerebral drama's final episode. The entire police force is on a man hunt for Detective Britten who relentlessly works to bring down the conspirators who tore his family apart. Britten trusts no one and time is running out as he gets closer to the truth. Bird and Detective Vega decide to help their struggling partner. When Britten's worlds begin to clash, it brings together the dueling psychiatrists, Dr. Lee and Dr. Evans in an unlikely debate that forces him to choose his path. Meanwhile, Captain Harper (guest star Laura Innes) is forced to face her truth.

  • Thurs., May 24: "Men At Work"

    "Men at Work" (10 p.m. ET on TBS) series premiere Men at Work centers on four buddies who work together at a magazine; Danny Masterson plays the recently dumped Milo, whose friends are determined to help him get back in the dating game. James Lesure is Gibbs, a photographer and successful ladies man. Michael Cassidy plays Tyler, a features writer who brings a dose of style and sophistication to the group. And Adam Busch is Neal, a somewhat nebbish reporter and the only one in the group with a steady girlfriend (Meredith Hagner). Together, the four friends help each other navigate the treacherous waters of work, friendship and women.

  • Thurs., May 24: "Rookie Blue"

    "Rookie Blue" (10 p.m. ET on ABC) season premiere Andy's real life comes flooding back when she returns to 15 Division after a three-month suspension, ready to face an official tribunal that will decide if she should be reinstated to active duty. Reuniting with her police family, she also meets her possible replacement -- new rookie Nick Collins. A tense face-off with fellow officer Sam Swarek is interrupted when they are involved in a multi-car collision, caused by a very drunk driver, Henry McLeod (William Shatner), with a serious grudge against the police. When a mysterious young girl vanishes from the scene of the accident, Andy connects her to a seven-year-old cold case. Will Andy -- still on suspension -- and the rest of the Division be able to find the missing girl and uncover the circumstances of her disappearance before it's too late?

  • Fri., May 25: "Nikita"

    "Nikita" (8 p.m. ET on The CW) Now that this underrated action drama has been renewed for a much-deserved third season, it's the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon and catch up over the summer, as The CW starts reairing the second season from tonight. (Season 1 is available on Netflix, iTunes and Hulu Plus for you completists in the crowd.)

  • Fri., May 25: "Insane Or Inspired?"

    "Insane or Inspired?" (10 p.m. ET on Syfy) series premiere This new series features the most exciting videos from the Internet that celebrate the world of imagination, invention, and extreme experiences. Actors Amber Benson, Samm Levine, Brooke Hogan, Ralph Garman and television personality Josh Gates join comedians Ben Gleib, Owen Benjamin, Jodi Miller, Elliot Chang, Jermaine Fowler, Adam Ray, Christiana Pazistky, KT Tatara and Janet Varney to provide their unique commentary on each of the clips. The result is a fast-paced hour-long countdown of hilarious viral videos. The first episode features the "25 Wildest Homebrewed Superheroes."

  • Sat., May 26: "Super Shark"

    "Super Shark" (9 p.m. ET on Syfy) original telefilm Per the network: Syfy will kick off Summer 2012 with a four-day, Memorial Day weekend movie extravaganza highlighted by the dyn-o-mite premiere of "Super Shark," starring classic TV stars Jimmy Walker and John Schneider. (Poor things.)

  • Sun., May 27: "Harry's Law"

    "Harry's Law" (8 p.m. ET on NBC) series finale Just to add insult to injury, NBC bumped last week's series finale out of May sweeps in favor of an "America's Got Talent" rerun, so the show actually comes to a close tonight. When Harry's ex is found dead, she's left with an emotional burden -- and a funeral to plan.

  • Sun., May 27: "Game Of Thrones"

    "Game of Thrones" (9 p.m. ET on HBO) Only one episode left until the season finale -- commence preemptive weeping now. Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis' fleet assaults King's Landing.

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    Words from the "Wise" for college grads

    (WMC-TV) - Next weekend, my wife and I take our?daughter on her first "official" college visit.? Even as I write that sentence, I feel like I'm writing a work of fiction.

    But it's a fact.?I'm three sport seasons away from weekend tailgating at my daughter's future alma mater.

    Dean Junkans, chief investment officer for Wells Fargo, understands. Being an investment banker, his vision is more about my daughter's graduation day than about Game Day.

    He shared 12 tips?that ought to make things easier for college grads headed into?the workforce:

    * LIVE BELOW YOUR MEANS. "If you do, you will be surprised at how much you can save and invest," he said.

