Friday, December 28, 2012

Billy Crystal channels real-life role in "Parental Guidance"

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After a decade away from the big screen, funnyman Billy Crystal has mined his real-life experiences as a grandfather and is back in the holiday season movie "Parental Guidance."

The film, which opened in U.S. theaters on Christmas, stars Crystal as a recently fired baseball announcer, who agrees to watch his three grandchildren with his wife (Bette Midler), while his daughter and her husband go on a business trip.

Crystal, 64, sat down with Reuters to talk about the film, being a grandparent and why he won't host the Oscars ceremony anymore.

Q: You have not been on the big screen in a starring role since 2002's "Analyze That." Did you miss making movies?

A: "I spent over four years doing my one-man Broadway show, '700 Sundays' and didn't care about doing movies. I just so love being in front of live audiences. The play is more satisfying than anything. I'm not interrupted by planes flying overhead, waiting for them to light and all those gruesome slow things on a movie. But really, the last five years were spent getting this movie made."

Q: How did "Parental Guidance" become your return to film?

A: "When I wrote the first story for this movie, my wife Janice and I babysat for our daughter Jenny while she went away with her husband. We had six days with their girls, all alone. It was an eye-opener. When you're not used to that energy, it's tough. On the 7th day I rested and came in to the office and said, 'Here's the idea for the movie.'"

Q: What was eye-opening about those six days?

A: "The eye-opener was the bible that we were given before they left town about what to say (to the kids), what to do, all the rules, don't do this, don't do that, this child has to be taken here. They have my respect of how they programmed their days and weeks. It's insane what they have to do nowadays for schooling and parenting. It's wild."

Q: Quite a difference between your childhood and the grandkids' childhood, right?

A: "When I was a kid growing up, it was basically 'Go outside and play and I'll see you at dinner.' There was no thought that there were bad people out there. There was such a carefree wonderful trust which forced you to use your imagination, which also bonded you with the best of you, and your friends. We didn't have that 'inside' thing like videogames. My only 'inside' thing was watching the Yankees. Otherwise everything was outside."

Q: Speaking of the Yankees, your well-documented lifelong love of baseball is incorporated in to the film with your character being a ball-game announcer. That must have been fun to do.

A: "I love the game and I thought it was a really interesting occupation we hadn't seen before. And a good one for me to play because I love it. I wanted my character to have something he loved doing where I didn't have to fake it."

Q: In being absent from the silver screen for a while, did you find that the movie-making business has changed much?

A: "The studios are so concerned with quadrants (capturing four major demographic groups of moviegoers - men, woman and those over and under 25). I'd never heard of these things when I was in my early years of making movies. You just did them. There was no interference. Now it's a whole different ball game. They're so worried: 'Who's going to come?' Well, there's 77 million American who are babyboomers. That's a huge audience who wants to laugh and have a story told to them that doesn't have bombs and spies and killing."

Q: Does "Parental Guidance" reflect where are you now at this stage of your life?

A: "I was fortunate to be in a great romantic comedy about falling in love (1989's 'When Harry Met Sally'). I wrote the original story for my turning 40, 'City Slickers' (in 1991), which became a huge hit and a very liked movie. And now 'Parental Guidance' happened at this point in my life. I relate to it as a parent and a grandparent."

Q: You will be a grandfather for the fourth time in March. What do you like best about that role?

A: "It's so hard to understand how you can love someone so much that's not yours, but extensions of you. I'm always so moved seeing my girls pregnant, and seeing them move on in their lives. I'm going to turn 65 on March 14. My wife's birthday is the 16th. The baby's due the 18th. So we've got maybe a straight flush happening here. That would be the greatest present of all - a healthy new baby."

Q: Last year you hosted the Oscar ceremony for the ninth time, making you the second most-used host after the late Bob Hope. Are you gunning for his title?

A: "I'm not even close. I've done 9, he's done 19 and neither one of us are doing it again. It's hard to say, 'Can't wait to do it again,' but I can wait."

(Reporting By Zorianna Kit, Editing by Piya Sinha-Roy and Cynthia Osterman)


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Florida man pleads guilty to smuggling dinosaur bones

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Florida man described by federal prosecutors as a "one-man black market in prehistoric fossils" pleaded guilty on Thursday to smuggling dinosaur skeletons into the United States.

Eric Prokopi was accused of importing and selling stolen artifacts including a nearly complete Tyrannosaurus Bataar skeleton and skeletons of a duckbilled Saurolophus Angustirostris from Mongolia and a flying Oviraptor from China, according to the office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan.

The 70-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Bataar skeleton, a cousin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, became the subject of an international custody battle when the U.S. government seized it after it was sold in May for $1.05 million in a sale conducted by Heritage Auctions in Manhattan.

The seizure and charges against Prokopi stemmed from Mongolia's claim that the skeleton had been stolen from the Gobi Desert and should be returned. Mongolia is rich in dinosaur fossils and forbids their removal for private gain.

Prokopi, 38, of Gainesville, Florida, pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald Ellis in Manhattan to conspiracy, entry of goods by means of false statements, and the interstate and foreign transportation of goods taken by fraud.

He faces up to 10 years in prison on the last and most serious count, as well as possible fines, and is scheduled to be sentenced on April 25. Prokopi also agreed to forfeit several skeletons and other fossils.

Lawyers for Prokopi were not immediately available to comment.

Prokopi was a commercial paleontologist who bought and sold whole and partial fossilized dinosaur skeletons.

Prosecutors said that between 2010 and 2012, he acquired dinosaur fossils from foreign countries and illegally brought them into the United States, misrepresenting the contents of shipments on customs forms.

"Fossils and ancient skeletal remains are part of the fabric of a country's natural history and cultural heritage, and black marketeers like Prokopi who illegally export and sell these wonders, steal a slice of that history," Bharara said in a statement. "We are pleased that we can now begin the process of returning these prehistoric fossils to their countries of origin."

At the time of Prokopi's arrest in October, Bharara said the investigation had "uncovered a one-man black market in prehistoric fossils."

The case is U.S. v. One Tyrannosaurus Bataar Skeleton, a/k/a Lot 49315 Listed on Page 92 of the Heritage Auctions May 20, 2012 Natural History Auction Catalog, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-04760.

(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst)


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Richard Griot Shares His Collection and Philosophy Towards ...

