Monday, December 5, 2011

Occupy Seattle Members -- Why Do You Want to Trash Your Campus? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | I read with interest a recent Reuters article about a judge rejecting the attempt by "Occupy Seattle" members to block their eviction from the campus grounds of Seattle Central Community College. I read a lot of the "Occupy" articles with interest. I am, after all, supposedly part of the 99 percent that this group is speaking for. I keep trying to understand exactly what their message is. And I still don't understand it.

I understand the premise of being angry with the government. I understand being against corporate greed. I even understand the other hot-button issues: health care, environment, etc. But I don't get camping out in public places in numbers that those places can't safely sustain. I don't get violating city ordinances and then suing municipalities and institutions for the right to violate said ordinances. I don't get what defying those who are empathetic and kind to you and thumbing your nose at the tax-provided services they're trying to offer you has to do with being against corporate greed.

Is Seattle Central Community College a corporation? No. It was the first community college in your city, Seattle. Since 1995, it has directed the Seattle Vocational Institute, which provides short-term job training programs. The college has a student body of about 10,000 students. It has departments dedicated to serving veterans, former foster youth, first-generation college students and disabled individuals. It prides itself on the diversity of both its students and its faculty.

And even after they issued a no camping rule last week to address the growing health and safety concerns of your six-week old encampment, and you subsequently took them to court, they remained kind to you. They plan to go to each of your 60 tents and talk to all 150 of you about the camping situation. They plan to keep letting you protest on campus and they support you in those protest. They just don't want you camping there.

They're on your side, Occupy. So why are you fighting them? Why do you want to trash your school?


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