    * CREATE AN EMERGENCY SAVINGS FUND. "Save enough money to cover three to six months of basic living expenses. It?s easier to accumulate this cushion now when you have fewer financial commitments."

    * START RETIREMENT SAVINGS WITH YOUR FIRST PAYCHECK. "If you don?t take advantage of your company?s savings plan, you may be giving up an opportunity for free money. Most companies offer 401(k) plans that offer some level of matching contributions."

    * CREATE SEPARATE SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FOR LARGE PURCHASES. "Never withdraw money from an investment account for a purchase of a consumer product."

    * KEEP CREDIT CARD BALANCES LOW. "Keep in mind the overall credit availability and your ability to pay it off in full."

    * AVOID THE TEMPTATION TO MAKE SPONTANEOUS PURCHASES. "Ask a lot of questions before making any big-ticket purchases. Consider if you really want to spend your hard-earned money on something you might not even need."

    * BORROW PRUDENTLY. "Take out a loan only for purchases that will likely appreciate over time."

    * BE A SMART CAR SHOPPER. "Before you buy a car, consider your options.?Buying a new car that depreciates the moment you drive it off the lot might not be the right financial move for you."

    * LEARN TO ENJOY READING. "You won?t be bored and feel compelled to shop, and you might just learn something in the process."

    * REWARD YOURSELF WITH ONE MODEST PURCHASE. "Graduating and getting a job is a cause for celebration.Treat yourself; just don?t go overboard."

    * INVEST BROADLY. "Investing broadly spreads the risk of making a bad investment pick and increases your chances of a successful experience."

    * CONSIDER TALKING TO A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. "A professional can help you put together a basic financial plan that can become your financial road map for the next several years."

    Copyright 2012 WMC-TV. All rights reserved.

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    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    US Embassy in Kabul says US ambassador to leave

    (AP) ? The U.S. Embassy in Kabul says Ambassador Ryan Crocker will be leaving his post this summer.

    Crocker, 62, came out of retirement last July to take over as the top U.S. diplomat in Afghanistan.

    Crocker was widely known for his role as U.S. ambassador to Iraq from 2007 to 2009. It is unclear why he is leaving the post a year early.

    He has also served as U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, Pakistan, Kuwait and Syria.

    Acting embassy spokesman Mark Thornburg said Tuesday that Crocker had confirmed, with regret, that he will be leaving Kabul this summer.

    Crocker is currently in the United States, where he attended a NATO summit in Chicago.

    Associated Press

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    Chris Brown Tells Team Breezy to Call Off Death Threats; John Legend Defends Chrissy Teigen

    Chris Brown is looking to quiet the fervor set off by a legion of Twitter fans irate at Chrissy Teigen's criticism of his Billboards Music Awards performance.

    He wants them to cool it with the threats on the model's life at least.

    If you missed it, Chrissy Teigen received death threats from depraved, online losers after she took a jab at Brown. Tuesday, Chris urged them to stop.

    "Team Breezy! Lets stop sending death threats!" Brown wrote. "I know y'all bout that life but it's the wrong message! Ur turning haters into victims!"

    Chrissy Teigen and John LegendChris Brown, Tattoos

    Y'all bout that life? Threatening people's lives with perverse Tweets? Is this guy a pro wrestling villain? And why is she a quote-unquote "hater"?

    Perhaps more incredibly, all she did was take a relatively minor shot at Chris Brown's lip-synching. This resulted in hundreds of Twitter death threats.

    Chrissy, who is engaged to John Legend, responded, "Reallllly makes me sad that 99% of the most disturbing comments come from young girls."

    "Boy you are an angry girl," she replied to one choice post. "Are you getting paid to act stupid and ignorant? You are doing it like it's your f--king job."

    "I said things about EVERYONE who performed. negative and positive. interesting that only one 'team' is rabid," Teigen responded to another "fan."

    "This is less about chris and more about the insanity that spews out of the rabid mouthes of team breezy. done. there will be no more said."

    "@robevans656 saw you deleted it. not a good look, eh?" She wrote to one who said, "I don't beat women, but you are one bitch I will make an exception for."

    The Victoria's Secret model, who was also told she needs a bullet to the brain, or to be raped, has John Legend in her corner at least.

    Her fiance wrote: "Personally, I don't think @chrissyteigen's existence is pointless. Nor anyone else who dares criticize a performance."

    "Every artist has to be ok with the fact that some people won't like their work. All critics aren't 'haters,'" he continued, aiming that last bit at Brown.

    "And don't ever tell me to put my 'bitch on a leash'. She's a grown woman with her own mind and her own opinions and this is not 1950."



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