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Sharing his passion for collecting cars, car enthusiast Richard Griot touches on the mindset that has led to his success in the automotive industry. Collecting, repairing, rebuilding and driving classic cars is Griot?s life. An automotive haven for car care and maintenance, Griots?s eponymous shop, Griot?s Garage, has been revered as one of the premiere destination for car enthusiasts. Acknowledging that his interest and curiosity for cars has led to his success within the industry, this short video details his unwavering passion for his craft. Labeled an ?Automotive Renaissance Man? for his ability to revitalive and rejuvenate cars, this video offers a window into the life and career of a true car enthusiast.


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Iran bans flights during call to Islamic prayer: report

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's parliament has banned on airplanes from flying in the country during the Azan call to Islamic prayer, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported on Wednesday.

"According to the new directive, airplanes are banned from flying during Azan, especially during the call to morning prayers," Mehr quoted the spokesman for parliament's cultural committee Ali Taheri as saying.

The head of the Aviation Organization, Hamid Reza Pahlevani, said aircraft will be allowed to take off 30 minutes after the call to the morning prayer so that passengers have the time "to carry out their religious duties", the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) reported.

Iran has practiced Sharia law since its 1979 Islamic revolution. Hardliners have pressed for stricter enforcement of religious measures since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won office in 2005 promising a return to the revolution's values.

Taheri also said serious attention will be given to observing the strict Islamic dress code for women working at airports or airline companies.

Women in Iran are obliged to cover their hair and wear long, loose clothing to disguise their figures and protect their modesty. Violators can be flogged, fined or imprisoned.

(Reporting by Zahra Hosseinian; Editing by Angus MacSwan)


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Best Holiday Tech Gifts -

11:24 a.m. | Updated with more tech gifts.

As you can imagine, the technology reporters and editors of the New York Times love tech, so many of the gifts they gave and received during the holidays were tech-related. Some picked their favorites (and took a guess at the prices):

Portable Charging Station. I travel a lot and I travel with at least four electronic devices that need frequent rechargings. The charging station made by AviiQ ($60) is a zippered vinyl case, much like a shaving kit or toiletries kit looked like before the TSA forced us all into plastic bags. Neatly arranged inside are USB ports to plug in the wires and a capstan to wind up the wires out of the way. The USB port is attached to an electrical plug. So I no longer will have to deal with a tangle of wires in my bag or ? and this is so important ? leave rechargers behind in hotel rooms. DAMON DARLIN

Camera Bag. When I?m not writing on a keyboard, I?m often out documenting the underbelly of a city with my Leica camera. It has been difficult finding the right bag that is inconspicuous enough to hold an expensive camera, laptop and iPad while I?m shooting. The Hadley Range camera bag made by Billingham ($280) seems to be the perfect accessory for my equipment. It is designed to fit a DSLR or rangefinder camera and an extra lens, an 11-inch Macbook Air, and an iPad, Mini or biggie. There are also a few pouches in the front for wires, cables and additional SD cards. The bag comes in a few colors, including black, beige and an army green. NICK BILTON

Pizza stone and iPhone case. My family tends to dabble in low-tech gift giving tendencies. Books, artwork and chunky scarves are a bit more in their comfort zone. So this year for Christmas, I bought myself two techie accessories intended to make my life a bit more interesting. The first was a pizza stone, to make all of my pizza party dreams for 2013 a reality. Ceramic is supposed to be more porous than other materials, absorbing moisture and leaving behind a crispy, crunchy crust, the perfect vehicle for roasted tomatoes, cheese and anything else you throw on there.

I also bought a new case for my iPhone 5. It?s white, to match the finish of my phone, and the back is covered with gold metal spikes. It?s infinitely less practical than my previous case, a Speck SmartFlex Card, which is outfitted with a pocket that doubles as a wallet, but much more interesting and a guaranteed conversation starter. Despite its pointy exterior, the case is soft and fits snugly in a back pocket or even wedged between cheek and chin for taking the rare mobile phone call. Plus, I kept the Speck case around for afternoon jogs or evenings out when I don?t feel like carrying a separate wallet or purse.

I found my latest case on Etsy, which is full of inventive and creative smartphone covers and cases.

The best techie gift I gave: A StickyGram gift certificate to my older sister, an Instagram fanatic. StickyGram is a service that lets you turn your Instagram photos into cute refrigerator magnets. It costs $15 per set of 9 magnets, including shipping. JENNA WORTHAM

Streaming music system. There are a lot of ways to cobble together a wireless system for streaming music to multiple rooms in your house at the same time, but none work as well as the products made by Sonos. The Play:3 ($300) is a speaker with a built-in wireless receiver that plays songs stored on my computer and from Pandora, Spotify and an array of other online music services.?I?ve resisted buying Sonos products for years because of their price. I finally gave in after realizing the reliability and elegance of Sonos is worth it. NICK WINGFIELD

?Memory game.? Although this isn?t a tech gift, strictly speaking, my preschooler received a custom-made, Internet-enabled ?memory game? made up of family pictures. The game was made by Pinhole Press ( A dozen family pictures had been uploaded. They had been printed in pairs on small cardboard squares. The goal of the game was to find each pair of pictures ? and get to know your kinfolk at the same time. She looked at a photograph of me and my husband taken just a few years ago. ?Mama Papa when they were young,? she concluded. SOMINI SENGUPTA



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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

15 Heartburn DOs and DONTs | Care2 Healthy Living

Heartburn is a familiar foe. Roughly 50 percent of Americans feel the heat at least once a month; 20 percent suffer from symptoms two or three times a week and have chronic heartburn or GERD (short for gastroesophageal reflux disease). Here are 15 Dos and Don?ts of Heartburn:

Do find out the root cause of your heartburn. Many things stress, food allergies, structural problems with your esophageal sphincter can cause or exacerbate the problem.

Do consider raising the head of your bed. Elevating your noggin keeps the contents of the stomach from sliding up against the LES (the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach) while you sleep. Put a 4-by-4-inch piece of wood under the top two legs of your bed. A foam wedge under the mattress may also work.

Do chew thoroughly. Chewing aids digestion by breaking down food and mixing it with digestive enzymes and probiotics in the mouth.

Do consider natural chewing gum after meals. In two recent randomized controlled studies, people prone to heartburn who chewed a piece or two of gum after a heartburn-provoking meal sidestepped the telltale symptoms. Researchers think it?s because the gum stimulates saliva production, which is alkaline. The saliva goes down the esophagus and helps protect the food tube and neutralize some of the acid in the stomach. (Avoid peppermint-flavored gum, which can actually increase the odds of reflux.)

Do chew a tablet or two of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) 15 minutes before a meal, advises Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, clinical nutritionist and author of?Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion (McGraw-Hill, 2011). Licorice contains substances that decrease swelling (a swollen sphincter won???t close correctly) and increases the body?s ability to heal ulcers and inflammation.

Do eat smaller meals. The greater the volume of your meal, the higher the odds it will give you heartburn simply because of the mechanical pressure the weight of the food puts on the LES.

Do encourage the proliferation of dietary enzymes and good bacteria by eating fermented foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, raw cheeses, sauerkraut, lassi, miso, tempeh and kombucha.

Do take a cue from ancient culinary traditions and build a digestive boost into the meal. Nibble on shavings of pickled ginger, spoon up some tangy Indian chutney or savor an umeboshi plum (a pickled fruit found in the Asian or macrobiotic section of the health-food store). ?Somewhere along the way, Western cuisine lost those built-in digestive aids,?? says Lipski. ?Adding one of these foods to your meal can go a long way to stopping heartburn before it starts.??

Do pay attention to what you consume. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep things moving. When cooking meat, choose to grill, broil or bake instead of pan fry or deep fry. Try goat?s milk dairy products, which contain less fat than cow?s milk and, as a result, are more easily digestible.

Do limit junk food. Processed foods are filled with chemicals designed to delay degradation and extend shelf life, and they may have hidden ingredients that do not agree with your GERD,??? writes Jorge Rodriguez, MD, author of?The Acid Reflux Solution.

Don?t wear your skinny jeans too tight. Constrictive clothing can put pressure on the abdomen. The squeeze can press the stomach?s contents up against the sphincter at the base of the esophagus, which can lead to heartburn.

Don?t eat within two hours before vigorous exercise. Too much vigorous exercise (like jumping rope or fast-paced jogging) can induce acid reflux, even in people who usually don?t suffer from the condition. If you?re at the gym on a full stomach, choose the cycling class over the hip-hop yoga.

Don?t lie down within two to three hours of eating. Gravity is your friend. Give the stomach plenty of time to empty its contents before you get horizontal.

Don?t eat foods that may irritate the inflamed lining of the esophagus, such as citrus juice, tomato juice and spicy foods.

Don?t suck on peppermints to combat the sour taste in your mouth. Peppermint can relax the esophageal sphincter muscle, which could exacerbate your problem.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Luck sets rookie record, rookie PK sets NFL mark

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck, right, scrambles away from Kansas City Chiefs inside linebacker Brandon Siler during the first half of an NFL football game on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck, right, scrambles away from Kansas City Chiefs inside linebacker Brandon Siler during the first half of an NFL football game on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Minnesota Vikings' Blair Walsh (3) is congratulated by Chris Kluwe (5) after kicking a 56-yard field goal against the Houston Texans during the second quarter of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Patric Schneider)

Andrew Luck has broken the NFL rookie record for yards passing, and rookie kicker Blair Walsh has broken the league mark for 50-yard plus field goals in a season.

On a Sunday featuring a slew of records, Luck topped Cam Newton's year-old mark for yards passing in the first half of Indianapolis' game at Kansas City. Newton's record was 4,051 yards. Luck entered the game needing 74 yards to break the mark, and had 123 at halftime.

Minnesota's Walsh kicked a 56-yard field goal in the second quarter against Houston, giving him a record ninth field goal of 50 yards or more.

Also, Redskins kicker Kai Forbath set the NFL record for consecutive field goals to begin a career with 17 straight. He had field goals of 45 and 42 yards in the first half against the Eagles. New Orleans' Garrett Hartley had 16 straight.

On Saturday, Detroit's Calvin Johnson broke Jerry Rice's single-season yards receiving record, and is at 1,892 with a game left. He also became the only NFL player with 100 yards receiving in eight straight games, and with 10-plus receptions in four straight games.


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EPA report on chemicals, kids is sidetracked

Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images

A playground at the Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences in Los Angeles. The $75.5-million elementary school, which was named after former Vice President Al Gore and pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson, was built atop an environmentally contaminated piece of real estate. Construction crews replaced the toxic soil, which was poisoned by more than a dozen underground storage tanks, with clean fill.

By Sheila KaplanInvestigative Reporting Workshop

A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry.

America?s Children and the Environment, Third Edition, is a sobering analysis of the way in which pollutants build up in children?s developing bodies and the damage they can inflict.??

The report is unpublished, but was posted on EPA?s website in draft form in March 2011, marked ?Do not Quote or Cite.??The report, which is fiercely contested by the chemical industry, was referred to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), where it still languishes.

For the first time since the ACE series began in 2000, the draft cites extensive research linking common chemical pollutants to brain damage and nervous system disorders in fetuses and children.

It also raises troubling questions about the degree to which children are exposed to hazardous chemicals in air, drinking water and food, as well exposures in their indoor environments ? including schools and day-care centers ? and through contaminated lands. ?


In the making since 2008, the ACE report is based on peer-reviewed research and databases from federal agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, Housing and Urban Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Public health officials view it as a source of one-stop shopping for the best information on what children and women of childbearing age are exposed to, how much of it remains in their bodies and what the health effects might be. Among the ?health outcomes? listed as related to environmental exposures are childhood cancer, obesity, neurological disorders, respiratory problems and low birth weight. ?

The report cites hundreds of studies -- both human, epidemiological studies that show a correlation between exposure to certain chemical pollutants and negative health outcomes, and animal studies that demonstrate cause and effect. ?In some cases, the authors note, certain chemicals have been detected in children, but not enough is known about their effects to draw conclusions about safety.

In a section on perfluorochemicals (PFCs), for example, which are used to make nonstick coatings, and protect textiles and carpets from water, grease and soil, among other things, the draft notes that they are found in human breast milk.?

The report said that ?a growing number of human health studies? have found an association between prenatal exposure to PFCs and low birth weight, decreased head circumference and low birth length. It also stated that based on ?emerging evidence suggests that exposure to some PFCs can have negative impacts on human thyroid function.?

Furthermore, it noted that animal studies produced similar results, although exposures were typically at higher levels than people are exposed to.?

The EPA?s website still notes that the report will be published by the end of 2011. ?But after a public comment period that was marked by unusually harsh criticism from industry, additional peer review and input from other agencies, the report landed at OMB last March, where it has remained. No federal rule requires the OMB to review such a report before publication, but EPA spokeswoman Julia Valentine said the agency referred it to the OMB because its impact cuts across several federal agencies.

The spokeswoman said EPA had no idea when OMB would release it, allowing publication.?

A spokeswoman for the White House Office of Management and Budget said she would not discuss the review process or give an estimated release date. ??

Some present and former EPA staffers, who asked not to be named for fear of losing their jobs, blamed the sidetracking of the report on heightened political pressure during the campaign season.? The OMB has been slow to approve environmental regulations and other EPA reports throughout the Obama Administration ? as it was under George W. Bush according to reports by the Center for Progressive Reform, a nonprofit consortium of scholars, doing research on health, safety and environmental issues, which generally advocate for stronger regulation and better enforcement of existing law.

?Why is it taking so long? One must ask the question,? said a former EPA researcher who works on children?s health issues. ?It is an important document and it strikes me that it?s falling victim to politics.???

The EPA states that the report is intended, in part, to help policymakers identify and evaluate ways to minimize environmental impacts on children.

That?s an unwelcome prospect to the $674 billion chemical?industry, which stands to lose business and face greater legal liability if the EPA or Congress bans certain substances mentioned in the report or sets standards reducing the levels of exposure that is considered safe.

Among other findings, the report links numerous substances to ADHD, including certain widely available pesticides; polychlorinated biphenyls? (PCBS), which were banned in 1979 but are still present in products made before then and in the environment; certain polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), used as flame retardants; and methyl mercury, a toxic metal that accumulates in larger fish, such as tuna.? The draft also cites children?s exposure to lead, particularly from aging lead water pipes, as a continuing problem (See previous coverage, Toxic Taps.)?

Among the other widespread contaminants linked to learning disabilities is perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel , fireworks and other industrial products, which has polluted water around the country.? The Department of Defense, which wants to avoid paying to clean it up, is alarmed by research showing that the chemical interferes with thyroid function and otherwise damages the nervous system, according to R. Thomas Zoeller, a biology professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and an expert on perchlorate.

Zoeller, who has served on EPA advisory panels studying the issue, said the Pentagon?s concern was evidenced by the Air Force?s hiring of two consultants ? Richard Mavis and John DeSesso --? to help shape its response to the research. ?He noted that in 2009, after their consulting contract had ended, Mavis and DeSesso wrote a letter to the editor of Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, attacking an EPA scientist?s study showing that perchlorate may damage the brain. ??I don?t like my tax dollars going for one federal agency to refute the work done by scientists at EPA,? ?he said. The Defense Department and the Air Force declined to comment on the publication, but spokeswoman? Melinda Morgan wrote that, ?The DoD is aware that there are many differing opinions on the science related to perchlorate health effects,? and believes the current level permitted by EPA is safe.

One of the new sections of the report notes that children may be widely exposed to pollutants in schools and day-care centers. Among them are pesticides; lead; PCBs; asbestos, a mineral fiber long used as insulation and fire-proofing;? phthalates, chemicals that are used to soften vinyl and as solvents and fixers, and are found in numerous consumer goods, among them: toys, perfumes, medical devices, shower curtains and detergents; and perfluorinated chemicals, which are used in non-stick and stain-proof products. ?The study notes that these substances are (variously) associated with asthma, cancer, reproductive toxicity and hormone disruption.?

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) , the chief industry trade group, has accused EPA of lacking objectivity and vilifying its products. It has filed dozens of pages of comments accusing the EPA of ignoring certain studies ? including some funded by ACC itself ? that would help businesses make the case that their products are safe. The ACC also contends that EPA has not included enough positive comments about the role of chemicals in society. ??

?ACC members apply the science of chemistry to make innovative products and services that make people?s lives better, healthier and safer,? wrote ACC senior toxicologist Richard A. Becker. ? ?The exclusive focus on exposure is particularly problematic as it may lead to the incorrect conclusion that exposure to chemicals (e.g. phthalates) at any level is not only cause for concern, but also a direct source of negative health effects.?

Becker also expressed the ACC?s contention that EPA was painting too bleak a picture of children?s health in America.??

?It is troubling that the draft ACE report seems to make such little effort to provide a complete overall picture of child health in the United States,? Becker wrote. ?For example, the draft report does not refer to The Health and Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation ? which concludes the health and well-being of children in the U.S. is improving overall with 84.4% of children in the United States listed as being in excellent or very good health, an increase from 83% in 2003.? Other ACC members, representing manufacturers of BPA, phthalates and other substances, also weighed in against the report.

Nsedu Witherspoon, executive director of the Children?s Environmental Health Network and a member of the EPA Children?s Health Protection Advisory Committee, which oversaw the report, called it a major accomplishment, reflecting the explosion of science since the first ACE was published. She also praised EPA chief Lisa Jackson for standing behind it.

Industry critics, Witherspoon said, ?in many cases are the same ones out there trying to debunk the original research,? that the study cites. ?

Rena Steinzor, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Law, and president of the Center for Progressive Reform, said the ACE report need not have gone to OMB for review in the first place. Steinzor notes that Executive Order 12866 states that proposed significant regulations ? generally defined as those that could cost more than $100 million ? need be reviewed by OMB, but studies do not. ?

The Executive Order gives OMB up to 60 days to review such proposals ? although it allows for extensions. In practice, OMB has missed numerous such deadlines.?But the ACE report, which is not a proposed regulation, falls into a gray area.

?If it?s not a rule, I don?t know what it?s doing there,? Steinzor said. ?And even if it were a rule, there would be a deadline and they?d be violating it.?

In an email statement to the Investigative Reporting Workshop, EPA spokeswoman Julia Valentine said, ?The report was provided to OMB so that they could conduct an interagency review process to ensure accuracy and consistency.?

She noted that because the report addresses children's health, it includes issues that are the focus of many departments and agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services -- including the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Cancer Institute. ??

Steinzor, whose organization has studied OMB under numerous presidents, doesn?t buy it.?

The report should be released now, she said, ? because to protect children adequately we need all the information we can get? I guess I understand why there was great anxiety and paranoia before the election ? (but) why would you not do it now? It?s sad that things have gotten so polarized that we?re afraid to release scientific information.?

The Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, is a nonprofit, professional newsroom that?pairs experienced professional reporters and editors with graduate students, and co-publishes with mainstream media partners and nonprofit newsrooms. Sheila Kaplan is a fellow at Harvard University?s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics.

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The Most Popular Scientific American Stories of 2012

young men and women posing together Relationships beat guinea worms as our most popular story published in 2012. Image: skodonnell /iStockphoto

The top 10 most popular stories published in 2012:

1. Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends"?

2. The World?s Last Worm: A Dreaded Disease Nears Eradication

3. NASA Crushes 2012 Mayan Apocalypse Claims?

4. How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy

5. Scientists Discover Children?s Cells Livingin Mothers? Brains

6. Psychiatry's "Bible" Gets an Overhaul ?

7. ?Once in a Civilization? Comet to Zippast Earth Next Year

8. The Power of Introverts: A Manifesto for Quiet Brilliance ?

9. Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions

10. North Carolina Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal ?

Honorable mentions: old stories that surfaced with a vengeance this year.

Why Do Cats Purr? April 3, 2006

Why does lactic acid buildup in muscles? And why does I tcause soreness? January 23, 2006

How Long Can a Person Survive without Food? November 8, 2004


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TIP! You will find that you can learn a lot by interacting with social media sites you are on and their communities. Do not just see the community members as just a money making tool, but fountain of information.

The odds are fairly good that you have at least heard about social media marketing before. However, knowing how to implement it correctly for business growth is a completely different story. You may simply be more accustomed to traditional marketing strategies. Relax! Social media is a simple and effective way to get a message out to a massive audience, and learning how to leverage it is as easy as reading this article. Here are some tips to aid you in doing that.

TIP! Come up with a Twitter handle that is simple to remember and is relevant to the type of product that you are trying to sell. Don?t put a lot of numbers in your username, because people won?t remember it well and might accidentally go to another page.

In order to not upset any of your followers, stay away from sharing personal or political information. It is okay to show some personality, but you want to remain professional and positive. Write about things that have to do with your niche, and keep your tone conversational.

TIP! One way to get more Facebook likes is to add a ?Like? button to your blog, so that visitors can like your Facebook profile directly from the blog. The easier you make it for them, the more likely they will be to ?like? your page.

Think twice before retaining the services of a social media promotion firm. A number of these companies are scams that prey on business owners who have no experience with Internet marketing. These companies use proxy servers and registration bots to create thousands of accounts on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Few real people, if any, will see your spot ? even though your hits are up and you pay through the nose to your marketing company.

Social Media

TIP! You won?t have success in your social media marketing if visitors don?t come to your profile, or they don?t what to read what your content is. Take your time when you are writing and editing your information to make sure it is very useful and interesting.

To start off successfully in social media marketing, until you find your own voice, simply fake it until you make it. Find out how your competition uses social media for their marketing purposes, and get ideas from them until you have an idea of what will work best for your customers and your business. Look at their content on social media, and focus on the promotions they offer.

It is important to choose what you say carefully. Anything you put on the Internet is there indefinitely.

TIP! Building up your social media marketing requires time and patience. It is extremely unlikely that you will have thousands of followers on your first days.

In order to keep your company name in front of your Twitter followers, you need to tweet regularly. Post short content through Twitter often. When your posts are short, you can make multiple updates from a single event.

Social Networking

TIP! Keep an up-to-date blog. If you are having some sort of sales event, you should write about it on your blog.

Understand that social networking shouldn?t be just used for posting ads about your products. Social networking allows you to learn more about your customers. You might also be able to have them interact with yourself and your brand. It is possible to speak with customers regarding your products, but you can also use social networking to personally interact with them.

TIP! You should be flexible about how often you update your page. When you launch a big campaign on a new product, make sure to provide the frequent updates people expect to see.

You must know the target audience to be successful. Research why some people use social networks and find out the types of content they want to see.

TIP! Be sure to make it easy for your potential customers to get involved with you in social media with as little effort on their part as possible. Forcing your visitors to immediately fill out surveys and personal information is a fast way to lose customers.

Your tweets should have quality content that appeals to your followers. Offer advice and suggestions of interest to your customers via Twitter. By mixing these tweets in with those that boldly promote your business, your followers are more likely to stay interested in your tweets.

TIP! Connect all your networking profiles together and link them to your website. That can be done by providing ?share? options on your site that visitors can use to give your content to their friends on social media sites.

Do not connect your personal and professional Facebook accounts. Your followers shouldn?t have access to your family photos or games you play. Use a different name on each page so that followers of your business page don?t accidentally find your personal page.

TIP! Do some research regarding social networking. Even though you might have a traditional Facebook page, bear in mind that using Facebook professionally is quite a different animal.

To increase your number of followers on social networks, provide exclusive incentives such as coupons or discounts to those who ?like? or follow your page. This will help your customers feel like VIPs, because they will get better prices and deals, while simultaneously helping build your business.

TIP! Add buttons to your social media profiles everywhere, as well as an RSS feed of your updates if you wish. The buttons should appear on all pages, profiles, blogs, emails and signatures.

You want your consumers to be able to easily subscribe to your email so you can market to them. Although email marketing can be a bit outdated when compared to marketing with social media, you can still gain the attention of consumers if you have something interesting to promote.

TIP! If you have a blog that you update regularly, you can actually set it up so that your posts are automatically tweeted on Twitter. You may also choose a few bloggers that can post high-quality content and updates that include links to their written posts.

Your social media network profile is a perfect place to help you attract new business to your company and it can mean more sales for your products. Educate them about current special offers, or updated store locations. Allow them access to printable coupons or limited time offers, which are just for your followers. People must think about making you a Facebook friend as an interesting thing to do.

Social Media Marketing

TIP! Always update your Twitter followers about any new posts you make on your blog, and place a ?retweet? alongside your updates. Having this atop each post allows others to easily share the information through their Twitter accounts.

Learning social media marketing is much like other marketing avenues, but it does have it?s own perks and setbacks. If you use the advice from this article, you will soon see great results from a social media marketing campaign. If you have a really good setup, you can even have fun while you make your money!



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Understanding cell organization to tackle cancer

Dec. 23, 2012 ? Scientists at The University of Manchester have identified how cells know which way up they need to be. The discovery could help in the fight against cancer because in the early stages of the disease the cells become disorganised.

Professor Charles Streuli and Dr Nasreen Akhtar of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research have conducted new research that leads to a better understanding of cell polarity. Properly organised tissues are vital to maintaining functional organs and a healthy body. Part of being organised includes cells being in the correct position within the tissue and the right way up, because the top and bottom of cells have different functions.

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a layer of protein rich material that surrounds tissues and helps to design and shape all of our organs. Previous studies have demonstrated that the ECM sticks to the cells and guides them into the right position. What hadn't been identified is how the ECM communicates that message.

To understand this better Professor Streuli and Dr Akhtar looked at epithelial cells, which make up the majority of tissues within the body. They studied epithelial cells of the breast, which make milk. These cells also form the linings of mammary ducts to carry milk towards the nipple. It's vital that these cells are organised correctly in order to make milk accessible for the baby. One of the first signs of cancer is that the epithelial cells become disorganised.

Breast epithelial cells connect to the ECM through receptors called integrins. In experiments using mice Professor Streuli and Dr Akhtar removed one of the genes responsible for integrins. They found that without that gene, the cells were both the wrong way round and in the wrong place so the breast tissue became disorganised. They then tried removing integrins in cultured cells from the breast, which produced the same effect of disorder.

Further study revealed that within the cell the integrin receptors connect to the protein ILK. This protein then links to microtubules, a network that forms the transport machinery of the cell. Integrins and microtubules ensure that inside the cell the correct proteins are transported to the top and the bottom of the cell.

The findings have been published in the journal Nature Cell Biology. Commenting on the research Professor Streuli says: "What we identified is a vital interplay between the transport machinery and the integrin receptors which makes sure that proteins are transported to the correct area of the cell. Without this interplay the proteins end up in the wrong place, and this can lead to cells becoming disorganised."

He continues: "What's really interesting is that when we compared breast tissue from our experiments with tissues of patients with early forms of breast cancer, they looked very similar. The cells were upside down and disorganised so they couldn't carry out their functions. We hope that our work to better understand cell polarity could ultimately lead to better diagnosis for cancer patients."

Whilst Professor Streuli and Dr Akhtar only looked at epithelial cells within the breast, they are confident their findings will translate to other organs. The accuracy of their experiments was greatly increased through the use of special 3D cultures to grow the cells, where they form tiny organs that look remarkably similar to real breast tissue.

Dr Akhtar explains: "Growing the breast cells so that they can form 3D structures rather than on hard petri dishes means they develop in a way that is much more akin to how they grow in the body. We were one of the first groups in the UK to be using this technology and we've been really pleased with the results."

Dr Akhtar has been working on this research for five years. She says: "I've been touched by cancer in my own family so I'm really passionate about understanding this devastating disease better. Over 90% of cancers come from epithelial cells, which is why we chose to study them. It's fundamental to understand how healthy cells work properly in order to fully appreciate why they go wrong when cancer develops, and how best to combat the disease."

The next stage of the research will be to investigate the link between altered levels of integrin and cancer, to determine whether this causes the disorganised nature of cells seen in the early stages of the disease.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Manchester.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Nasreen Akhtar, Charles H. Streuli. An integrin?ILK?microtubule network orients cell polarity and lumen formation in glandular epithelium. Nature Cell Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ncb2646

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Egypt descending into political chaos |

CAIRO -- Supporters and opponents of Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi fought with rocks, firebombs and sticks outside the presidential palace in Cairo on Wednesday in large-scale clashes that marked the worst violence of a deepening crisis over the disputed constitution.

Egypt's Health Ministry said 126 people were wounded in the clashes that were still raging hours after nightfall.

Three of Morsi's aides resigned in protest of his handling of the crisis. With two aides who had quit earlier, now five of his panel of 17 advisers have left their jobs since the problems began.

Mohamed ElBaradei, a leading opposition advocate of reform and democracy, said Morsi's rule was "no different" from that of former President Hosni Mubarak, whose authoritarian regime was toppled in an uprising nearly two years ago.

"In fact, it is perhaps even worse," the Nobel Peace Laureate told a news conference after he accused the president's supporters of a "vicious and deliberate" attack on peaceful demonstrators.

The opposition is demanding Morsi rescind decrees giving him nearly unrestricted powers and shelve a disputed draft constitution that the president's Islamist allies passed hurriedly last week.

The dueling demonstrations and violence are part of a political crisis that has left the country divided into two camps: Islamists versus an opposition made up of youth groups, liberal parties and large sectors of the public. Both sides have dug in their heels, signaling a protracted standoff.

The latest clashes began when thousands of Islamist supporters of Morsi descended on the area around the palace where some 300 of his opponents were staging a sit-in. The Islamists, members of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group, chased the protesters away from their base outside the palace's main gate and tore down their tents.

The protesters scattered in side streets where they chanted anti-Morsi slogans. After a lull in fighting, hundreds of young Morsi opponents arrived at the scene and immediately began throwing firebombs at the president's backers, who responded with rocks.

"I voted for Morsi to get rid of Hosni Mubarak. I now regret it," Nadia el-Shafie yelled at the Brotherhood supporters from a side street. "God is greater than you. Don't think this power or authority will add anything to you. God made this revolution, not you," said the tearful el-Shafie as she was led away from the crowd of Islamists.

By nightfall, there were about 10,000 Islamists outside the palace. They set up metal barricades to keep traffic off a stretch of road that runs parallel to the palace in Cairo's upscale Heliopolis district. Some of them appeared to plan staging their own sit-in.

"May God protect Egypt and its president," read a banner hoisted on a truck that came with the Islamists. Atop, a man using a loudspeaker recited verses from the Quran.

"We came to support the president. We feel there is a legitimacy that someone is trying to rob," said engineer Rabi Mohammed, a Brotherhood supporter. "People are rejecting democratic principles using thuggery."

At least 100,000 opposition supporters rallied outside the palace on Tuesday and smaller protests were staged by the opposition elsewhere in Cairo and across much of Egypt. It was the latest of a series of mass protests against the president

Buoyed by the massive turnout on Tuesday, the mostly secular opposition held a series of meetings late Tuesday and Wednesday to decide on next steps in the standoff that began Nov. 22 with Morsi's decrees that placed him above oversight of any kind.

It escalated after the president's allies who dominated the constitution-writing assembly hurriedly pushed through the draft constitution without participation of representatives of liberals, minority Christians and women.

While calling for more mass rallies is the obvious course of action, activists said opposition leaders also were discussing whether to campaign for a "no" vote in a Dec. 15 constitutional referendum or to call for a boycott.

Brotherhood leaders have been calling on the opposition to enter a dialogue with the Islamist leader. But the opposition contends that a dialogue is pointless unless the president first rescinds his decrees and shelves the draft charter.

Vice President Mahmoud Mekki called for a dialogue between the president and the opposition to reach a "consensus" on the disputed articles of the constitution and put their agreement in a document that would be discussed by the next parliament. But he said the referendum must go ahead and that he was making his "initiative" in a personal capacity not on behalf of Morsi. He put the number of clauses in disputes at 15, out of a total of 234.

Speaking to reporters, ElBaradei said there would be no dialogue unless Morsi rescinded his decrees and shelved the constitution draft. Asked to comment on Mekki's offer, he said: "With all due respect, we don't deal with personal initiatives. If there is a genuine desire for dialogue, the offer must come from President Morsi."

The charter has been criticized for not protecting the rights of women and minority groups, and many journalists see it as restricting freedom of expression. Critics also say it empowers Islamic religious clerics by giving them a say over legislation, while some articles were seen as tailored to get rid of the Islamists' enemies.

If the referendum goes ahead as scheduled and the draft constitution is adopted, elections for parliament's lawmaking lower chamber will be held in February.


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Monday, December 3, 2012

Congo troops take back city of Goma

GOMA, Congo (AP) ? Congolese soldiers took back control of this strategic city of 1 million on Monday, though the rebels who occupied it for two weeks continued to stake out positions just 3 kilometers (1.6 miles) away, threatening to seize it anew if Congo fails to meet their demands.

Crowds cheered the soldiers as they arrived in Goma's main barracks in trucks, and women rushed forward to kiss the troops. Their return comes 13 days after the city fell to the rebels, who are widely believed to be backed by Rwanda.

In a worrying sign, however, the M23 rebels remained in tactical positions in the hills nearby, saying they were waiting for the government to respond to their grievances before deciding whether to try to retake the city.

The rebels claim to be fighting for the better implementation of a March 23, 2009, peace accord, which saw them integrated into the national army. Analysts say the real reason for the rebellion is Rwanda's desire to annex territory in the mineral-rich mountains at the border between the two countries.

After a nearly two-week occupation, the M23 rebels agreed to leave Goma over the weekend under intense international pressure, including fresh sanctions from the U.N. Security Council. Their withdrawal was conditional and their commanders initially they would retreat to 20 kilometers (12 miles) outside the city with the caveat that Congo's government must begin negotiations with them no later than 2 p.m. on Monday afternoon.

As the deadline expired, journalists saw a column of rebel fighters walking to elevated positions overlooking the city. Others were building a tent on a western hill. Some in groups of three took positions under trees along the road leading north from Goma.

"We gave Kinshasa a 48-hour deadline, and we are now waiting for these 48 hours to expire," rebel spokesman Col. Vianney Kazarama said by telephone as the deadline neared. "You should call Congo and ask them what they plan to do. They have not yet contacted us. And we are waiting to see what happens, before pronouncing ourselves."

Despite the rebels' retreat from Goma, which was a pre-requisite set by the Congolese government for negotiations, Congo's President Joseph Kabila has not yet made clear if the government will engage in talks. On Sunday, government spokesman Lambert Mende said the president would listen to M23's grievances and then give them an answer.

As the rebels' deadline neared Monday, Mende said he had nothing new to say on the matter. Later, in a government communique, Mende said Congo "congratulates itself on the departure of M23 from the city of Goma this weekend and is happy to confirm the enthusiasm with which the population of this town greeted (the security forces) who came to secure the city."

In recent weeks, the enormous, jungle-covered nation of Congo, whose capital is more than 1,000 miles away from this provincial eastern city, inched closer to war with its smaller, but more developed neighbor, Rwanda, which is accused of arming the M23 rebels, as well as sending soldiers across the border.

Congo's Interior Minister Richard Muyej, speaking to reporters in Goma, said that they are working hard to fill the power vacuum that was left by the rebels' departure. "We shall work very hard to re-establish the authority of the state as fast as possible," Muyej said.

Residents whose lives were upended two weeks ago when rebels invaded the town on Nov. 20 tried their best to go about their lives. Most shops had re-opened, despite uncertainty about the coming hours.

A woman selling secondhand clothes at the Virunga market said she had no choice but to work.

"We're not going to wait forever, are we?" said Anette Murkendiwa. "I need to feed my children."


Callimachi contributed to this report from Dakar, Senegal. Associated Press photographer Jerome Delay in Goma, Congo and Saleh Mwanamilongo in Kinshasa, Congo, also contributed to this report.


Jessica Ennis Oscar Pistorius Aliya Mustafina Kirk Urso London 2012 Javelin roger federer Olga Korbut ? The Astrology Blog ? Love / Hate Relationships

There are people who tend to love/hate the people they interact with. I also think there are people that others tend to love and hate and I am one of them. I would say at least 80% of my relationships take this form.

My friend, Ben put me on this 25 years ago when he told that the degree that people liked me was dependent on how comfortable they were in their own un-comfort zone (tag ? un-comfort). I didn?t know what he was talking about at first so I asked for clarification. He said I challenged people. He said I made people uncomfortable and while he liked this, not everyone did.

I was pretty disturbed by this at the time. I have Libra and I want to get along with people. I want to be congenial. I also have Capricorn, so I am sensitive to rejection and prone to feeling flawed anyway, so this was really upsetting at the time. It was like finding out I had this cloud of farts around me, at all time.

I also had to come to terms with the fact there was nothing I could do about it, because we?re talking about my energy here. We?re talking about my essence. I would essentially have to cut my head off to alter this. It?s something I exude.

Many years have passes since then. Writing this blog as exposed to me many people around the world and I have seen this pattern constellate, probably 1000 times. I?d be okay. I?d be wonderful, if only fill-in-the-blank.

?You?d be beautiful, if only you?d lose some weight?.

A person who says something like that is mad because you don?t fit their ideal. What do you want to bet there are women out there who have heard that over, and over and over and over in their life? I bet this is the case. People want to love a person, but something is wrong, so they dump a bucket of pus on them. What does this help, anyway? Does anyone derive a benefit? You?re already disappointed in the person and what does the pus do in this scenario?

Saturn in Scorpio, ya?ll.

On the upside, there are people who are not at all prone to feeling love/hate for a person.? My husband is like this.

?What do you think when you hear love/hate?? I asked.

?Fruit of the loom,? he responded.? He?s a Taurus, he keeps it simple.

Do you often have ambivalent feelings about others?? Where do you think they come from? Did one or both of your parents love, but hate you?


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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Almost half of dying patients placed on the controversial Liverpool ...

The new disclosures demonstrate just how routinely hospitals are placing patients on the pathway without informing them that steps which could hasten their death have been taken. The national audit found:

? In 44 per cent of cases when conscious patients were placed on the pathway, there was no record that the decision had been discussed with them.

? For 22 per cent of patients on the pathway, there was no evidence that comfort and safety had been maintained while medication was administered.

? One in three families of the dying never received a leaflet they should have been given to explain the process.

Critics of the pathway ? which can involve the withdrawal of drugs, fluids and food, and the administration of powerful pain relief ? say it is being used to hasten the deaths of the terminally-ill and elderly, in a form of ?back-door euthanasia?.

Other doctors, nurses and charities for the dying have come to the defence of the approach, which they say is intended to help ensure that people can die in dignity and comfort, instead of enduring invasive and painful treatment.

In recent months, there has been mounting concern over cases in which family members said they were not consulted or even told when food and fluids were withheld from their loved ones.

Earlier this month, Mr Hunt pledged to strengthen laws to protect patients, making it illegal to put anyone on the pathway ? which leads to death in an average of 29 hours ? without consulting them or their families.

It comes as the Government prepares to launch a new ?vision for nursing? this week which will attempt to instill compassion in the profession, amid deepening concerns about the quality of care being provided on hospital wards.

Last night Mr Hunt said the evidence would be examined as part of an independent review of the practice, which will report back to him in the New Year.

He told?The Sunday Telegraph: ?It is totally unacceptable for people to be put on the pathway without consent where they are able to give it ? that is why we are looking at what goes on in practice to make sure this doesn?t happen.?

Mr Hunt said he was concerned that families and patients were not being sufficiently informed, but suggested the approach to end-of-life care had been mischaracterised by some of its critics.

?We need to be much better at ensuring we are giving people dignity in their final few hours and the Liverpool Care Pathway has played a really important role in improving the standard of care in hospital, to hospice level,? he said.

Earlier this month, the Department of Health began a three-month consultation on changes to the NHS constitution, which would give patients and their families a legal right to be consulted on all decisions about end-of-life care.

The rights will mean patients and relatives could sue if the requirements are not met, and doctors could be struck off if they fail to consult properly.

In a hard-hitting speech last week Mr Hunt expressed concern about the culture of the NHS, warning that too many patients were forced to experience ?coldness, resentment, indifference? and ?even contempt?.

He warned that in the worst institutions a ?normalisation of cruelty? had been fostered.

The family of Arthur Oszek, 86, say they did not find out he had been put on the Liverpool Care Pathway last year until he was left begging for a drink, having been taken off his drip.

After almost a day of discussion with medical staff, treatment was resumed, but it was too late, and Mr Oszek died within 24 hours last August.

Ann Murdoch, Mr Oszek?s stepdaughter, said: ?We asked the doctors why he was taken off his drip and we were told he was on the Liverpool Care Pathway. We did not even know what it was.?

?There is no way that should have happened without asking us. We kicked up a fuss and demanded he be put back on his medication and eventually they agreed about 20 hours later.?

NHS Ayrshire and Arran said they could not comment on individual cases, but discussed their assessments with patients and families wherever possible. On other occasions, patients placed on the pathway because doctors judged that they were nearing the end of their life went on to recover.

Patricia Greenwood, 82, was put on the pathway in August, after being admitted to Blackpool Victoria Hospital with heart problems, and then suffering a fall.

Doctors told her family that they had taken her off feeding tubes because she was not expected to last more than a couple of days.

After her son, Terry, 57, defied the hospital?s orders and gave her sips of water through a straw, Mrs Greenwood, a former pub landlady, rallied, and doctors agreed to put her back on a drip.

She is now back at home and has made plans for a world cruise. The hospital trust said it had not received a complaint about her care.

A survey of 22,000 recently-bereaved Britons found relatives of those cared for in hospices rated the care far better than those whose loved ones spent their last months of life in hospital.

Less than half of families felt hospital nurses had always treated their relative with respect, compared with 80 per cent of those whose loved ones were treated in hospices.

One in six respondents said decisions were made about care which the patient would not have wanted.

Overall, health services in London were rated worst for quality of care, featuring most regularly in the bottom 20 per cent, as rated by the bereaved, while those in the South West scored most highly.


Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ?death pathways?.

Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.

But the Mail can reveal the practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube is being used on young patients as well as severely disabled newborn babies.

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories


One doctor has admitted starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in the neonatal unit of one hospital alone.

Writing in a leading medical journal, the physician revealed the process can take an average of ten days during which a? baby becomes ?smaller and shrunken?.

The LCP ? on which 130,000 elderly and terminally-ill adult patients die each year ? is now the subject of an independent inquiry ordered by ministers.

The investigation, which will include child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors? decisions.

Medical critics of the LCP insist it is impossible to say when a patient will die and as a result the LCP death becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They say it is a form of euthanasia, used to clear hospital beds and save the NHS money.

The use of end of life care methods on disabled newborn babies was revealed in the doctors? bible, the British Medical Journal.

Earlier this month, an un-named doctor wrote of the agony of watching the protracted deaths of babies. The doctor described one case of a baby born with ?a lengthy list of unexpected congenital anomalies?, whose parents agreed to put it on the pathway.

The doctor wrote: ?They wish for their child to die quickly once the feeding and fluids are stopped. They wish for pneumonia. They wish for no suffering. They wish for no visible changes to their precious baby.

?Their wishes, however, are not consistent with my experience. Survival is often much longer than most physicians think; reflecting on my previous patients, the median time from withdrawal of hydration to death was ten days.


The use of end of life care methods on disabled newborn babies was revealed in the doctors? bible, the British Medical Journal

?Parents and care teams are unprepared for the sometimes severe changes that they will witness in the child?s physical appearance as severe dehydration ensues.

Read more:?

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